Categories > Original > Horror > The hunt


by Lirazel 0 reviews

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Category: Horror - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Published: 2012-10-20 - Updated: 2015-06-15 - 764 words - Complete

“Thanks for coming ,”said Malcolm opening up the front door. ”Thanks, for having us, ”I said smiling at Malcolm. ”Thanks, man. Tell Cora and Rosaline I will text or send a letter, ”said Radziel putting the sword in the sheath. Malcolm had nodded and shut the door.” I wonder if this thing can cut through steel too,” said Radziel wielding the sword and observing it.” Well, it can kill other supes so I guess so, I said balancing the grimoires in my arms waiting for Radziel to open the truck.”Yeah, I wonder if these grimoires have good incite on how to make an adequate weapon,” said Radziel opening the passenger door. ”Will have to see. It looks like it is in old English,” I said putting them down on the passenger seat looking through one of them. “I hope nightshade and vervain is native here,” said Radziel climbing into the driver’s seat.” You can get them at a craft store now. You don’t have to search in a field anymore,” I said giggling.”Yeah you are right. But I wonder where I’m going to find human sacrifices as well,” he said with a sly grin.” Well, some participants on those trashy reality shows are good candidates,” I said nonchalantly.Radziel then began to laugh and started the truck.
It was a sunny day and quite hot for it to be October. I rolled down my windows and stuck my head out the window and let the wind blow my loose bangs in the air. ”I should have worn short sleeves today,” I said taking off my blazer, loosening the buttons to my shirt, and fanning myself. ”Wow, you want me to turn on the A.C.,” asked Radziel eying me with a smirk. ”No, I think I’ll manage,” I said smiling. ”Good, cause I was not going to turn it on anyway. I was liking the little strip show you was doing, ”said Radziel who’s smirk became a grin. ”Oh, whatever, perv,”I said nudging him a little.Radziel laughed. I turned on the satellite radio and surfed through it. I found a station that was playing an upbeat pop song, I sat back and fiddled with the grimoires some more. The pictures were all vague with some old looking weapons and some foreign alphabets.” So, what do you and the others plan on doing” I asked looking through the grimoire. “Well today Zachariel has rounded up all the other supes that our roommates know. He said that we need more “allies” to help us with the battle." I thought Zachariel did not like other supes,”I said.”Yeah, but he tolerates other supes when it comes to business,” said Radziel.”Too bad he does not think the same about humans, ”I said timidly.” Oh, no he likes humans. We are here to protect you guys. He just don’t like… for us to “congregate” with humans,” said Radziel shifting in his seat a little.”Oh, you mean like us? I get it. He thinks what we are doing is abominable,” I said with a hint of humor.” No, he’s alright with our union. As long as we just congregate and don't “engage” with anything then we’ll be alright,” Radziel said giving me his famous sly grin.” I know where you are getting that, ”I said laughing along with Radziel. “I mean Zachariel also have a problem with Remiel drinking alcohol and even flirting with human females. I’m the only one who’s actually in a legit relationship,” said Radziel. “So are the other angels o.k. with what you are doing,“ I asked. “Remiel and Ezekiel are indifferent to us being together. I mean it will be hypocritical for them to judge us. Remiel and Ezekiel both make it known to Zachariel that they are very fond of human girls.But they will never get too “ close” to them,"said Radziel. "Oh,so they are playboys or flirts but are not looking to be in a relationship kind of thing,"I said grinning. "Yeah,I’m the only one bold enough to engage in a full fledged realationship,“said Radziel proudly. “So as long as we don’t you know... then we are o.k. ,“ I asked nervously. What have sex? Oh, yeah. Sex is not everything.My mouth dropped at Radziel's blunt statement. We can do other things to show that we love and care for each other, said Radziel gazing at the road. “Yeah I suppose,“ I said slumping over my seat.
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