Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Mean This Forever

7.To Steal A Kiss From Borrowed Lips, To Taste Your Prison.

by Cemetery-Girl 2 reviews

Frank is in denial about his feelings for Gerard.. (This is only a short chapter so..)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-05 - Updated: 2012-10-05 - 525 words

"I.. um like you Jamia.." I whispered. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Frank, I.. I don't know what to say.." She stood up and looked at me. "I think you should leave" She points towards the door.

"I think, I love you.." I blurted. I stood up and looked down at her. I knew I was lying to myself when I said those three words to her, I loved Gerard but nothing was ever gonna happen there.

"Frank you don't know what you're saying, you're just messing me around! Please I think you should leave" She looked down, still pointing to the door.

"No I'm not.."I shook my head, and tilted her chin up. Planting a single kiss on her lips. A saw a small smile spread across her lips. "Believe me yet?" She nodded in agreement to what I said. I forced a fake smile, that looked pretty believable. Slowly I reached for her hand, interlocking our fingers together. I squeezed hand gently, then pulled her into my arms, resting my chin on top of her head.

"Frank.. Why are you acting like this? I mean you never liked me before, you know when I expressed my love for you like 2 years ago.." She laughed nervously then glanced up at me.

"Well.." I said whilst cupping her face in my hands. "I have decided what I want now, and I want you.." still forcing the smile on my face. She grinned then kissed me softly, I returned the kiss just as soft.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled my phone out of my pocket, it was a text from Gerard. I opened up the text and began reading it.
Frankieee.. Baby, I miss you and I love you.

"Who is it?" Jamia tries to look over my shoulder.

"Nobody.." I quickly hide my phone and walk out of the room.

I text back; Hey Gee.. Yeah nice to know.. I tap my phone against my chin waiting for a reply.

I feel my phone vibrate again, and open the text. Gerard's text reads; Frank why are you being so blunt with me? Don't you feel the same? Are you regretting last night. I read the text and sighed.

No Gee, I don't feel the same and I regret last night. Forgot it ever happened, I have already. Never text me again okay? Leave me alone.. We will speak at band practice and that's it I clicked send and shoved my phone back in the pocket.

"So where were we?" I pulled Jamia's body back against mine and kissed her lips so softly. "Go get changed, I'm gonna take you out for dinner" I let go of her and stepped back, smiled. I watch her as she obeyed me and walked up the stairs. My smile soon faded to a smile, I felt bad for what I text Gerard. I'm not gay, he just needed to know that there is nothing cos me and him can't be together EVER.

I sat down on the couch waiting for Jamia to get ready..
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