Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

“They were right there, I swear they were.” Gerard said in disbelief, looking out into the distance “There were swarms of them all over the place!”

“So you dragged us down here for nothing?” Molly asked, looking disappointed that BLI were nowhere to be seen.

“Honestly, they were everywhere!” I cried, pointing to where we’d seen them “I didn’t think they’d just go home.”

“I don’t think they did just go home…” Doctor DD muttered “They wouldn’t, they’ve been away training for five years, they wouldn’t show up today unless they were prepared…”

“Oh I’ve got a text off Ben. Him and Jack want to know where we are.” I said, checking my phone “I’m gonna ask them to bring Hozzie, Raven and the kids back as well. This is really creepy.”

“I just don’t get it.” Gerard whispered, shaking his head in disbelief “Wait a minute, what’s that?”

Lucy walked over and looked at where Gerard was pointing “I can’t see anything Gee.”

“Crayon, you come and look.”

I went over to the window and stared “I can’t see anything either. It was probably nothing, don’t get so worried about it.”

“BLI show up out of the blue and then suddenly disappear and you want me to not get worried?”

“Maybe our security was better than they planned for?” Natalia asked “And they couldn’t get through so they went back to find a way to get through.”

Ben and Jack came in “Hey Crayon.” Ben smiled, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek “We went to the park to get the others but they weren’t there.”

“What do you mean they weren’t there?” Ray cried “Where else would they be?”

“Well we thought they’d left and came back here.” Jack muttered, running his fingers through his hair “I guess we’d better go look for them.”

We all left the building and split up across the city. I went by myself and was walking along the city walls when I bumped into Jennifer “Hey,” I said, causing her to look up at me “Have you seen Raven, Hozzie and the kids?” She shook her head “Oh great. Why’d you run off by the way?”

“Seeing you guys together really reminds me of Danielle.” Jennifer bit her lip.

“Who’s Danielle?”

“My little sister.” Jennifer ran her fingers through her hair and then stood up straight “So Hozzie, Raven and the kids are missing?”

“Yeah, they said they were going to the park but Jack and Ben went there and they weren’t there.”

“Who are Jack and Ben?”

“Oh Ben’s my boyfriend and Jack’s Hozzie’s boyfriend.” I told her “They didn’t come with us earlier because they were helping protect the city. Anyway, could you try and help us find them?”

“Of course.”

We split up and started searching. I started to feel quite guilty. When I’d bumped into Jennifer it looked like she’d been crying. She must miss her little sister so much.

An hour later we still hadn’t found Hozzie, Raven and the kids and everyone was getting really worried “I think it was BLI.” Ray said.

“But they’re not here anymore.”

“Exactly! It’s pretty suspicious how the moment they disappear, so do the others.”

“I agree with Ray.” Penina muttered “But where are we supposed to look? They could be anywhere.” The moment she said that, she burst into tears. Frank pulled her close and kissed the top of her head “They’ve got my babies! What are we gonna do?”

“Daddy!” A familiar voice suddenly shrieked “Daddy!” The door opened and Levana ran into the room, her long chestnut brown hair flying out behind her.

Frank let go of Penina and lifted up Levana “What happened?” Penina asked her “Levana, what happened to the others?”

Levana was sobbing too much to get any words out though and Penina sighed before hugging her husband and daughter “We’ll wait until she’s calmed down to ask her again.” Gerard said, hugging Lucy “Jesus Christ, this is freaky.”

Levana still hadn’t calmed down when the sun had gone down. The rest of us wanted to wait up until she was okay again but Penina said firmly “No, it’s past her bedtime. We’ll take her home and then bring her back here in the morning. She’ll probably be feeling better by then.”

“But Penina-“

“No, I’m sorry.” Penina replied, kissing Levana’s forehead “Let’s go Frank.” Frank put his arm round her and they left.

“This is awful.” Sam whispered.

“Well how do you think I feel?” Ray sobbed, wiping away one of his tears “My entire family has gone missing!”

“Don’t worry Ray, we’ll find them.” I replied, putting one hand on his shoulder “I promise.”
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