Categories > Original > Horror > The hunt

Unsuspected Sacrifice

by Lirazel 0 reviews

Sandra offers herself in place of Larry to the cearb who uses her to lead the other werewolves to fight him.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-10-31 - Updated: 2012-10-31 - 1476 words - Complete

I had awaken to a throbbing headache and aching bones. I turned over to feel where Radziel was sleeping and the spot was empty. I shot up nervously. “RADZIEL,RADZIEL? I called out loudly. I stumbled out of bed searching the floor. I was so frustrated that I could not find my exact shirt that I went to Larry’s drawer and pulled out one of his shirts and pulled it over my head while putting on my pants at the same time. I opened the door wildly and came faced to face with a red eyed demon female. She was dressed in these brown pants and a torn camisole. I was quite startled by her appearance but was calmed down by the thought she must have been a friend of the house.”Hi, I said with a shameful grin. She must have been offended by my shocked reaction or that I was some human in the house and not a supe. She just looked at me funny and walked off. I went down the hall and heard people downstairs. Some of the people talking was Radziel and a few others. I looked over the banister and saw that Sandra and Mike was there. Coomara and Harat was sitting with the unknown demon female and everyone else who lived in the house was all sitting together laughing and joking. “I’m just saying that this cearb does not stand a chance against a whole pack of werewolves” said Mike. ”Yeah, but you guys need to know how Kieran thinks. I’ve known him for over a thousand years. He likes to toy with his enemies and likes to play mind games. It is a trait most demons have and you guys need to know it if you are going to fight him,” said Balthazar. “ Yeah, I don’t think I want to fight him because of that. He’s too unpredictable for my taste,” said Ezekiel.” What are you talking about? You angels are really strong and can take on all types of supes. I mean just look at you all. You guys are built like navy seals with your massive muscled backs and stealth skills,” said Sandra. “Our backs have to be massive in order to have wings,” said Remiel smiling. I walked down the stairs quietly trying not to interrupt. Radziel saw me and smiled. I did not smile back. “Hey morning, Gemma did you sleep well in Larry‘s bed kissing my forehead. I pushed him a little.” What’s wrong,” he said looking at me directly in the eye. I looked back at him” I just don’t like being left alone that’s all,” I said turning from him. “Hey, so what are we going to do now? Halloween is coming. That’s when we go into full swing,” said Brandon getting off the sofa. “Well, we can either sit it out and party here or look for trouble,” said Balthazar. ”I’d rather look for trouble,” said Larry.”Oh,yeah no parties here.Would’nt want to make a mess,” said Brandon rolling his eyes at Larry. “I’d be the one that will clean up afterwards like always,” said Larry. Everyone laughed and there was a violent knock at the door. “I know you all are in there. I know that dog has come home,”. It was the cearb “Kieran” again who came back looking for Larry. Zachariel got up and went to the closet to get his spiked club. He motioned to Radziel, Remiel,and Ezekiel to go in and get their weapons as well. “Go away Kieran you lousy bastard,”shouted Balthazar.” Stay out of this you traitor. Bring me Larry. Larry had a look of anger and triumph on his face. “Come out dog,” Kieran hissed. Sandra and Mike looked at Larry with sorrow. “Don’t go out there Larry,” said the unknown demon female. Larry shook his head and got up. Everyone looked surprised.” What are you doing,” said Mike.” I have to go out there, otherwise he will kill another innocent person again.” No, you don’t know that. He might just slaughter some more goats and sheep. Larry don’t sacrifice yourself to him,” said Mike.”Im not sacrificing myself to him. Not yet. He’s going to continue to harass the house until he gets me. “We‘ll fight him off. He cant fight all four of us,” said Zachariel. “No, this our battle. I have to do this,” said Larry. ”Open the bloody door,” said Kieran causing the door to crack. Sandra jumped back.” He cant come into the house unless someone invites him in,” said Herat. Larry walked past Mike and went to the door and opened it. ”Larry,no” said Paul.Larry slowly opened the door. There I saw it. He was the same height as Larry but it looked like he was slumped over a little. He had matted shaggy hair that came down to his chin ,his skin was grey and pallid that looked almost like stone. His teeth were all sharp and his hands had long dirty looking nails. His clothes did not look like something of this century but somewhat medieval. I cringed a little when I saw him. He smelt of old pine and other earthen odors. He looked at Larry with a blank look and I saw that his pale lips curled into a smile. The smile kind of reminded me of Balthazar’s mischievous grin but it lacked the warmth and empathy. “Come out further dandy dog. Or do you want to invite me inside instead, ”he said with a chuckle. Balthazar had gotten up. The cearb saw him walking towards the door and he let out a loud roar that shattered the glass cups placed on the table. Balthazar roared back and his face was full of pure rage. ”Come any further I’ll rip the throat of another sheep and child,” he said. Balthazar stopped. Larry was about to go past the house threshold and Sandra got up saying “WAIT,” making everyone look up.” Take me instead ,” she said.” You want a werewolf to sacrifice then here I am .I’ll go willingly," she said with her head down. Mike looked at her with shock and confusion.” You dogs never give yourselves up so willingly,” he said eying Sandra. “Sandra don’t” said Zachariel coming towards her. Sandra then had moved Larry out the way before he could grab her.
There she was in the presence of the cearb who himself was looking at her with confusion and shock at her decision.” You blasphemous cowardice son of satan’s whore. I’ll rip out the spine you don’t have,” said Zachariel coming towards the door at Kieran.” Larry had stopped him.” Don’t come any closer,” said the cearb holding a rusty knife to Sandra’s neck. “She came to me willingly. However she’s not enough. Those traitors will tell you that I like a challenge,” he said eying Balthazar and the other demons in the house who looked at him angrily. “ I like the sport of hunting these dogs. When I kill it is by the numbers,” he said holding Sandra in a grisly embrace with one of his arms
around her waist and the other holding a knife to her neck.” I should rip this b*tch apart right in front of you all. But where is the fun in that? Too easy. I’m going to take her away and I want every damn one of you hounds to come out to try and save her,” said Kieran. A tear had ran down Sandra’s cheek.
”You won’t just get hounds you’ll have to fight every supe who is tired of your smelling rotting a**,”said Paul staring at Kieran as if he wanted to rip his head off.” You stay out of this,” I sense you have feelings for this hound girl. Too bad you won’t be able to fulfill those feelings,” said Kieran rubbing his grey pale lips across Sandra’s cheeks trying to taunt Paul. “ I love the hunt. Just have your pack come out near that abandoned farm house. I love the company of wolves,” said Kieran chuckling squeezing Sandra causing her to whimper a little. “ You truly are spineless,” said Harat. “Yeah but look at you. A fierce fighter and the right hand to Azazel. Now congregating with humans and other lowly supes. Who really is “spineless” in human context,” said Kieran. Harat exhaled and looked on at his fellow demon with disgust. “Come wolf girl,” said Kieran picking Sandra up and draping her over his shoulders. He then leaped off the porch and ran with inhuman speed through the woods until he could not be seen.
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