Categories > Games > World of Warcraft > Tej'lie

Six [The Quake of Booty Bay]

by Keyboard 0 reviews

A mage has found herself stuck within the walls she had built around her. Until a priest steps into her life was when she started feeling again.

Category: World of Warcraft - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-08-14 - Updated: 2012-08-14 - 1670 words - Complete

The pair settled on their steeds and with a few neck breaking bounds they were air born, conversation was impossible as they flew over the thick canopy of Terokkar Forest. The smell of the damp wet forest drafted over her now and again, the strong currents the wings moved them farther toward the mountain range that separated the rich forest from the barren lands of Hellfire.

Going over the mountains proved a rough ride, Tej'lie felt the chill that swirled about the peaks she felt her own power flexing in its own way inside. Though it was different than before, more mature and controlled instead of the wild energies she had when she first found about them. They brought much comfort and peace of mind, she wanted nothing more than to be left alone for the most part. At least until some priest knocked at her door that faithful night, all of her reasons had vanished. She glanced toward Glesig who was tucking his cloak firmly around him against the cold before he leaned over to peer at something on the ground below.

She lowered her gaze to the dry orange hills of Hillfire Peninsula as the endless heat pounded against her. The land was an endless wake of nothing. No trees or grass, nothing to give it the hint of life. In the middle of all that endlessness was a few settlements of both fractions. She knew what was tucked away behind the half standing structures. She had fought along side many powerful allies in the hidden halls in this region.

In the distance she could see the massive structure and the green swirl of the portal itself. She had passed through it long ago to fight her way through demons and red flesh orcs to gain access to Shattrah City. Once she was taught the chant for the portal to that city she never went back to this place. She had been quick to forget how depressing this area was, and how it seemed to drain all life that it touched. Tej'lie was grateful when they finally landed on the massive staircase of the portal. The hum of the energy that powered the portal vibrated to her very bones, she frowned as the priest stepped beside her.

"This place gives me the creeps," Glesig whispered as they headed for the humming energy of the portal. The massiveness of it made all who peered upon it feel rather small in some way or another. It was a great feat of magic and construction, one that had brought much pain and destruction to the lands on either side of it.

The pair move through it to be folded and pressed into the equally stuffy region of the Blasted Lands. They were forced to go to their own fraction camps to gain a fresh mounts to head to Booty Bay. Tej'lie was not sorry to see the desert fade in the distance and enjoyed the constant wet breeze off the ocean. The gentle lapping of water against the piers, calmed her almost instantly. The reason for the uneasiness of the desert, was the lack of water for a frost mage, forcing her to rely on her own reserves. Here her powers were easily doubled with all the liquid and movement of the sea. She had grew up by a large body of water, it was like coming home every time she stood near the edge of the sea.

Tej'lie arrived first and was forced to wander about the town browsing the wares of the vendors. There was many things she had seen in countless other places, a few recipes for different dishes that caught her eye. Since she didn't do much fishing she felt they would go to waste. She was drawn to the clothing shops to see what others were creating and selling. In the mist of all this shopping she couldn't help but fell strange not knowing the mission or what she should be looking for to aid in Glesig's. So, she tried to keep her eyes and ears open just in case she heard anything interesting. Something deep and frightening rolled through the liquid, it pounded against her with such force she fell back several steps holding her head. Many druids let out a cry of alarm as other magic users glanced about in dismay.

Moments later, everything started to shake as if the very ground was rumbling with displeasure, she grabbed the nearest supporting beam in the large building she was in. Cries of distress and alarm soared through the city, items were dancing off tables and littering the floor. The quake ended only after a loud crash followed by a roll of dust that filtered through open doorways. People were screaming in pain and yelling for help, she pushed passed those who were still numb with fear from the shaking.

A building had collapsed in on itself, the town guards were digging at the rubble in search for any survivors. While others were gathering timbers and rope to keep the rest of the roof from falling on top of the operation. It was taking time to do, the voices of the people trapped were growing weaker with each passing moment.

Tej'lie cleared her mind, and stilled her fears, the noise of the outside world ebbed away as she built a strong current through her body. Her mind dipped below her feet to the restless ocean under the walkways, mentally she formed a small waterspout. The rotating fluid rose and wiggled its way to the teetering building. She stilled it with a freezing spell, the water solidified with a satisfying sound of crunching of ice. She swallowed hard and rebuilt the power within her to perform the task once again, a goblin stepped up and encouraged her like a three foot tall cheerleader. Others around scrambled to pull free the injured as she kept an eye on the melting pillars. The second crew worked to secure it until repairs could be made.

Finally, after what felt like a decade she was able to let the ice melt as it will. She fell back a few steps, her head throbbed and her fingers were icy cold. Strong arms surrounded her, she tensed instantly getting ready to shove the person away. "Be at ease," a familiar voice whispered in her ear.

Tej'lie forced herself to twist about just enough to see it was in fact Glesig, her body instantly relaxed against him, even in such mixed company. She would worry about that later, now she needed something to drink and take a power nap. "When did ya come?"

"While you were working on the second pillar," he whispered and eased her out of the crowd that was still milling about the collapsed building. "I would have announced myself sooner but I felt I would have been more of a hindrance in your state of concentration." He grabbed her hand and yelped at the temperature of it, he held it close and rubbed some heat into the three digits.

"Are you alright?"

"Did you feel dat?"

"No, I was still in transit. I saw a lot of movement and was quickly filled in when I landed."

"What is happening?" Tej'lie asked the very foundation of her safety had been rattled. He pulled her close and held her for a long while as she shivered against him. From all the ice she had created but mostly from the uncertainty that the quake had brought.

"I don't know," he answered. "We will figure it out and put an end to it and things will get back to normal."

She eased herself out of his embrace, she knew it wasn't a good idea to show affection so boldly even if they were in a neutral city wrapped in its present chaos. The wrong eyes might see and cause trouble for both of them. She twisted to see the end of the pier and found the boat coasting to dock. "Let's go," she whispered far to eager to leave the Eastern Kingdoms to the safety of her the home lands.

The ship was stalled from leaving due to some minor repairs needed, they found an empty cabin with two bunks. There was barely enough from for them both to stand face to face between the beds. It was made to be sleeping quarters nothing more, she stuffed her bag on the cot to the left and crawled on it. Glesig turned the small sign on the outside of the door to show that it was occupied.

Tej'lie busied herself with insuring all of her things were still present. Even with all the guards in Booty Bay, things have a habit of disappearing the second the owner was distracted. Happily, nothing seemed out of the place. She leaned against the overstuffed pack with a sigh watching Glesig trying to get comfortable on his bunk. This blue skinned male was indeed someone she had grown very fond of, when he wasn't around her she was thinking about him. After that whole night when she had told him about all her past shames, she had a strange connection with him.

Even he, being a priest, the very embodiment of all that was good and right, had struggled with demons of his own. It just proved she was not alone in the silent struggles of the soul, everyone was plagued with it. Her mind fast forward to after the quake, how he was there to catch her after expending all that energy. Always ready to sweep in without worry or concern who might see.

The more she learned of this draenei the more she saw the strength he carried so quietly. It was there and she leaned on it more than she properly should.

His gaze met hers and a smile spread across his lips. "What?"

"Just t'inking," she stated.

"About what?"

"Need a nap and a drink," she stated stretching her limbs before settling on her side.
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