Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Small Petunia of the Galaxy

In Case of Emergency, Dial 411

by FightStriker 0 reviews

You act like you are afraid of who you are, I'm afraid for you.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2012-10-25 - Updated: 2012-10-26 - 388 words - Complete

I'd just like to state that, for the record, hip hop dances are like the coolest thing to do.

Chapter 8

In Case of Emergency, Dial 411

Gerard had stopped breathing.

He was dead. My brother was dead. I screamed and screamed at them to revive him. They kept yelling back that he had a chance, a very slim chance. So I protested even more.

I couldn't even grasp the word.


To me, Gerard was like one of the superheroes that a child aspires to be when he grows up.

He was the Batman to my Robin. The Joker to my Harley Quinn. The Invisible Woman to my Human Torch.

He isn't much older than me, but he's exactly what I want to be when I'm his age. Yeah, he's messed up a few times, maybe had a bit too much to drink here and there, but that's okay because he's human and he's not perfect.

To think that he of all people could get a tumor, one of the most compassionate human beings to have ever walked this Earth.

You'd think that with our parents dead he would have turned into a totally rebellious, irresponsible teenager, but he hasn't. In fact he's become the exact opposite. He became even more responsible, he made sure I got to my doctors' appointments on time and he made sure that they didn't interfere with school too much.

He took me to the hospital when I got pneumonia and stayed there with me the whole week I was there. I knew he had a bunch of homework to catch up on, but he never showed it, not one time. Neither has he complained or bitched about being stuck with me as a brother and no parents. He spends the money they left us with wisely and he only buys what's necessary.

Not many boys would do that after a tragic incident like that. And they most definitely wouldn't give two shits about me.

And right now, the only person who's never done a single rude thing to me is dead.

I hope they revive him, but I feel as if the odds are getting slimmer and slimmer with each passing second, and they probably are.

Wherever he is, and I hope it's a good place, I hope he's with mom and dad.
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