Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Hunters of The Predator

Psycho on the loose

by BitterLoveBlackHeart 0 reviews

Gerard agrees to go with Frank to take down BL/ind...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-10-29 - Updated: 2012-10-29 - 1112 words - Complete

Frank’s POV

It was six in the morning now, and I still hadn’t left, Gerard and I had sat on the patch of grass in silence, Gerard was deep in thought, probably thinking about whether he would come with me or stay with his brother and friends, I practically already knew what he’d do, he wouldn’t come with me, we met yesterday and I’m sure he doesn’t want to risk his life for a stranger who is slowly losing their sanity, he was so insistent on having me stay, and not do this alone, but it looks like alone is my only option…

“Frank, what are you doing?!” Gerard said shocked, I was dragged from my thoughts and realised I was biting myself, my wrist that I was once leaning on was now in my mouth, my blood was dripping around my wrist and I could feel the liquid smothering my chin and lips, I released my wrist from the firm grip my teeth had on it and looked at Gerard slightly embarrassed his eyes still wide and mouth open slightly, I moved my gaze from his face “sorry…I…it’s a side effect….” I mumbled while wiping my hand around my mouth to try and get rid of the blood staining my skin “Side effect?” Gerard asked curiously, I nodded “Yeah, erm, you know what Blood Lust is right?” Gerard nodded guiltily I assumed he’d experienced it before, I nodded also “Well, I get it too, but because I’m part human, I’m like a personal blood bank, but if I get carried away I could end up killing myself, so thanks for pointing it out, or I might not have realised I was doing it.” I stated, Gerard nodded “You were going to go out there and bring down an internationally known company with ‘side effects’ are you insane?” he questioned I smiled and nodded “Little bit yeah” I answered, Gerard smiled and shook his head “Well I can’t let a crazy person go bring down a company on their own I guess…” I looked up at him and he smiled at me “Wait…you, you’ll come…you’ll help me?” I asked shocked, he nodded “Yes I’ll help you, I kind of already left my brother a note saying I’d gone with you…” my eyes widened “Gerard you don’t have too…” I stated, he nodded “I know, but I have nothing to lose, I mean I’ve already died, and my soul is in the fiery depths of hell, what else could go wrong for me?” he laughed slightly and I shook my head “No.” I stated, Gerard looked at me confused “what? You asked for my help and I’m offering it to you…” he pointed out and I nodded “Yes, I did and that was selfish of me…” I stood up clutching my duffle bag, leaving Gerard sitting on the ground alone “it was selfish, you have a family and friends and a life! I can’t ask you to throw it all away for me, We’re strangers, I’m just a disaster waiting to happen, look, go home, pretend this never happened, and maybe one day, I’ll see you on the other side, yeah?” I said, sighing, I turned around and began to walk down the street alone, knowing Gerard wasn’t going to follow me this time because he knew I was right…

Gerard’s POV

I sat on that patch of grass for another hour, staring at the path Frank had walked down until his figure turned into a silhouette and his silhouette had vanished into the distance, I’d let a subconscious suicidal hybrid go on a mission to destroy one of the world’s biggest companies…

I should have gone with him, but he was right, we are strangers, we’d known each other for less than a day and the boy, the boy with the pale skin and the chocolate brown eyes and the broken soul had made realise, my life is not as bad as I always thought it was.
Eventually I stood up and began to walk back to my house, back to Mikey and the sweet smell of coffee filling my senses, I got to the front door and noticed it was open slightly, from outside I could hear voices from within “Lindsey I told you, I woke up this morning and he was gone! Nothing but a note to say he’d gone to help Frank!” Mikey stated voice raised slightly “Well if Gerard has gone with Frank we need to find him and as soon as possible, when the coven find out Gerard is helping Frank they’ll hunt them both down, and they won’t show Frank any mercy a second time…” I heard Lindsey say seriously, I pushed the door open fully and closed it behind me; I entered the lounge where Lindsey and Mikey were both sitting “a second time?” I asked Lindsey and Mikey both stood up and Lindsey hugged me tightly before slapping me across the face, I winced at the sudden pain running through my right cheek “Yes twice, and where’s Frank?” she asked her eyes scanning me worrying “I tried to stop him from going alone…I did, I offered to go with him but he told me it would be selfish of him to ask me to throw my life away for him, and then he left…” I said quickly, Lindsey sighed deeply “Well when did he leave?” she questioned, I glanced to the clock on the DVD player “About an hour and fifteen minutes ago…” I said feeling guilty I hadn’t returned home sooner to bring them the news that Frank had left… Lindsey looked at me and sighed “Gerard, you should have told me sooner, he could be half way to New York by now, we have to go after him before he gets himself killed…” I nodded knowing I was in the wrong and then Lindsey sat on the couch “I thought we were going after Frank…” Mikey pointed out, Lindsey sighed and shook her head “Do you really think we’re going to go to New York to find and help Frank without an action plan?” Mikey and I both nodded and sat beside her, waiting for her to tell us the plan…

AN- sorry for the long wait guys, I was really trying to get this chapter done but things kept popping up, so apologies for any grammatical/spelling errors hope you enjoy ~BitterLoveBlackHeart xoxo
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