Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Small Petunia of the Galaxy

Heart Is A Hole

by FightStriker 1 review

What do you do when, the truth was a lie all along?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-20 - Updated: 2012-10-20 - 911 words - Complete

Hi everyone :) I hope you all are enjoying the story so far :) I'm trying my best to make this story good and not to boring but I'm pretty sure my writing skills are shit. I hope you'll hang on with me because there's a lot more to the story. I know the chapters aren't long but it's because I haven't had time to get to my computer, if I did the chapters would be longer, but enough of my talking. Please enjoy :)


Chapter 5

Heart Is A Hole

"H-How is that even possible? I thought only adults got those?" Frank spoke for me, I couldn't. How could I have a brain tumor? It just sounded unnatural.

"Well, you don't necessarily have to be an adult to develop a tumor." The doctor answered.

"Where exactly is it?" Frank spoke again.

The doctor checked her charts.

"It seems to be in the right cerebral hemisphere, and unfortunately it is malignant, what you would have been hoping for would it to have been benign. Now I have to ask a few questions that may help us figure out how long it's been there. We've got a good guess but we need to know for sure. Have you been having terrible migraines?" She asks.

I sit there, I've got to be stronger.

For Mikey.

"Yeah, yeah I have. I'd take medicine but there would still be a dull throb."

She writes that down and nods her head slightly.

"Have you been vomiting for no specific reason? Even when you feel perfectly fine?"

"Yeah, but I'd just put it down to the food I ate." Since I'm probably not the most healthy eater.

She nods again and I watch her pin scribble down more words pertaining to my condition.

"Any lapses in memory? Especially recent memories?"

"Plenty of them."

"Double vision? Dizziness? Neck feeling stiff? Your grades in school dropping slightly?"

"Um, yes, yes, yes, and just by two points or so, I'm usually under a lot of stress taking care of my brother. How big is it?"

She clicks her pen with a sigh, and if it was even possible her face seemed to sag even lower.

"It's about the size of a golf ball. And our guess is its been developing slowly for about a year now. The symptoms have started to pick up drastically which means its growing larger as we speak. We're going to have to operate soon."

"Can I at least wait until my brother get back from school? He should be here in about thirty minutes tops. Please, I just need him to know what's going on."
I plead, just to let Mikey know.

"You can do that but as soon as he finds out we need to get you to the ER and under a neurosurgeons care so we can get it out ASAP." She says sternly, almost like Mom...

"Yes ma'm, as soon as he finds out you can put me under." I agree, I want this out of me as soon as possible.

"How's it going Gerard?" Mikey walks in smiling.

"I could ask you the same thing Mikes. Those jocks bother you again?" I ask, giving him a meek smile.

He shakes his head and his smile grows wider.

"Nope, not one of them and the guy that hit me came back with a nose cast and stitches over his eye." He beams.

I can't help but feel a little smug after hearing that, I cross my arms in front of me and smirk.

"Shows that bastard not to mess with my little brother."

"Oh, before I forget!" He realizes and swings his backpack off his shoulders.

Frank walks into the room setting my car keys down on the arm of the couch in my room. I had him go and get Mikey from school, using my car of course.

Mikey pulls out two cards and a small bouquet of flowers.

"One of the cards is from Bob and Ray, and the other card and flowers are from all your teachers. I'd thought you'd like that." He says shyly handing me the cards and flowers.

Get well soon ya prick, I need someone to crack on the jocks with, it gets lonely man. Yours in all awesomeness, Bob

I hope you get out of the hospital soon pal! I need someone else to jam with besides Bob. From the all-knowing Fro, Ray

I smile at Bob and Rays' sincerity.

I read the card from my teachers, all wishing me good health and hoping I come back soon.

I sure hope I come back soon.

"Mikey, have a seat bro." I say to him patting the space next to me. He gently sits down as to not ruffle the sheets.

"The test results finally came back."

"And? What do they say? Are you okay?"

"The tests say I have a tumor the size of a golf ball Mikes. They're uh... They're going to have to operate as soon as we finish talking." I say nervously, gauging his reaction.

His face remains blank, but then as the reality of the situation starts to set in his face contorts into one of rage, anger, and then finally he bursts into tears.

"A-Are you g-gonna d-d-die?" He sniffles.

I pull him into my arms, letting his head rest on my shoulder, it becoming soaked with his salty tears.

"It'll be okay Mikey, I won't be going down without a fight."
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