Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Small Petunia of the Galaxy


by FightStriker 1 review

This is life, this is death. This is right, this is breath. This is true, how I feel, this is raw, this is real.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-29 - Updated: 2012-10-30 - 920 words - Complete

sampartypoison: you are such a lovely person, I swear I look forward to seeing what you have to say about a chapter, after I post this I plan on reading some of your stories :)

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter. I've hit the ten chapter mark, going to see how long this is going to be, not even going to put a number on it. I hope the story makes sense, and the whole Frerard-ness is coming up for those of you that eat that stuff up. Probably not going to be a lot of smut, maybe a little, not too much. Enough of my Jibba-Jabba, enjoy!


Chapter 10


I was back at home, finally, but I was strongly instructed to take it easy. So I've been catching up very slowly, with the help of Frank of course.

I've been out of the hospital for about a week and since then, Frank and I's relationship has grown even stronger.

They've removed the tumor but the doctors' said that there is still a chance that it may come back. I had to get a buzz cut because of the surgery and the stitches are still there on the side of my head, a perfect circle.

I rub my hand up and down through my fuzzy hair, something I've been doing a lot lately. To not have any hair feels weird and out of place, totally different from the time where I cut my hair short and died it peroxide blonde. This time I barely have any hair left.

"Frankie?" I ask him, my voice small. We were snuggled up together on the living room couch, watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, Frank's favorite movie.

"Yeah Gerard?"

"I just thought that I'd tell you I love you."

Frank turned around in my arms, pausing the movie. Although I love Frank with all my heart, he knows that I don't say I love you that often. For me, actions speak louder than words, saying I love you all the time is just like a waste of breath when all you could do is just prove it rather than say it. Even the Frank uses the words a lot, I know that he's just not saying them just to be saying them.

"Are you okay Gerard?" He questions, tilting his head to one side like a puppy.

"Oh darling, you are just so adorable, and yes I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I say rubbing our noses together.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you were dead for three minutes and seem to come back as a new man." He wasn't being rude, just using evidence that justifies my question.

I sigh and pull him onto my lap, him making a small squeak as I did so. Caught him off guard, I guess.

"Look baby, while I was dead I got to talk to my mom for what seemed like hours, but it was just in that small amount of time that made me realize how much I should be loving you. I'm not loving you as much I should be and that makes me feel like a terrible boyfriend. Being dead made me realize that I'm taking your love for granted and that I should be suffocating you with love, because I know you like the fluffy shit." I tease.

During my little speech Frank had been staring up at me and now that I focus all my attention on him and not myself I realize that he was crying.

"Oh darling I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! I'll make it all better to you! I'll do anything to make you feel better sweetheart." I sooth, pulling him into my chest and running my hand up and down his back. Once his shallow breaths had turned into tiny hiccups, he started to talk again.

"It's not that -hick- you hurt my feelings. It's just that -hick- that was so sweet! Can we go to Mary's Diner for some milkshakes please?"

I give him a smile and a nod and he makes a girlish squeal and rushes to the front door to slip on his old green Dr.Martens that I got him for Christmas two years ago. I take my phone out from in between the couch cushions and speed dial Mikey's number.


"Hey Mikes. Frank and I are going to Mary's down the road and we might be a while. Just in case you were going to be wondering why we were gone."

I hear a voice mumbling in the background.

"Oh okay, I was just about to call you and tell you that I was going to be spending the night at Bobs' house, if that's okay with you."

"Yeah bud, that's totally fine. I'll see you tomorrow then Mikes. Stay safe." I hang up but as I move my thumb to end the call I though I could faintly hear Mikey's voice saying.

"No promises."

"That's a good Way boy. Now if you be good then we won't have to kill your brother."

"Who are you and what do you want?!"

"My dear Mikey, my sweet sweet Mikey. We just want you and your brothers money, but we have to get Gerard out of the way to get to it. So do as I say and no one gets hurt."

I am so tired, if there are any misspells let me know, because I was typing still but falling asleep. So goodnight.
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