Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Sweet, Sweet Child 'O Mine (Axl Rose)

Part 7

by axlroseiscool 1 review

Iz spends time with Steven and is introduced to Slash. R rating because of a sex scene.

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-10-10 - Updated: 2012-10-10 - 2007 words

Axl looked at me for a second, emotionless. I was afraid of what would come out of his mouth next..."Hey Iz, hey Izzy," he said happily, smiling and hugging me and then walking over to Izzy. I sighed in relief and closed the door, Axl didn't seem to be mad...well at least right now. "Crazy party last night, huh?" Axl asked "Yep. We kept partying weeeeeelll after midnight!" Izzy said, "Yeah, that was crazy," Axl said as he turned and looked over to me "Yeah, and now my apartment is craaazy messy," I replied, mocking Izzy. Izzy laughed "Yeah, well I hope you have fun cleaning it up," I rolled my eyes "What about you? You live here too," "I do the rent thing though," "Yeah I suppose...damn it the rent!" I exclaimed, the rent was due today! The greedy landlord literally only came around for rent, which he insisted we pay EXACTLY on the first or he'd kick us out. "Oh yeah...I forgot," Izzy said, just then there was a loud knock on the door, I went to it and opened it, and sure enough, there my landlord was "Oh, hi Mr. Reynolds, I forgot it was rent day, but I'm pretty sure I have it, I'll be right back," I said, he sighed and rolled his eyes and I ran to my room to see if I had my $150 dollar part of the rent, Izzy was supposed to pay the other $100. "Forty nine...fifty!" I said, I had just enough, I walked back out "Izzy? You have your $100?" I called to him, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a bunch of crumpled money "Uhh, yeah, here," he said as he handed it to me "Thanks," I said and then I went back to the door "Okay, here it is," I said as I handed it to the landlord, he counted it slowly as usual, then nodded and left to the next apartment, which was Axl's. I turned to Axl "I guess Gina's gonna pay the rent?" I asked, Axl shifted "Uhh Right. That. Is something we don't have," I raised my eyebrows "Well, what're you gonna do?" Axl shrugged "Let Gina deal with it for now," Izzy chuckled a bit and so did Axl. "Okay, back to cleaning the apartment, Izzy, you're GONNA help me," I said "No, I'll clean it, I am hiding out from the landlord," Axl said "Yeah but won't he come over here looking for you?" I asked "Nah, he doesn't know we know each other," Axl said as he waved it off and walked to the kitchen and rooted through the fridge. "Um, okay, but what am I gonna do all day? I don't have work until tomorrow," I asked as I walked up to Axl "Do something with Izzy or Steven or something...why don't you have any other friends? Relax, you're still hurt," he said as he opened a soda up "Okay..." I said as I turned toward Izzy, who put his hands up "Hey, man, the last time we did something together that went so far south it had an accent," I laughed and looked back at Axl, who frowned, and I stopped laughing. "Fine, I'll do something with your ugly friend Steven," I said as I walked toward my bedroom "Am I ugly?!" Izzy called "Yeah!" I called back "Whaaat?!" I heard Izzy yell in mock surprise. I laughed and went into my room, where I found Steven sitting up on the edge of my bed "Hey Steven," I said as I sat down next to him, he looked over at me "Hey Izzy 2.0," he said in a whisper "You need some aspirin?" I asked, he nodded and I went to my nightstand and got another bottle of aspirin, I had at least 3 bottles in there, since Izzy and Axl never had any. "Here," I said as I handed them to him "I'll get you some water," I said as I went out the door "Steven still out cold?" Izzy asked "No, I'm just getting him some water," I replied "He's in your room?" Axl asked "Yeah he was pretty hungover earlier so I let him lay in my bed," I replied as I got the water "Oh," Axl said. I brought the water back to Steven "Thanks," he said as he took the aspirin. "So you wanna do something today?" I asked him, "Uhh, like what?" he asked "I don't know, I don't have anyone else to do anything with. Axl's cleaning the apartment/hiding from the landlord, Izzy doesn't wanna do anything, and I don't feel like doing anything with Gina," I answered "Ah, so you come to the guy you've known for a little over a month," Steven said, I rolled my eyes...Steven was actually fun to be around and I liked him, despite being relatively unattractive. "Yeah sure, how about we go back to MY apartment so you can check out the squalor I live in?" he said as he wiggled his eyebrows, I laughed "Yeah okay," I said as I nudged him in the shoulder "Okay, let's get a move on," he said as he stood up and pulled me up "Okay," I said as we walked out of my room "Me and Steven are going to his apartment!" I announced "To see the squalor!" Steven added in "Have fun," Axl said as he pulled a pair of yellow latex gloves on. "See you later," I said "Yep!" Izzy called as we left.
- 30 Minutes Later -
Steven insisted we walk back to his apartment unless I wanted to 'get ever part except the frame of my car' stolen. "Oh hey it's my friend!" Steven announced as he pointed to a guy standing outside the apartment building "Oh," I said as I studied the guy, who looked kind of shady. He had really curly hair, he was wearing dark sunglasses and a top hat, and he seemed to be going for the rockstar look with his leather...leggings and stuff. "Slash!" Steven yelled, the guy looked up and smiled "Steve!" he said, when we came closer they hugged "Hey Slash, this is my friend, Iz," he said as he motioned toward me "Hey baby," 'Slash' said to me as he looked at me "Nice to meet you Slash," I said as I extended my hand for a shake, he took my hand and kissed it instead "Oh..." I giggled and blushed "You're turning her red Slash," Steven said "Yeah, so?" Slash said. Steven rolled his eyes "So, how come I've never seen you around if you're Steven's friend?" Slash asked me "Uh well, Steven's in a band with my friend Axl, we just know each other like that," I explained "Oh yeah, Steven just joined that band didn't he?" Slash asked "Yeah," I replied "Yeah so I guess you've only known each other for a few months," "Yeah, pretty much," "Cool,". There was silence for a few moments "So let's go inside," Steven said as he took his key out "Okay," me and Slash said at the same time, we both looked at each other and laughed, I heard Steven mutter something under his breath. "What's wrong?" I asked "Nothing, I'm just a little hungover still," Steven replied "Oh," I said. We went inside and into Steven's apartment "Here it is," he said to me, just as a mouse ran out, I shrieked and jumped back into Slash's arms, he laughed and grabbed my shoulders "It's okay," he said "I know," I said as I followed Steven inside, Slash let go of my and pinched my ass, I jumped a little and looked back at him and giggled "So!" Steven said loudly, "Yeah?" Slash said "What'd you come here for?" Steven asked "Um...I just came to see you, to talk I guess?" Slash said "Oh okay, you wanna talk about my band or something?" Steven asked "Sure," Slash said as he sat on the couch, Steven sat down next to him, and I sat next to Steven. Soon they were in deep discussion about their bands, guitars, drums, and all sorts of stuff I wasn't super interested in. After an hour or so, Slash announced he had to go "Okay, nice seeing you man," Steven said "Yep, and nice meeting you Iz," Slash said "You too," I said, then Slash left. It was silent for a few minutes after Slash left.
 - Steven's POV -
God she's so hot. The first time I saw Izzy I wanted to hump the hell out of her. I thought maybe this would be my chance, but then Slash shows up! I mean, he's my best friend and I love him, but him and Izzy start hitting it off right there and acting like they've known each other for so long. But now that Slash is gone...this is my chance...I know she's only 17, but she'll be 18 soon...and this may be my only chance.
- Back to Iz's POV -
"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked Steven after a little while "You," he said lustfully, and then he literally jumped on me and started kissing me, I fell backwards on the couch in surprise "Steven! Ah! Oh! What?!" I yelped, but he showed no restraint, he shoved his tongue down my throat and forcefully made out with me. I struggled with him for a second, but then I started enjoying it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. 'What are you doing?! Axl will literally kill you if he finds out!' I thought to myself, but I got lost in the passionate kissing. Even though Steven was lacking in the look department, I thought he was I didn't stop. Steven started pulling my shorts down and I pulled my shirt off, he took his shirt off and kissed me some more. I ran my hands up and down his chest and back "Ohhhh," Steven moaned, he pulled my panties down and just went ahead and stuck his finger in there "Ohhhhhhh!" I moaned as I grabbed Steven's hand and spread my legs out more, we kissed some more, Steven took his finger out and smirked "I'm gonna lick me some pussy," he said "Mmm," I said in agreement. Then Steven pulled me up and made me sit up on the couch, Steven got down on the floor and stuck his head between my legs, I put my legs up on Steven's shoulders and he stuck his tongue in, and it felt so, so, so good "Ohhh Steven, don't stop!!" I moaned as I grabbed the back of his head, within a few minutes I came and Steven started to get back up "Stand up all the way," I said, when he stood up all the way, I grabbed his pants and pulled them down, and his underwear, and I started to give him a blow job. "Ohhhhhhhh ugggggghhhh!!!!!" Steven screamed as he grabbed the back of my head and pulled on my hair. When Steven came, we both collapsed on the couch, Steven holding me in his arms. We just laid together for about 5 minutes, all warm and happy and comfy. "Iz?" Steven asked "Yeah?"  "Does this mean you're my girlfriend? Or is this like a one night stand?" I thought for a second, I already liked and had sex with him...why shouldn't we be? 'AXL!' I yelled to myself, but I opened my mouth and said "Yeah, I'm your girlfriend,". Steven looked at me "Really?" I nodded "Yeah," he smiled and kissed me "But we can't tell Axl okay? He hates it when he sees me with guys, he's really protective," Steven nodded "Okay, we'll keep it a secret,". I smiled...things were falling into place for me...Axl was currently happy, I had a good job, and I had a boyfriend. I just hoped things would stay intact.
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