Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

[A/N] – Wow! Things have been getting crazy and violent in the past few chapters. Didn’t this story used to be funny? I’m gonna try and calm things down in the new few chapters because wow. Anyway, sorry for the late update but I’ve been busy. And since I have a really busy weekend, I won’t be updating after tomorrow until Monday. I’m sorry!

“Lucy told me not to talk to you.” I told him nervously as we left the diner and sat outside.

“I know she did. Which is why I had to talk to you.” He replied, running his fingers through his hair “I’ve been thinking. What if we just ran away together?”

“Where would we run Gerard?” I asked him “And besides, we can’t leave. We have the others. I can understand if you wanna leave Lucy but do you really want to leave Rosie, Mikey and Hozzie? They’re your family!”

“They could come with us.” Gerard said wildly “It could really work Crayon.”

“No it couldn’t. We’re not leaving our friends here alone with these random killjoys. Things are falling apart enough as it is. We can’t just run away from this mess Gerard. We need to stay here and figure it all out. You and Lucy obviously weren’t meant for each other. Just talk to her about it.”

“That’s easy for you to say. I don’t know what to do when girl’s start crying. Except for agree with everything they say which is what I did earlier when Lucy was sobbing her eyes out. I really upset her.” Gerard bit his lip “I never meant for that to happen. I never meant to hurt anybody.”

“I didn’t either.”

“God, I’m such a coward!” Gerard growled “I ran away from BLI, I ran away from that crap town where they nearly worked us to death and I tried to run away from all of this. You guys all look up to me like I’m so kind of hero when I’m obviously not. I’m not but a wimp.

“You’re not a wimp Gee.” I whispered “You took charge of nearly five hundred people when we had that war against BLI. If you were scared then you didn’t show it because you didn’t want to make anyone else scared. That’s bravery. When you found out that Rosie had gone missing you insisted on going out to look for BLI. That’s bravery too.”

“I’m only brave when I have to be.”

“That doesn’t make you a wimp though. You’re the bravest guy I’ve ever met.”

“But you’re braver than me. Remember in the tunnel when we’d found the kids and we still needed to find our friends? I was so relieved when I had to go back up to the top. That’s how much of a wimp I am.”

“I didn’t want to go either.” I said “And if Rosie had just gone with me then I know you would’ve gone. That’s what bravery really is. Being scared but doing it anyway. Which is why we’re going to be brave and talk to Lucy about all of this. Because we’re both scared but we’re going to do it anyway.”

“You really mean all of that?” I nodded “It’s so hard not to be in love with you.”

I giggled “Don’t let Lucy hear you say that.”

“I can’t let Lucy hear me say anything to you. She’s really mad at the both of us.” Gerard sighed “But you’re right. We need to talk to her about it at some point. I just really don’t know what to say to her.”

“Well you should by apologising.” I told him “And then work from there.”

“I’m confused. Am I dumping her?”

I burned bright red “Well, do you want to dump her?”

“No, but I want to be with you. More than I want to be with Lucy.” He thought about it “I guess I’m going to have to dump her. Do you think that the others will understand? They won’t turn on us will they?”

“Of course they won’t. Everyone looks up to you, they won’t mind.” I smiled at him “I hope Rosie isn’t listening to this conversation right now.”

“Poor girl, she felt so guilty about accidentally telling. I told her that everything was okay but it didn’t stop her crying.”

“I guess we’d better go inside, it’s freezing out here.” I mumbled, walking inside.

“Yeah. I’ll talk to Lucy in the morning and tell you how things went.” Gerard smiled at me and went off down the corridor to his bedroom.

I sat in one of the booths in the diner and leaned my head on the table. I was not looking forward to morning.
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