Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart

Am I A Little Sick Or A Little Sane


Throwing his dreams down the toilet

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-10-03 - Updated: 2012-10-04 - 296 words

Ch. 3 Am I A Little Sick Or A Little Sane

Josh's POV

I flop onto my bed, feeling like absolute shit. 
I close my eyes, as my bedroom sways. My stomach hurts so much right now. The pizza I ate for lunch feels like its gonna come back up.
I feel like throwing up, even though I haven't eaten much today, besides pizza and the heroin I injected. I groan, and roll onto my stomach. My mom knocks on my door. 
"Josh, dinner is ready."
"Okay. Is dad gonna be here?"
"No sweetie, he's working late again."
I sit up and shuffle into the kitchen, scowling at the ham and cheese sandwichs. My stomach knots up, and I sit down, picking up my sandwich. I bite into it feeling my gag reflex. I choke it down, feeling my stomach force my contents up. 
I swallow the sandwich, and look at my mom. 
"Can I be excused?" I ask.
"Josh! You've barely eaten your supper!"  
"I need to do homework."
Another lie.
I scoot out of the kitchen, and rush to the bathroom in my room, shaking.
I remember Heath class we talked about some eating disorders. Like people who would eat food, then throw it all up. I barely eat honestly, because of the heroin. Oh, and I feel like shit too. 
I slip two fingers down my throat, and retch up everything I ate today: the pizza, the heroin, the sandwich. I look into the toilet, and throw up. 
I continue to vomit, for about two hours, and I hide in a corner of the bathroom sobbing. 
This is gonna be the death of me.... I think as I retch again, tears rolling down my cheeks.

*more added!!! I love you all!! Please R&R!
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