Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Haunted

Another Fright, Am I Next?

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews

Hilary goes to look at what freaked billy out.. to their surprise they find somebody... who is she??? Billy & Hilary get home and Billy gets another fright... is billy the next victim???? or is Hil...

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Published: 2006-07-14 - Updated: 2006-07-14 - 1555 words - Complete

Ch. 3
Another Fright, Am I Next?

Billy ran down the steps almost tripping himself. He ran to the kitchen looking around. Hilary wasn't there, he screamed, "Hilary! Oh my god! Where are you!"
Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He never cried so much ever.

Hilary ran into the house from the clothes lines, "Billy!" She ran down the hall to the kitchen. She grabbed his shoulders, "Billy what's the matter! Calm down!"

Billy jumped when she grabbed him and he pulled away and hit the table it going back. He looked at her and tried to talk but nothing came.

Hilary grabbed his hands, "Billy, calm down! What happened, just tell me." She said shaking him a little

Billy's mouth shook, he tired to get it out. Nothing. He fell back and sat in a chair and was completely pale. He sat there looking at the floor, his eyes wide.

Hilary bent down, "What happened?" She said calmly. She knew screaming at him or her sounding stressed out wouldn't help him at all. She held his hands tight, "What happened?" She started to think, "Everyone at school says it takes a lot to make Billy cry. But right here he is bawling like a three year old."

Billy slowly looked at her, "Liz..." he spoke softly

She blinked, "What about Liz... Billy?" She asked

More tears went to his eyes, "Liz's..." He looked away and looked back at her slowly, "Dead..."

Hilary's grip fell loose. She looked shocked and felt her heart sink, "Billy where?" She asked

Billy opened his mouth, "A... Att... Attic..." He said stuttering

Hilary stood up, "Show me..." She said

Billy looked at her like he couldn't believe she would say that, "No! No please no!" He said shaking horribly.

Hilary shook her head, "I'm going then." She said and started walking

Billy shook his head wildly

Hilary got to the steps and start up

Billy sat there looking around

Hilary got to the top of the steps and walked down the hall quietly. She got to the door and held the doorknob tightly. She swallowed, "Here I go." She said to herself. She opened the door and walked in. She looked around for an opening in the ceiling. She knew that the attic door was somewhere in that room cause she heard Billy's screaming come from that room. She looked at the closet and started towards it. She heard a knock at the door. She stopped, "What the?" She started towards it

"She's in the closet..."

Hilary spun around. She took a deep breath and smiled at Billy. He was standing in the doorway. She tilted her head, "So the door is in there. The attic door?" She asked and looked back

Billy started forward. He walked slowly but a little bold. He reached for the door but stopped, "Go away..."

Hilary blinked, "Who?" She asked him

Billy's hand was by the doors handle, "Go away. You wont scare me again..." He closed his eyes and reached for the door again

Hilary blinked, "Who are you talking to." She asked walking forward

Billy grabbed the handle his eyes still closed and he started to open the door. He opened his eyes and got the door open a bit. He stopped and he stood staring at the crack in the door. Billy swallowed and opened it more and then all the way.


He smiled and crawled in the closet. He looked at Hilary, "Up here..." He said

She blinked and nodded and walked up to the closet. She climbed in next to him.

Billy looked up and froze, "Gah..." He closed his eyes and looked around the closet

Hilary looked around, "Ok... You're creeping me out Billy."

Billy shook his head and took a deep breath and put his hands on the door and pushed on the trap door. He closed his eyes but nothing came. He smiled in relief and put his hands on the sides. Before he could pull himself up Liz's body fell on him and he screamed falling back against Hilary they both fell out of the closet and hit the floor. Liz's body laid on its back, seeming like it was watching them

Hilary grabbed Billy tightly and pulled him back, "Billy lets get out of here! Now!" She pulled him up and started pulling him towards the door.

Billy let her pull him but he watched Liz. He looked at the attic trap door and it was shutting by itself. Billy pulled, "She's up there!" He pointed

Hilary looked and the door wasn't moving, "Ok get out!" She shoved him out and ran out and slammed the door shut, "I don't know what that was but we need to call the cops! Now!" she started to shove him down the hall

Soon the cops got there and Hilary and Billy were sitting in the kitchen. Billy looked down he wasn't talking. He looked at Hilary, then at the floor again. He closed his eyes tears going down his cheeks.

Hilary hugged Billy around the shoulders and sighed and looked up at the Detective that walked up to them.

"Hello, I'm Detective Johnson. Now I need you to tell me everything you know about the bodies..." He said pulling out a notebook and pen.

Hilary blinked, "Bodies?" She said looking around, "Who was the other one?" She asked

Detective Johnson blinked, "Mr. Cornwell is. He died as well. But he was resent." He said baffled at her question

Hilary looked down, "How?" She asked herself out loud

"She killed Liz and Mr. Cornwell... That woman in the attic. She did it." Billy spoke softly

Hilary looked at him, "Billy?" She said holding his shoulders tighter

Billy looked at Hilary, "She was going to get you if you opened that closet. She wanted you dead to. You've spoken here." He said and stood up, "We both will die..." He stumbled back and collapsed to the floor and laid unconscious

"Billy!" Hilary stood up and bent beside him holding his head up, "Billy?"

Detective Johnson bent down and called back for an ambulance to come. Soon they ran in and put Billy on a stretcher slowly and stood up and walked him out of the house. Detective Johnson looked at Hilary and shook his head, "I don't know what it going on Ms, but we will find out." He stood up and walked out

Hilary watched him and hugged her knees, "Billy. Are you going to be ok?" Tear spread through her eyes

Hilary walked into her house that night. The cops dropped her off and she walked towards the steps.


"Ah!" Hilary screamed when someone grabbed her shoulders. She looked back and it was her sister Hannah

"Guess what!" He sister said eagerly

Hilary sighed and pushed her back a little, "Not know sis. I just got a spook today." She said and started up the steps

Hannah grabbed her arm not letting go, "Sis! I get to get tutored by Benji Friday night!" She screamed gladly

Hilary looked back at her, "Goodie for you! Now go away!" She started walking

Hannah watched her and nodded, "Ok, ok..." She walked off

Hilary walked into her room and looked at her closet, "I need to change but..." She shivered and walked up to her bed, "I'll sleep in this..." She closed her eyes and curled up in a ball

At Billy's

Billy sat in his bed looking through a photo album. He flipped the page and smiled. Pictures of him and Liz were everywhere in the photos. He looked at a picture of them at the pool and she was on his shoulders and another where they were on a swing set and she was on his lap and they were swinging. Billy looked up thinking, "We did go out once you remember Liz? But you got another and we broke." He covered his face crying and mumbling, "Come back Liz! Why!" He tossed himself on the pillows and lay there holding the pillow tightly. He looked at the mirror and saw something. He sat up and started towards the mirror. He got up to the mirror but he spun cause his radio turned on by itself. He backed up against the desk, "Don't you even dare!" He watched the radio.

The radio turned off

Billy walked forward to the mirror and touched it, "Why are you killing?" He looked around, "And am I next?" He backed away letting his hand slip from the radio, "No. You're just choosing any target that is open. Well I'm not!" He screamed at the radio, "Go away! I'm not your next target! Get away! Leave!"
The door got knocked on

Billy looked over. Silence filled the room.

"Billy? Are you ok hun?" His mom said through the door

Billy backed away from the door and sat on the bed in the corner watching the door hugging his knees.

"Billy?" Her voice changed. Annoyed like.

Billy grabbed the blanket and looked around, "Go away!" He thought

The gurgling sound came through the door

Tears went to Billy's eyes, "Just go away..." He thought watching the door

It fell quiet

Billy watched the door. Waiting.


Billy sighed deeply and looked down, "Thank God..."

/A/N: Hey guys plez review/
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