Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Haunted

Billy's Horrible Encounter

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews

billy has an encounter with something in the house.. what is it?

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Published: 2006-07-12 - Updated: 2006-07-13 - 1621 words - Complete

Ch. 2
Billy's Horrible Encounter

Hilary walked up to the school with Kelsey thinking, "I don't want to do this. I don't think I'm ready. Why can't Billy be the one to go?" She looked up. Her shoulder got grabbed, "Holy!" She spun around and came face to face with Billy

"Yo." He said smiling, "Ready for this afternoon?" He asked smiling

Hilary sighed and nodded, "I guess..." She looked behind him and saw two other boys. She knew them basically as the Madden Twins. Hilary smiled

Billy looked back and smiled, "Oh. This is Benji Madden and Joel Madden." He held out his hand

Benji was a little shorter than Joel. He had four lip piercing, one on the top right part of his lip and the others on the bottom lip. One in the middle and on both sides of that one. He had brown eyes that were really cute. His hair was a dark brown but right now he was wearing a bandana and a hat. He had a lot of different tattoos on his arms and some on his neck that disappear in his shirt. He is also the oldest of the twins.

Joel on the other hand, different from Benji. Joel had brown hair and really cute brown eyes and his smile a girl could die for. He had a few tattoos but not nearly as many as Benji. He was about two minutes younger than Benji.

Hilary smiled and waved a bit to the twins

Benji smiled, "Hey, you're Hilary. Sweet." He said laughing
Joel hit Benji in the ribs, "Benji stop flirting. Hi Hilary, I'm Joel."

Benji smiled, "And I'm Benji the better looking and smarter twin!" He said, "But seriously nice to finally meet you."

Hilary smiled again and nodded, "Yeah same. I really never got to meet you." She said hugging her books tighter.

Billy smiled, "Well sense the bell is about to ring lets get going!"

Kelsey shook her head, "Sense I'm not noticed, I'm Kelsey Johnson!" She said irritated

Billy blinked like he just saw her for the first time, "Sorry Kels!" He said rubbing the back of his head

Hilary started laughing, "Sorry Kels!" She put her arm through hers.

Kelsey was frowning then she smiled and locked her arm with Hilary's, "No big. So are you two ready for tonight?" She asked when they started walking

Billy nodded, "This is my fourth time so I'm ready to see how it goes." He said

Hilary shrugged, "I think it's sudden for me but I think I can do it." She said

Billy looked at her, " You can? With who?" He said laughing

"What? Oh god Billy, that's wrong!" Hilary laughed

Billy shrugged, "Sorry. But he told me he was hooking you up with me cause you might need a tour guide into doing that stuff." He nodded, "I would've done the taking care of thing by myself but he wanted you to figure out what it's like." He looked forward

Hilary nodded looking to the side, "Yeah." She said sighing

That afternoon

Billy walked up to Hilary at her locker, "Ready? Lets hurry up." He said

She grabbed her bag and looked at him, "Coming!" She put the bag over her shoulder, "Lets go!" She grabbed his arm walking

Billy jerked his arm away quickly, "Sorry but I hate really being touched anywhere." He said and started following her

She blinked, "But I heard you were Mr. Sexy who had hell bound fun and great parties!" She said

"That didn't make sense. Mr. Sexy who had hell bound fun and great parties? What the fuck?" He asked shaking his head slowly

Hilary blinked and whined, "That was mean!"

He laughed, "I'm so sorry!"

She shoved him to the side, "So where are we going?"

Billy took out the papers and looked at them, "Ok this way." He said and led her to the street to the house.

They stood there watching the house, Billy sighed, "What are we waiting for? It to do tricks?" He asked and started towards the oddly quiet house

Hilary stood there watching, waiting. She felt weird. She looked at Billy and watched as he pushed the doorbell and he waited and rang it again. She watched him till he started to open the door, "Billy!" She ran forward, "Wait for me!"

Billy stopped and looked back at her. He watched her run up and he looked inside, "Hello?" He looked around and walked in, "Anyone here?"

Hilary grabbed the door, "This house is creepy..." She said shaking

Billy looked back at her, "Been in more scary houses. Anyways, I don't see what could go wrong." He looked at the sliding doors and started towards them

Hilary looked up at the top of the steps. Something moved away from the railings, "Billy! I saw something!"

He looked back at her, "Calm down!" He said and reached for the doors

Hilary looked at Billy, "What's behind them doors Billy?" She asked shakily.

Billy dropped his hand and spun around facing Hilary, "Hilary! If you are..." He fell quiet looking past Hilary.

Hilary blinked, "Billy?"

Billy was looking over Hilary's shoulder at a mirror and there's someone in the mirror. Neither of them. But the person was standing right behind Billy. Billy stood up straight and he looked back over his shoulder.


Hilary tilted her head, "Billy?" She said

Billy spun around facing the doors then he spun back around looking at the mirror.

Nothing there...

His heart was pounding, "Who was that?" He asked himself

Hilary tapped Billy on the shoulder, "Billy?"

Billy looked at her his eyes quavering. He shook his head, "Sorry. Lets just..."

They heard moaning in the room behind Billy.

Billy looked back and opened the sliding doors, "Mr. Cornwell?" He asked seeing Mr. Cornwell lying on the floor holding the blankets tightly he was moving around harshly.

Billy ran up, "Calm down Mr. Cornwell!" He looked back at Hilary, "He is steaming. Go get some washcloths with ice in them quickly!"

Hilary nodded and ran over to the kitchen that was right down the hall. She opened the fridge and pulled out a bunch of ice and put it on the counter and grabbed towels instead of washcloths and filled them with ice and ran back to the room her and Billy quickly placing the ice under the man.

After a few minutes Mr. Cornwell stopped moving so harshly and was cooler.

Billy smiled and pulled the ice from the mans body. He sighed in relief, "That was creepy." Billy looked around, "You know what? I think we should do the old man a favor." He stood up and picked up some trash, "Lets clean the place up good as new while we are here huh?" He said looking down at Hilary

Hilary smiled and nodded

Billy nodded, "Ok! I'll go start upstairs and you down here k?" He started walking

Hilary stood up and started picking things up in the room

Billy started up the steps humming a song he heard on the radio that morning. He looked up singing, "19...19...1985..." He got to the top and looked at down the hall at a room, "I could start at the end of the hall and then work my way forward to the steps." He started walking. He slowed down to a stop hearing something in the ceiling. He looked up, "Stupid animals." He said and started walking. He got to the room and grabbed the door knob stopping hearing something getting dragged across the ceiling, "Is there an attic... And what's that noise?" He asked and looked at the door cause the noise was going towards that room. Slowly Billy opened the door and looked in. He looked up at the ceiling watching where it was going. He watched it go above the closet and the noise stopped. Billy slowly walked in leaving the door open. He started towards the closet. He looked around the room. It was full of trash.

He looked at the closet door. He grabbed it and slide the door over sense it was a slid able door. He looked up and saw a little attic door. He swallowed hard and crawled on the shelf in the closet. He stood up slowly and put his hands on the door and slowly pushed up. He pushed it to the side and put his hands up on the side and slowly pulled himself up. He sat on the edge and dug around in his pants pocket and fond a small flashlight. He turned it on and stood up and bent down and started walking through the cobwebs. He pushed them aside and went around a poll. He froze and went pale seeing a body lying there. He slowly started towards it and held his breath from the stink. He put his hand on the body and flipped it over. He stumbled back, "Holy shit!" He stood staring at the body of what was left of Liz. Billy backed up, "Hilary! Oh my fucking..." He spun around and came face to face with that woman. He fell back, "Who the hell!" He scooted back and hit Liz's body. Tears sprung to his eyes. The women started towards him gurgling. Reaching for him.

Billy got on his hands and knees and started towards the opening. He went head first out the hole. His foot got grabbed. His cloths ripped from her grip, "Let go! Hilary!" He fell from her grip and fell out of the closet, "Hilary! Call the cops! Hilary!" He took off down the hall and down the steps.

The closet door closed

/A/N: Hey guys plez review!!!!!!!!/
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