Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

Everyone continued eating until Natalia said “Me and Carl have decided that actually we’d like to stay here.”

“What?” I cried “Why in the world would you want to do that?”

“We’ve spent our whole lives in fear of what BLI will do to us. And here we’re safe from all of that.” Carl said “We know we became killjoys but that was only to escape the cruelty of BLI. And now we’re away from it all. That’s where we’d like to stay.”

“But it’s awful here!” Shayla cried “Gerard Jr will hate it here!”

“He might but he’ll be safe. And that’s more important to me than anything.” Natalia sighed “I hope you respect our decision.”

“Of course we respect it.” Gerard said softly “But we’ll miss you. We’ve been through a lot together.”

“I know and it’s been a pleasure.” Natalia put down her plate “I’m sorry. Goodbye guys!” She picked up Gerard Jr and then left with Carl following them.

“So long as they’re happy.” Penina muttered, looking down at the floor.

Frank kissed her cheek “And we’ll be happy soon enough. Don’t worry about it.”

“I can’t wait to get out of this city.” Raven groaned “It does crazy things to decent people.”

A week later we were all sick to death of this depressing city “It’s time we asked to move out.” I told Raven, Penina, Sam and Hozzie “We’ve only lived here a week and already this place is depressing the hell out of me.”

“Agreed.” Hozzie replied “How do we move though? Do we just leave or do we go and tell the mayor that we’re leaving?”

“I think we need to tell the mayor.” Penina said “What if he says we’re not allowed to leave?”

“Then I’ll kick him in the face!” Raven cried “I’m not staying in this town a day longer! Come on, let’s all go and tell him we’re leaving!”

“Alright, go and get the others. I’ll get Ben, Gerard and Lucy while you guys get the others then we’ll go and tell him. Meet back here, okay?” Everyone nodded and we ran off to get everyone.

When I got back to my house Ben was sitting on the sofa staring into space “Hey Ben, come on, we’re going to ask to move out of the city.” He continued to stare into space and didn’t respond “What’s wrong?”

“Crayon… Don’t get mad at me or anything but I’m not leaving.”

“What do you mean you’re not leaving? We all agreed the other day that we would…”

He looked at me “I know. But I’ve been thinking about it. And it’d be sensible to stay here.”

“But I really want to leave.”

“That’s just it Crayon.” Ben stood up “I’m staying here and you’re going.”

“Ben, I can’t just leave you here.”

“Yes you can! It’s very simple.”

“… Are you breaking up with me here or?”

“Yes I am. And you know why.” He looked me in the eyes “Because it’s him, isn’t it? You never loved me, you loved him all along. Don’t even try to deny it Crayon; I see it in your eyes every time you look at him.”

I flushed bright red. I didn’t have to ask who he meant because it was true. I did love him “But the baby…” I whispered.

“I’m sure you’ll do a great job raising the baby.” Ben said with a sigh “Honestly though, I can’t raise a baby with someone who doesn’t love me back.” Ben smiled at me weakly “I hope you have a great time out there. But I won’t be coming with you. I’m sorry.”

I sighed and waved at him before leaving. This was so embarrassing. If Ben knew the truth then who else knew the truth but weren’t telling me? What if he knew?

Feeling embarrassed and guilty, I made my way over to Gerard and Lucy’s house “Hey guys, we’re going to ask if we can leave now.” I said.

“I only just got Rosie to sleep!” Lucy moaned.

“Don’t worry, you pack everything up here and I’ll go and talk to the mayor.” Gerard kissed Lucy and then followed me towards the place where I’d agreed to meet the others.

Hozzie was there with Mikey and Sam who was holding Alicia “Where’s Jack?” I asked her.

Hozzie ignored the question and asked Gerard “Why didn’t Lucy come?”

“Someone had to stay home and look after Rosie because she’d only just fallen asleep.” Gerard replied with a yawn “So where is Jack?”

“H-He wants to stay here.” Hozzie muttered “He said it would be sensible so I told him to go fuck himself.”

“Oh I’m sorry.” Gerard said.

“I know how you feel. The same thing just happened with me and Ben.” I groaned “But whatever.”

“Hey look, there’s Raven with Ray, Doctor DD, Molly and Shayla!” Mikey smiled.

“So we’re finally asking to leave?” Doctor DD grinned, picking up Shayla “It took us long enough.”

“We didn’t want to seem ungrateful by leaving on our first day.” I said “I think we should say that this town is amazing but it’s not for us and that we’d like to move somewhere else. Does that sound rude?”

Molly shook her head “We’ll just say that, that sounds fine.”

Penina showed up with Frank, Jennifer, Danielle and Stella. Frank was holding Levana and Ezra and Penina was holding Miles “I don’t think he really said his first word at that school, I think they were making stuff up.” Penina said “He hasn’t said a word all week. When Levana and Ezra had their first words, they wouldn’t stop saying them. God this town is full of shit.”

“Look, let’s just go and ask to leave now.” Frank sighed and all of us walked over to the building we had been taken to on our first day.

We walked through the beautiful building “Sick as this town may be, this place really is beautiful.” Raven grinned, looking out the window one last time before we made it to the office.

Gerard knocked three times on the door and the mayor croaked for us to come inside “Umm hello.” Gerard said timidly as we went inside “We were just wondering if we could move out of this city? It’s lovely here but we feel we’d fit in better somewhere else.”

The mayor paused and looked at us for a long moment before saying “You have five minutes to leave the city before you are all executed.”

[A/N] - Heyy I felt like I had way too many main characters so I tried to get rid of some... So yeah :)
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