Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

[A/N] - Forth update today! ... I really need a social life... This will be my last update tonight but I will update again in the morning before school if I wake up on time :3

“Executed? What are you talking about?” I asked him, my eyes widening.

“Tick tock, tick tock…” The mayor replied with a wicked grin, pointing at the clock.

We all ran out of the building and towards our homes. I packed all my stuff in two minutes and threw it into the boot of the Trans-Am “Where’s Penina and Frank?” I asked.

“They have the most kids; they have the most to pack!” Gerard cried “They’d better hurry up though!”

“Sorry we’re late!” Penina yelled, running towards us. She had the kids and Frank had all the suitcases “Frank, hurry up!”

“I’m going as fast as I can!” Frank replied, almost out of breath as he shoved everything into the boot before leaping in the back of the Trans-Am with the rest of us “Drive goddamnit, drive!”

Gerard slammed his foot down and drove through the gates as fast as he could “Holy shit, what was their problem?”

“I don’t know… Wait, where’s Kat?” I cried.

“Umm yeah we meant to tell you.” Penina whispered, biting her lip “Kat wants to stay here. She’s too terrified to carry on like this.”

“B-But Kat’s my best friend.” I whispered, my eyes filling with tears “How could she want to stay there?”

“Because of BLI. They scared her so much that she just wants to get away from it all. I’m sorry Crayon.” Raven replied, giving me a quick hug.

“I hate BLI so much.” I hissed “Just wait until I get my hands on them.”

“You’re not going to get your hands on them.” Gerard told me sternly “We’re not going back there. We’re parents now Crayon. We’re not the young killjoys that we once were.”

“But we’re not even old!” I cried “I want us to be killjoys again! The kids want to be killjoys!”

“Yes, I’d be a great killjoy!” Draven yelled “Let’s all be killjoys!”

“Don’t start putting ideas in their heads Crayon.” Lucy said.

“No, I think we should be killjoys too.” Penina told us “We shouldn’t back down so quickly.”

“What if you get hurt though?” Frank asked her “What if Levana, Ezra or Miles gets hurt? Then what am I supposed to do?”

“Be happy that we at least tried?” Penina replied “Be happy that we didn’t just give up like BLI wanted us to? Since when were we BLI’s bitches anyway?”

“I agree with Penina and Crayon.” Raven announced “We can’t just drive round the desert looking for a town that’ll suit us. We had a town that would suit us, a town that we built together. Five years of hard work and you guys are just going to let BLI take that away?”

“This is ridiculous!” Gerard snapped.

“It’s not ridiculous.” Doctor DD said “All I ever wanted to do was be on the radio and they took that away from me. But I carried on doing that anyway. Never regretted a second of it. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to the diner. I’ve missed several traffic reports and what not for other killjoys so-“

“Wait!” I said “There are other killjoys?”

“Of course there are! Hundreds of them I reckon. We just don’t see them. They like causing trouble for BLI and then disappearing. They haven’t had much to do for the past five years so I guess they’ll be pretty happy to hear my latest broadcast.”

“But we could ask them for help?” I suggested “We could, couldn’t we?”

Raven shook her head “I wanna help BLI as much as you do but other killjoys aren’t like us.”

“What do you mean?”

“Half of them are crazy from the sun and will kill anyone that they see straightaway.” Raven explained to me “And the others aren’t looking to form alliances with anyone. If you invited them over to the diner or something they’d steal everything you have and then runaway. I used to be part of a team like that and they betrayed me. We were in the desert and BLI attacked and they drove off without me. I would’ve died if it hadn’t been for these guys.”

“I kept meaning to ask how you guys all became killjoys. I mean, you all know my story but I don’t know yours. Come on, tell me!” I grinned.

“Mine’s pretty boring.” Penina laughed “Basically, I thought BLI were boring because I used to live there briefly and then I saw the Trans-Am. I knew they often came into the city and then left almost immediately so I climbed into the boot of the car in hopes to escape. But when they got to the diner, they wanted to take some power pup out and spotted me. They thought I was a spy or something and nearly killed me! It took forever to convince them I was okay!” Penina giggled.

“My Mom was killed in front of me.” Lucy told us all “And my Mom’s boyfriend was taken to BLI to become a drac so I ran away. The guys found me almost dead at the side of the road and were really nice to me so I became really good friends with them. They were going to take me back to my home town to an orphanage or something but then asked me to join them. I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without them anymore so I decided to stay.”

“That’s so sad!” I cried “What about your real Dad?”

“I don’t talk about him much.” Lucy whispered, biting her lip.

“Anyway, my turn!” Sam said “I was looking for a place to stay and I found this killjoy who agreed to help me. We were great friends for ages until one day he just suddenly didn’t trust me anymore. He wouldn’t trust me with anything and thought I was always lying so one day in the desert I asked him what his problem was. He beat me up and left me to die. And I would’ve died if Mikey hadn’t found me and brought me to safety.” Sam smiled and kissed Mikey’s cheek.

“What about you Molly?” I asked “How did you get with Doctor DD and stuff?”

“I used to live in BLI but one day a killjoy car pulled up outside. I happened to be standing near the wall and the killjoys had the radio on. I heard one of Doctor DD’s broadcasts and thought that the life of a killjoy sounded pretty good so I ran away. Anyway, I didn’t make it far before I passed out from dehydration and Doctor DD was out in the zones looking for news to report on. He ended up finding me, took me back to the diner and looked after me.”

“How come we never saw you at the diner?” Penina asked her “I never noticed you were there. You must’ve been there quite a while though.”

“I was. At the time, I was extremely shy. So I stayed in Doctor DD’s room and whenever I heard you guys coming, I’d run outside and hide from you all. It sounds silly now really.”

“Aww Mommy was scared.” Shayla giggled “I’m confused, are we going to be killjoys then or not?”
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