Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Midnight Troupe

Christmas morning

by Mynameisnotimportant 0 reviews

Short chapter today.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-10-03 - Updated: 2012-10-04 - 530 words - Complete

Gerard woke up when Leslie lurched through the door.
“Merry-hic!-Christmas!” he shouted.
Frankie groaned. “I was sleeping...”
“Seen Sidney? There’s-hic!-been a terrible accident. And, that-hic!-bastard missed his own birthday party!” Les shouted, tripping over his own feet and falling on his face.
“I thought he was with you...” Gerard said, looking over at Sidney’s empty bed.
“What kind of accident?” Mikey asked.
“Somebody got-hic!-hit by a car,” Les mumbled into the floor.
Gerard felt his stomach tighten. “Guys? Where’s Sidney?”
Frankie caught on immediately.
“Holy shit, Gee. You don’t think...?”

The two boys leapt down from top bunk, slipping on their jackets and shoes and running out the door.
“SID!” Gerard screamed, breath showing white in the cold.
“SIDNEY!” Frankie called. Gerard noticed the bright, static flash of ambulance lights to the left. “C’mon!” he called, and darted off, Frankie hard on his heels.
“SIDNEY!” Gerard called.
“WE’RE COMING!” Frankie shouted. “IT’S OKAY!”

Noticing a small group milling around the fence, Gerard and Frankie pushed their way to the front.
Frankie thwacked Gerard on the arm, pointing to the ambulance.
“Isn’t that-”
Sidney was lying on a stretcher, eyes closed, face bruised and in a neck brace.
“Is he breathing?” Frankie asked. Gerard didn’t answer. Did the brace mean that Sidney’s neck was broken? Dislocated?
No body bag, at least. He wasn’t dead.
“We have to tell Les,” Frankie whispered, sounding like he was a million miles away.

Crunching back through the snow in silence, the two boys walked into Dorm five without taking their shoes off. Most of the Midnight Troupe was there, and they took turns telling the story.
“You’re kidding, right? Sidney can’t be injured. Kid’s made of rubber, he’ll bounce back in a week,” a girl near the back said.
“We’ll visit him tomorrow. Get back to your rooms, guys,” Les said quietly. Every older kid fell silent. This was serious. Broken noses and bruises could be hidden, snapped bones explained, but an injured spinal cord spelled death in everyone’s book.
Everybody drifted away in twos and threes, slowly, talking in hushed tones about Sidney.
“Is Sidney gonna die?” Mikey asked.
“Dunno. He’s weird like that,” Les answered, falling back on Sidney’s cot and falling asleep.

Both Gerard and Frankie had trouble sleeping, so Gerard climbed into Frankie’s bunk and the two of them talked.
“He’ll come back, right?” Frankie asked.
“Yeah. He’s been through hell, y’know. He smiled, too. He’ll get through this. He’s so strong.”

Eventually the two boys fell asleep, around three in the morning. Gerard had barely-there dreams, Midnight Troupe mixed in with Sidney freaking out entangled with real life. Frankie dreamed about Harry Potter, cigarettes, and bruises.

(A.N. Short chapter here, mostly because the end is nigh, and the hospital visit next chapter is pretty heavy stuff. I have no idea how I'm gonna write it, I know what happens, but I don't want it to happen. Thanks for reading this far, it means a lot.)
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