Categories > Anime/Manga > Tactics > the summer holiday of the beasts.

going on holiday

by keavaghmckenna 0 reviews

Stef and his tale of woe

Category: Tactics - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-09-04 - Updated: 2012-09-06 - 231 words - Complete

Stef had arrived home after recording the secret track from their new album to find Kiera in the arms of another man.
"Am I dreaming?"
"Stef it's not what it looks like."
Stef was mortified and a tear rolled down his cheek. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He ran upstairs and packed his bag. Kiera was trying to stop him by blocking the doorway.
"Please Stefan, please don't leave me. We can make it work. I promise."
Kiera was on her knees begging she closed her eyes and squeezed them tight to hope it might work as Stef was a big softy. But this time he had left her for good.

Stef sent a text to Dru and Ash reading
'Kiera's cheated on me, I think I need a massive piss up guys x'
Dru later replied
'Stef I'm not going to let you do that man, that's why I have booked us a 2 week holiday to IBIZA! x'

Dru,Stef & Ash packed up for a holiday which would that could never forget.
The plane journey was hours long and it felt to long because they were so excited.
"Man I hope there are some mega hot girls here.." Ash sqeauled.
Stef smiled a little but still had feelings for Kiera, he wasnt so sure on the holiday, incase he met someone he really liked and was hurt again.
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