Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War

[A/N] - I have one more chapter written out which I'll update straight after school and then that will be the last update until Monday :)

A couple of hours later one good thing had happened and one bad thing had happened. The good thing that had happened was that Kayla, Dazz and Tristan had all moved on together. Chloe had shuffled into the kitchen, whispered something to Bob and then ran out again. Turns out that Chloe still thought of Bob as the ‘leader’ of the group and didn’t like the thought of leaving behind. None of us minded since Chloe was far too shy to be mean or rude.

The bad thing was that from the diner we could still hear Gerard and Lucy arguing with each other. None of us could hear what they were saying but we could hear shouting “It’s not because of what I said is it?” Rosie asked, her eyes filling with tears.

“Of course not.” Raven told her even though that kind of wasn’t true. I mean, if Rosie hadn’t told everyone what had happened then they wouldn’t be yelling in there. But I knew that I was the one to blame for kissing Gerard in the first place.

“Don’t worry about it Rosie, I’m sure they’ll be fine soon.” I lied, pulling her onto my lap. I felt so bad. She was only a little girl and I’d practically ripped her parents apart. Why am I such a terrible person?

“What are they fighting about?” Shayla wanted to know “I thought that we were all friends.”

“We are all friends but sometimes friends have arguments.” Ray explained to her “But they always make up in the end. Unless it’s something really extreme.”

“Is their argument really extreme?” Levana asked worriedly.

“Kids ask so many questions.” Danielle muttered, hiding her face in her hands.

“I don’t know. Just try and ignore it.” Penina said, stroking Levana’s hair “What exactly did we do here when waiting to take down BLI? I’m not being funny or anything but it’s extremely boring here.”

“It’s not my fault Lucy! I can’t help if I feel that way!” We all heard Gerard yell.

“You call that boring?” Raven asked, raising her eye-brows.

“I call it annoying.” Sam moaned, putting her hands over her ears “Why can’t they just shut up already?”

“They’re having personal problems! Give them a break.” I said.

“Well you’d know all about their personal problems wouldn’t you Crayon?” Bob sneered “Why couldn’t you have just kept your feelings to yourself?”

“Because why should I?” I asked, suddenly angry “I told him I loved him. He could’ve just rejected me. But he didn’t because guess what guys he loves me back! I didn’t force him to love me back. Love is a strange thing anyway. Don’t you think I tried not to love Gerard? I mean I had to work with him for five years and do you know how much it killed me inside to know that I could never express those feelings because of Lucy and Rosie.”

“So this is my fault?” Rosie cried, bursting into tears.

“No, Rosie, it isn’t.” I told her calmly “I know that it’s my fault that they’re arguing in there. But you can’t all sit here and look at me like I’m some sort of criminal. All I did was tell him how I really feel. That’s the end of the story.”

There was more shouting from behind the door “Something tells me that that isn’t the end of the story.” Hozzie said “Something tells me that this is just the beginning.”

“Don’t act like this is my fault! You’re the one that cheated on me!” Lucy roared.

“Someone should tell them to be quiet.” Jennifer mumbled “I mean, they’re scaring the kids. And irritating the hell out of us.”

“Hozzie, why don’t you go?” Penina suggested “Gerard’s your brother. He’ll probably listen to you.”

Hozzie bit her lip “I would but I don’t like arguments or people shouting. I tend to stay away from them.”

“God you’re all a bunch of wimps.” Raven said, standing up “I’ll go in and tell them to shut up.” She went out of the room like a soldier, opened Gerard and Lucy’s bedroom door and roared “Would you two either shut the fuck up or continue this argument much more quietly please? You’re scaring the little ones and giving the rest of us headaches! Now shut the hell up!” Raven walked back into the room and smiled “Took care of that!”

“I hate it when people fight.” Draven mumbled and climbed onto his Mom’s lap the moment she sat down.

“Me too but it’s okay, hopefully they’ll stop now.” Ray smiled, kissing his son’s cheek.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I was almost certain that I’d heard a noise. Had BLI decided to come and hunt us down? If so, I needed to be prepared. So I reached for my ray gun, climbed out of bed and slipped down the hallway. I was in my pyjamas and not my killjoy outfit but that wasn’t too important.

Luckily when I made it to the kitchen, it wasn’t BLI. Just one of the girls. I breathed out with relief until the girl turned around. It was Lucy. It probably would’ve been less painful if BLI had broken in.

Since hers and Gerard’s argument that morning she hadn’t left her room. Gerard had gone in to give her meals and stuff but she didn’t come out. Gerard had re-assured Lucy that it wasn’t her fault and that they were just having a disagreement but we all knew what was really happening. The two of them had split up and Lucy wasn’t happy about it.

“What are you doing up?” I asked her uneasily. I didn’t really wanted to talk to her but it seemed rude to just walk away. Especially after what I’d done to her.

Lucy looked me up and down before saying “I’m leaving.” My mouth fell open “I don’t know why you’re looking so shocked. It’s not like I have a reason to stay.”

“What about Rosie?”

Lucy sniffed “She’ll have forgotten about me in no time. I’m sure that you’ll make a great Mother for her anyway.”

“I could never replace you!” I cried “Please don’t leave Lucy, you’ll get killed out there!”

“No I won’t. I’ll join a different group of killjoys. Don’t look at me like that Crayon, I don’t want your sympathy.”

“But the other killjoys are evil!” I said “You won’t last five minutes!”

“You don’t know the first thing about me Crayon!” Lucy hissed “I wish I’d never even met you.”
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