Categories > Original > Fantasy > The village of Lies

Pissed Sonamae

by Ami-Chan 1 review

Amelia and Sonamae get Richard in on the plan.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-17 - 899 words

"Richard! Hey open your door! I have to tell you something!"

Amelia called as she pounded on his door.

"God Amelia, wake up the whole village why dont you." Sonamae mumbled as she leaned against The wall of Richard's house with her arms crossed.

"Oh shut up Sonamae" Amelia said , blushing a little, and lowered her voice.

"We're not breaking up are we?" Richard said as he cracked open the door.

"No you silly goose!" Amelia laughed as Richard opened the door and hugged Amelia.

"Hey...hey HEY! you two! quit snogging each others faces and let's get to the point!" Sonamae yelled at the couple.

"Fine Fine." Amelia said Impatiently and let go of him.

"So, what's So Important?" Richard asked, putting his hand on his door handle casually.

"Amelia dragged me here to tell you she want's to go on some sort of mission to stop the government from taking our money and ruining our lives." Sonamae sighed,
"It's a pain but, I guess it would be worth it."

"It WILL be worth it!" Amelia snapped back to Heather.

"I just said that!" Sonamae yelled, raising her arms defensivly.

"Hey you two! quit!" Richard said, standing between them.

"I'm not mad at her, she's just so annoying so-"

"kay?" Richard said, putting his hands up to his sides slightly, trying to calm thm down.

"ok fine" Amelia and Sonamae sighed.

"Good, now let's finish this inside." Richard opened the door and let them in before him.

"ok. Tell me more" Richard said as he sat down on a pulled out stool in front of the two girls, who sat on the couch.

"Well, I've been hearing things that the government might be doing, nd I know their headquartes aren't even in this country."

"Yeah, a lot of people know that." Richar said, leaning forward, his elbows on his thighs.

"Well.....we didn't"Amelia blushed a little, embarrased and feeling stupid.

"Well, I knew, I just didn't want to hurt your feelings." Sonamae shurgged and leaned against the couch's arm rest.

"Well you just ruined your great plan now huh?!" Amelia yelled,feeling even stupider.

"I'm just kiddin' hun, you know I love you!" Sonamae leaned over towards Amelia and hugged her with one arm.

"Nice cover up" Amelia scowled, crossing her arms.

"Thanks!" Sonamae smirked, looking smug and leaned over on the arm rest again.

"So, you want us to go to this unknown country to seek out the government, and somehow defeat them. they aren't ninjas you know. They are just men and women in black suits and ties. You'd have to be some entrapanuer genious to take them down. or a dictator or something, with huge fighting forces." Richard said, bringing the reality of the situation down upon the girls.

"Geeze Richie! Swiping the fun out of young women's minds,huh? Sheesh, so predictable you men." Sonamae sighed and leaned back against the couch.

"No one asked you! and I'm not taking the fun out, I think, I'm just letting you guys know the situation your in!" He shot back.

"He's right though..." Amelia mumbled, holding her chin in her hands as she leaned forewrd, her eys downcast.
"It's hopeless, all we are are a group of two kunoichi and one male shinobi." She sighed.

"That is, if he is a male." Sonamae challenged.

"I/He Am!/is!" Richard and Amelia yelled, snapping out of their thinking.

"Ah, how would you know Amelia?" Sonamae asked, looking at her from the side of her eyes.
Amelia Blushed and looked away.

"Oh shut up Sonamae! leave her alone!" Richard snapped.

"Oh? and how would you know?" Sonamae asked, a smug look on her face.
Richard's shoulder fell, and his eyes narrowed.
"Shut up Sonamae"

"Fine whatever, but can we get back on topic?"

"your the one who got off it in the first place Sona!" Amelia yelled.

"Geeze! short fuzes today, huh? Anyways, when should we meet agiain, how about we talk about all this when we actually find the government?" Sonamae said calmly, waving her hands around, trying to gt her point through.

"Yeah sounds good, we don't really need anyone else, unless we meet someone along the way who wants to help." Richard said.

"Yeah, so lts meet up tomorrow then. I gotta get back home my brother is probably living the life without me and I gotta make his life a living hell now." Amelia said, standing up.

Richard sighed, he didn't want Amelia to leave but, he knew she had to.
"Sonamae go if you don't like us kissing leave now" Richard said and stood up in front of Amelia.

"Ugh, god rude much! but fine, I hate seeing you doing things like that to my friend. See ya Amelia, sorry for the rough day!" She laughed and ran out the door.

Amelia watched her leave then smiled. She felt Richard put his hands on her shoulders. She looked up into his blue eyes, she loved those eyes, she lost herself in them.
He closed his eyes and leaned in. She leaned foreward until she felt his lips against hers, she got goosebumps, she could never get over the feeling of him. after a minute or so of kissing, they finally released, feeling lightheaded and Amelia slowly walked out the door, feeling empty as soon as she left, not wanting to leave him.
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