Categories > Cartoons > Kim Possible > FLAG Team Possible

Chapter 3

by ArsaoTome 0 reviews

Ron gets serious.

Category: Kim Possible - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Romance - Characters: Kim,Monique,Ron - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-09-19 - Updated: 2012-09-19 - 1158 words

Ron had pulled up to a diner/ burger joint in his Challenger and was about to walk in when Kim, Tara and Monique pulled up. The diner had an asterisk with the words 'RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS' surrounding it on top of it. "This must be the place," he said.


Once they walked in to the diner they saw everything dealing with the 'Peppers'. "Wow, like the Chili Peppers much?" Said Kim, Chili Pepper songs were blaring through out the diner and people were enjoying the songs.


"YEAH, COOL PLACE BY THE WAY!” The server smiled, “THIS ORDER'S TO GO!" Yelled Ron, he gave their orders and then one of his favorite songs started and he got into it. Kim looked over and saw her future husband in ecstasy.

"Ron?" She said and Monique stopped her.

"GF let him enjoy this." She said.

Aeroplane-Red Hot Chili Peppers

"Aw man," he said. "I love that song," just then the owner came over. He was a tall black man with bleached blonde dreads and dressed in a 'Chili Peppers' T-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

"So you like the 'Peppers' too huh?" He said, he was given the order and he handed it to them.

"Oh yeah, they rock." He said with a smile as he took the bag and was about to take off when his phone rang. "Yeah?" He got serious, "what? When? I'm on the way." He handed the bag to Kim and took off. "Got to go."

"Ron wait!" She said, he took off and headed for his car.

"What's wrong?" Then his car peeled off and head down the road. Just then her Kimmunicator went off, "go Wade."

(Where's Ron?)

"He just took off, why?" they were headed for the cars.

(Some kind of super soldier is challenging him to come and get her.)

"We're coming back to base, something's wrong."

(Alright, see you get here.)


Ron was zooming down to the docks in Lowerton. He parked his car and got out, he went the trunk and opened it up. Inside were a pair of pearl handle, golden plated glocks with clips, a bullet poof vest, a couple of bowie knives and a jacket. He got suited up and ready to fight.


Meanwhile, Kim and the girls had showed up at base, they got out and went in. "Wade. What's going on?" Asked Kim, Wade was on the computer trying to find out who Ron was talking to.

"I got the recordings of his conversation." Said Wade so he played it for them.

(Yeah?) said Ron.

(Major, we've got problems. She's on the loose and she took 'Formula X'.) said a female voice.

(What? When?)

“Who?” Said Kim.

(Just last week, she's in your area. Lowerton, I think.)

(I'm on the way!)

"That's all there is," said Wade. Kim was in thought, what the hell was Ron up to?

"Sounds like he's in some kind military." Said Mon.

"Yeah," said Tara. "That's what I thought."

"We have to find him!" Said Kim. “Wade, see if you can find out about this 'Formula X'. I want to know what it does, once you get answers make sure Dr. Director gets them.”

“Right Kim,” he said. “Be careful guys.” The girls nodded and took off.


Meanwhile Ron was in a huge fire fight, "dammit! Ugh!" he said. He fired back, killing solders. He reloaded and rushed out, firing at them. He went inside and started to go in one of the buildings.


Meanwhile Kim, Tara and Monique had showed up. They followed the Challenger's GPS to Lowerton and started to get out when they were fired up on. "MONIQUE! TARA! WE NEED TO STAY IN THE CARS AND SEE IF WE CAN FIND RON!" Said Kim.

(RIGHT!) They said and they drove around into the warehouses. Then Wade came on the screen.

(Kim! The cars are armed, the triggers are on the steering wheel!) He said.

"Thanks Wade!" She said and started to fire on the bad guys.


Meanwhile Ron had set up charges into the warehouse and that was when he was attacked. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. "Well, hello Tia." He said, "it's been a long time." She was dressed in a T-shirt, cargo pants and boots.

"Not long enough Stoppable!" She said with an Russian accent as she started to fire on him. Ron ducked and dodged her shots. Then he fired back at her, "that victory was mine Stoppable!"

"You were too slow," he said. "That's why, I had beaten you." He had her and fired the bullet hit her in the back, going through her lung. She was dying, he walked over to her and kicked her gun out of her hand. "It's over Tia!"

"I…guess …it is." She said gasping for breath, "we could've been good together." With that she died. He closed her eyes and started to leave, as he left, he grabbed his phone.

"Yeah, it's me. Its done, I'm going home." He hung up and headed for his car. Then he blew up the warehouse. By that time Kim and the others had showed up. "What are you doing here?" All three of them grabbed him in a hug.

"We wanted to help Baby boy." Said Monique.

"Alright, let's head on back." So they do.


After they got back to headquarters, they got out and sat down to lunch. “So what's going on?” Said Kim.

“I went to boot camp during Junior year,” said Ron. “You know me, never wanting to be normal.” They nodded, “so after my stint I was approached by Dr. Director and 'him'.”

“Him?” Said Monique.

“The biggest spook of them all; Nicholas J. Fury.”

“Whoa, you were approached by S.H.I.E.L.D?” Said Wade, “you didn't tell me that!”

“It was supposed to be hush hush.” He said, “so he offered me a position and I had accepted. That was one of my first solo missions.”

“So why are you working for Global Justice?” Said Kim.

“I feel like I owe you.”

“You don't owe me anything, but your love.” She said as she hugged him and kissed him.

“You two still in ?” He asked Monique and Tara, “I'll understand...” Monique placed a finger on his lips.

“You're not getting rid of us that easily Baby boy.” Said Monique.

“We're with you for the long haul.” Said Tara, Ron smiled and went over to his desk and pulled out three watches.

“Well might as well make you official members then huh?” He said and gave them the watches. “This ones for the Daytona.” Hands it to Monique, “this ones for the Hummer.” Hands it to Tara, “and this is for the CTS.” Kim took the watch and kissed Ron. “Welcome to the Foundation for Law And Government.”

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