Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Small Petunia of the Galaxy

Boy Division

by FightStriker 1 review

I'm not laughing, you're not joking, I'm not dead I only dress that way.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-28 - Updated: 2012-10-29 - 879 words - Complete

I told you it was going to be short... Enjoy this chapter


Chapter 9

Boy Division

"So does God exist?"

"In a way, I've never really seen him persay but I can usually hear his voice in my head."

"So why can't I hear him?"

"Gerard, sweetheart, I'm telling you this for the third time. You're stuck in limbo. Technically you're not dead but you're not alive either. Therefore, you can't hear God, and you won't be any time soon either!" She scolds, I stand there looking down at her.

We had been talking for a while, well, at least I think it was a while. I'm dead because something went wrong at the operating table and according to my mom, they are currently trying to revive me.

She allowed me a glimpse at what she was seeing while talking to me at the same time.

My Frankie.

My baby was crying, he was crying and screaming and throwing a temper tantrum because they had let me die. The nurse tried to console him and tell him that they were trying to being me back, but he wasn't having any of it. He just kept screaming and screaming.


He sat there, he just sat there with his legs tucked underneath him, trying to make heads or tails of the whole situation. I'm sure Frank was saying his internal thoughts for him.

I couldn't watch anymore so I had to pull my hand away from my mom's.

"Gerard, it's up to you whether you want to live or die. In limbo, you have a choice, whether to cross over and join me and your father, or stay with Frankie and Mikey." She had said.

Which brings us to now.

I've had so many questions and I want them answered.

"Why isn't dad here with you?"

"Only one of us could come and see you, and your father thought it would be best if I went. He claimed that you two couldn't hold a ten second conversation. And that you'd most likely want to stay because you'd want to see me more than you would him."

"But mom that's not true! I love you and dad just the same!"

"But every boy needs a mother figure in his life." She replied smartly.

I huff and cross my arms over my chest.

"And what if I decide to stay?" I say childishly. I didn't care, what if I did want to stay dead?

"Rather let me ask you, what's going to happen to Mikey and Frank if you die? Do you want to see them all torn up? Do you want Frank to live with the guilt of letting you die? Because you know Gerard Arthur Way for a fact that that precious boy will find some way to blame himself. Do you want to spend your eternity wishing that you had lived so that you can spend that little time left that you would have had with him? Do you really want to stay?"

I stand there and just stare at her. Did I really want to spend an eternity wishing I had chosen to live, or live and just wait for it to end? I was already here, just one decision.

"Well? Stay or leave sweetheart. You've only got so much time left."

"How long have I been here? It feels like its been hours."

"While it feels as though its been a few hours, you've only been dead for about three or four minutes. I've asked to extend your dead limit to six so you've not much time."

I realize that I want to live, I can't leave my brother and my love alone. I just can't.

"As much as I love you mom, I'm going to leave." I say with finality.

All she does is give me a huge smile.

"I knew you'd pick that."

I smile back at her and give her a huge hug. When I pull away is when she starts to fade slowly.

"Mom where are you going?"

"I'm not going anywhere, you're the one who's disappearing. Tell my Mikey Mouse that mommy loves him, and tell Frank to take care of you."

"I will mommy. I love you."

"I love you too Gerd."

With those words my mother fades completely from my vision.

"Take care of yourself Gerard."

Air rushes into my lungs and my eyes flash open, artificial light flooding my vision.

I look over to see my beautiful boys' face and I smile at him. I turn my head over to see Mikey holding my hand, his eyes grow wide, and tears start to form at the corners of his eyes.

"G-Gerard you're awake!" He shouts.

"Mom says she loves you." I smile.

I've just come from a competition and my team got first place so I'm a very happy child :) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Also I checked the views on this story and wow, I appreciate all the people that read this, it means a lot that you like my story enough to read it when I post, and I'm thankful for those of you that review as well, thank you from the bottom of my little black heart. Now I'm exhausted so nighty night everyone.
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