Categories > Games > World of Warcraft > Tej'lie

Nine [Kalimdor's Unrest}

by Keyboard 0 reviews

A mage has found herself stuck within the walls she had built around her. Until a priest steps into her life was when she started feeling again.

Category: World of Warcraft - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2012-08-14 - Updated: 2012-08-14 - 914 words - Complete


A fire was crackling in the ring of stones, the troll poked at the blaze with a stick. Her mind kept drifting toward all they had encountered since their arrival in her homelands. She couldn't stop the deep unsettling fear that rolled through her, these lands were not suppose to be under attack. The hero's of the horde have left this place to secure it from outside troubles. It seems with the absence trouble found its way back into her beloved Kalimodor.

She needed more answers, while Glesig slept she slung on her travel pack before wandering toward the nearby town. Crossroads was chaos as everyone was busy with preparations of war, and tending to the wounded of the unforeseen attack by the other fraction. No one wanted to give her details beyond cursing the Alliance and spitting on the ground. Finally, she went into the inn and was able to grab the innkeepers attention long enough to buy some food. She gained nothing out of the conversation, she left. They were not safe in this region if the two fractions were warring so openly.

Tej'lie returned to their tiny camp, relieved that the priest still slept soundly tucked nearby a large tree. None of the Horde had bothered to look in the troll's tent, she dismounted glancing about for the dranaei's griffon. The large creature was on the hillside almost blending in with the pale rocks around it. She paced for a moment, her mind whirling about in crazy circles of what things they should do. Deep her gut she wanted to return to the safety of Shattrah.

"War," she whispered to herself, still unable to believe all she had heard. "Dat be all dey talk about. Da Alliance have made a move overwhelming the Horde…" She stopped talking when the skies went a bloody shade of red and stared at the oddity. She knew whatever trouble that had been brewing in these lands was about to come to pass.

A deep vibration rolled from deep in the ground until it shook the mage off her feet, she hit the back of her head hard on the rocky ground. She scrambled to her feet to aid Glesig, unlike the first one she had experienced this one did not stop, it grew stronger and more violent. Both were thrown into the air as the ground literally tore itself twine. Both griffon and wyvern took to the air frightened. Tej'lie wrapped a slow fall bubble around herself and desperately searched for the dranaei, she found him only to see him hit the ground hard near the newly torn earth. Her heart jumped into her throat when he didn't move. "Glesig, move. Show me dat ya be alive." The figure was shaken off the lip off the chasm, terror filled her as she screamed for the priest, tears cascading down her cheeks.

When she was at a safe distance, she let the bubble release and dropped the few feet to the ground. She peeled off the backpack and unrolled the carpet, a few quick words gave her full control of the limp rug. She stepped on and the material grew ridged and rose from the dirt. She mentally steered it into the heat of the chasm, she had to use her icing spells to keep the flying carpet from bursting into flames. She swept the steep wall for Glesig, her courage and will started to fade when she was unable to find the priest.

She was about to leave the heat when she saw a glimmer of movement, she made the carpet race toward that pocket. She let out a cry of joy to see the priest on a ledge barely safe from the fall into the river of lava. One movement from the ground would send him to his death. She quickly rolled him onto the carpet and eased the flying rug toward the top of the chasm.

Once she eased the carpet on the ground, she pressed a finger against the blue neck and cried a prayer of relief, the heartbeat was strong. Tej'lie wiped away fresh tears, dirt and soot from her face and tried to concentrate on the next step.

Tej'lie took inventory of the priest's wounds and frown, he had sustained a broken leg, and some busted ribs and a knock on the head. The arm that had been dangling over the side of the ledge was badly burnt from the heat of the lava. She snatched her travel pack from where she had left it and returned to her priests side. She didn't know much about the dranaei anatomy, she concluded it wasn't much different than the races of the horde.

She started with the open wounds, biting her bottom lip she used a small dagger to cut the beautiful robe she had crafted to gain access to the injuries. She wouldn't allow herself to think with her heart, if she did she would have become a sobbing mess. She relied on her field medical training and bandaged the gashes as quickly as possible. Setting the leg took many tries, she was tired and her hands kept slipping. She finally was able to sense the bone slip back into alignment. Tej'lie scrambled to find a splint and put it in place, the last thing she was able to do was ease the carpet off the ground and move them a few feet away from the edge of the chasm.
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