Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

“I’m scared.” Raven admitted to us on the way there.

“We all are.” Gerard replied “We just don’t want to admit it, not even to ourselves. But don’t worry; we have five hundred people willing to help us.”

“I know but BLI won’t go down without a fight.” Raven said “Ray, I swear to god, if you die then I’ll bloody kill you.”

“… How does that even work?” He cried.

“Yeah, same to you Frank.” Penina said.

“I’m so confused.” Frank mumbled, biting his lip.

“It doesn’t take a lot to confuse you though, does it?” Penina teased.

We made it to BLI way too quickly for my liking. We stepped out of the car, checked our ray guns and then approached the building. On our way there, Frank stopped walking “What’s wrong?” Penina asked him.

“If we don’t make it out alive or at least one of us doesn’t,” Frank said, wrapping his arms around her “I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much.”

“Oh Frank, I love you too!” Penina cried, hugging him back and burying her face in his chest.

“Come here Raven!” Ray suddenly yelled, throwing his arms round Raven.

Raven giggled and hugged him back “I love you.”

Gerard hugged Lucy close and Mikey hugged Sam close. Me, Hozzie and Carl stood there awkwardly, tapping our foots on the ground “Well are you gonna tell me you love me as well?” Hozzie asked her brothers once they were done kissing their girlfriends.

They both laughed and hugged her before we all walked into the building. It was so scary to see five hundred of BLI’s citizens standing outside the headquarters. When I’d lived there (I still remembered every second of it even though it had been so long ago) I’d barely seen anybody. Although we’d been collecting up people’s names and details, I hadn’t truly believed five hundred people would show up. But here they all were.

“So now what?” Penina asked, biting her lip and starting to shake.

“Hey, don’t be scared.” Frank whispered, taking her hand “We’re gonna get through this. We have to for Levana and Ezra’s sake, okay?”

Penina nodded and stopped biting her lip, trying to look brave “Okay.”

“We’re going to kill all the draculoids, then Korse and then finally Haru.” Gerard informed us.

“Why Haru last? Why not Korse? I thought he was in charge here.”

“No. He’s evil but Haru is the one in charge.” Hozzie replied “Let’s go in then.” We all stepped towards it and Hozzie squeaked “Okay, I’m really scared.”

“Don’t be, we’re going to be fine. There’s over five hundred of us and about one hundred of them in there.” Gerard turned to the crowd and yelled “Now!”

It was insane, the amount of people that started running to the building with us at the front. You could probably hear us coming from the top floor. But by then it’d be too late to stop us. Ten draculoids appeared out of nowhere and started shooting at us but it was easy to shoot them down. A few people got hit but we couldn’t stop running.

The first floor was relatively easy to pass through. Gerard shouted at everyone to split up and meet back on the bottom floor when they believed everyone inside to be dead. Then we’d burn down the building just to be sure. Me, Hozzie, Raven, Penina, Sam, Lucy, Carl, Gerard, Ray, Mikey and Frank ran straight to the top floor together. We were a team and nothing would split us up.

When we got to the top floor there was an army of about thirty draculoids with Korse leading them and Haru standing at the back “Keep shooting!” Gerard yelled, shooting at the draculoids randomly. Whenever we tried to hit Korse, a draculoid would leap in the way just before it got him.

I dodged as the draculoids shot at me, shooting back at them but working round them. This is going to sound sick but I wanted to be the one to kill Haru. It was personal between me and her. She’d tried to force me to become someone I’m not, tortured my friends, killed my best friends Dad… I was going to murder her.

“Crayon, get back!” Mikey cried.

I dodged out of the way as Haru shot at me. Luckily she missed “I’m fine!” I yelled back.

“You won’t be for much longer.” Haru said, walking over to me.

“It’s on bitch!” I shrieked, aiming my gun at her and pulling the trigger. A draculoid dived in front of her and took the shot. I groaned.

“Crayon is a stupid name.”

“Victoria is a boring name.”

“Why don’t you just give up?” Haru hissed with an evil smile “You’re never going to win.”

“Fuck you!” I yelled, getting closer and aiming at her face. I pulled the trigger. Haru winked at me before the shot hit her in between her eyes and sent her crashing to the floor.

“I did it!” I cheered.

“No, Crayon!” Penina cried.

I turned around to look at her, just in time to see Korse aim his gun at me and pull the trigger.
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