Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

[A/N] – I think I put Crayon in the wrong story… I don’t think this character like suits Crayon’s personality. Oh well…

“Well we’ll have a vote.” I decided. Gerard glared at me in the mirror “Don’t give me that look. As president, I can do what I like.”

“You were president of our unnamed town! Not of this car. In fact when we were all the killjoys, I was the leader.”

“That rule only applies if we’re killjoys.” Penina giggled then said “Come on Gerard, say we’re killjoys again. It’ll be fun!”

“What’s so fun about running around getting ourselves killed?” Gerard asked before sighing and saying “Okay, fine, we’re killjoys. But we follow my rules now, okay?” We all agreed “Fine then. Looks like we’re heading back to the diner. That will take us another day.” We all groaned “Well you’re the ones who wanted to be killjoys. If you want to be killjoys then put up with the long journey.”

“Hey Jennifer and Danielle, do you wanna share my room now?” I asked “Kat used to sleep in my room with me but now she’s gone and after everything that’s happened, I don’t wanna be alone.”

“I’d like that.” Jennifer smiled.

“Can I go in there too?” Hozzie asked “It’d be awkward sharing with Lucy and Gerard now since they have a kid and everything.”

“Of course! The more the merrier!” I grinned.

“What’s the diner like?” Draven asked, looking up at his Dad.

“It’s where you were born. It’s basically just a diner only with more rooms.” Ray told him “You’ll see when we get there. I liked living there anyway. And I liked being a killjoy. But I swear to god Raven if you get hurt then I’ll kill you.”

“So if I get hurt you’ll just… Kill me?” Raven thought about that “Hmm seems fair enough.”

“No, don’t get hurt Mommy!” Draven shrieked, wrapping his arms tightly round her neck.

Raven laughed “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.”

“I’m confused, now that we’re killjoys, what are we going to do?” Molly asked “I mean, are you guys going to try and take down BLI again? Or are we becoming those killjoys who just like to make life difficult for BLI?”

“I don’t see why we can’t do both.” Mikey smirked “Personally, I’d like to hunt down that killjoy that beat up Sam and murder him.”

“Okay, I think that’s going a bit far.” Lucy said, her eyes widening “Anyway, I think we should try to take down BLI again. We just need a better weapon since apparently ray guns will not kill you off forever. Not if you have a reason to come back.”

“A normal gun would do the trick but we don’t have any of those.” Ray muttered.

“I think I could take a look at the guns to see if there was something I could do.” Doctor DD pulled his out of his belt thoughtfully “There’s gotta be something we can do to them.”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders “For a while we shouldn’t think about BLI though. We spent most of our time as killjoys stressing over BLI. And the past week has just been so awful. We need some time off. I think until me and Hozzie have had the babies at least.”

“I can’t believe Jack and Ben just ditched their pregnant girlfriends.” Penina hissed “I’d be so pissed off if Frank left me with Levana, Ezra and Miles.”

“Never gonna happen, I’m here forever.” Frank grinned, kissing Penina.

“Maybe they were deeply in love with each other and couldn’t admit it to us?” Sam giggled.

Did I dare tell them the truth about Ben? About how he found out I had feelings for someone else? I’d been pretty good at hiding my feelings for this guy away from everyone… Except for Ben apparently. No one else seemed to know so I was safe. All I had to do now was figure out a way to tell him. And his girlfriend.

When it was so late that none of us could stay awake we all got out of the car and camped out in the desert “Crayon, I miss Mom and Dad.” Stella whispered as she put her sleeping bag down next to mine “I’ve been thinking. What if I went back and begged them to forgive me? I was faithful to them when I lived there.”

“Except for the fact that you took part in the uprising.” I replied “They’d kill you Stella and you know that. Mom and Dad will be fine, just forget about them, it’s not like they cared about us anyway. We’ve got each other now, that’s all that matters.”

Stella sighed and settled down under her sleeping bag “I don’t wanna sound rude Crayon,” She mumbled “But they did care about me. Just not about you. Because you took away they place they loved. I know Mom and Dad would stand up for me if I went back. And I’m not like you. I can’t take care of myself. I still need my parents to look after me. I’m not as strong as you are.”

“You can be strong.” I said “I was your age when I joined the killjoys. It’s better than being stuck behind those dreadful walls.”

“Well I disagree.” Stella closed her eyes but carried on talking “All this running around, travelling, all the arguments and drama and fuss in this small group. Is it really worth it Crayon? We’ve nearly been killed several times in such a small space of time. I was way safer at BLI.”

“Yeah, so safe that they kidnapped you.”

“Only when you took over. I’m only telling you what I think. I thought that was the point of this group. To believe what you want and have no one criticise you.”

I thought about it. She was completely right. What was I turning this group into?
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