Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Small Petunia of the Galaxy


by FightStriker 1 review

Pain, without love, Pain, I can't get enough, Pain, I like it rough 'cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-11-06 - Updated: 2012-11-06 - 1022 words - Complete

Sam, it's fine sweet pea I was just messin' with you. I honestly wasn't offended at all and I sent you a mental hi-5 for putting FOTGTD on there because that story is the sex.
Aren't you guys lucky? Two updates in one day. Two thousand words blew my mind, I type all this is on my phone, which means no word count so where I stop is just where I stop, but that last chapter, I had to pack a bunch of stuff into it. Hope it doesn't seem rushed. Enjoy babies!


Chapter 16

Time of Dying

"No! No! Why do you have to die Gerard why?!" Mikey yelled. Frank and I had finally broke the news to him and it seemed like that was his breaking point.

The doctors had given me six months to live. The tumor was back and it was almost like it came back stronger than before, it was rooted so deep into my brain that surgery couldn't remove it, if they tried, they'd kill me. Three months had passed since the first go round, when I had first found out about it. And today was the first day I'd be checked into a cancer patients hospital and start my chemotherapy. I was scared, anyone would be scared, but I was more afraid for Mikey than myself. What was he going to do after I was gone? What would happen to Frank?

Right now, Mikey has locked himself in his room, not giving me a chance to explain the situation. After he yelled at me he stormed up the stairs and slammed the door, I heard something fall and break, but I don't think he cared.

I banged and banged on the door, pleading with him to let me in. After my hands started to hurt I just put my back to the door.

I started to hit my head periodically against the door, not like it mattered anymore. Frank had gone home to get himself some clothes, he'd be with me for a while and he's joined the bandwagon of being homeschooled. We picked two responsible people to take care of our battalion. Maybe I'd visit before it was my time. I stopped hitting my head and took a deep breath.

"Listen Mikey. I know that it sounds bad, hell, it is bad, but please don't hate me. They said that too many events happened and during all of that the cancer was slowly creeping and rooting its way back into my brain. They caught it too late, and now I'm going to have to be a man and fight this. I'll always be your big brother, no matter what happens to me, I'll always be with you, because I promised you when mom and dad died that everything would be okay, and it is, everything is going to be just fine. I'm going to survive, I won't let this get the best of me. I love you Mikes, and nothing will ever change that, ya hear me?" I waited a few minutes and the door opened up on my back. I stood up and Mikey's young face was streaked with tears.

"You promise it's going to be okay?" He asked me, sniffling.

"I promise." I told him. He smiled at me and crashed into my arms, his tears soaking my shirt. He sobbed and screamed and clutched my shirt in his fists.

"Just let it out Mikes. It's gonna all be okay."

I hope.

Month One

I had my first round of chemotherapy today, and I feel terrible. My baby blanket covered my legs, and I shivered as the air conditioner blew on my half naked body. I was hooked up to a million machines and every hour on the hour they drew blood. What little hair I had was all gone now, I was totally bald.

I tried to pass the time leading up to the first go with drawing, but all I drew was pictures of Frank. My baby, my sweet innocent little petunia. I couldn't bear to imagine what he would do to himself. My heart hurts at the thought of him hurting himself.

A knock came on my door.

"Come in." I answered weakly.

And in walked my baby boy.

"Hey Gerard." He smiled, his hands were behind his back.

"Hey sweetheart, what's that ya got there?" I asked pointing at him. He beamed and pulled out petunia's, they were in a vase, clean water filled it.

"I thought since you call me your petunia, I'd get you some, so that when I'm not here, they'll remind you of me." He explained. I smiled and gestured for him to sit them on the table by my bed. His smile turned into a frown when he looked down at his phone.

"I'm sorry baby, there's a problem back at the school that I've got to fix, I'll be back as soon as I can okay?" He asked, biting his lip.

"It's fine Frankie, just be sure you come back to me okay?" I asked. He gave me a nod and leaned down to kiss my forehead and out the door he went.

This was going to be a long six months.

Frick yeah for inserting MCR lyrics into the chapter! Anyway I posted this to have Sam read that note at the top and also just 'cause I wanted to get the first month out of the way. It pains me to tell you guys this but... There are only about six more chapters left of Small Petunia of the Galaxy. The last chapter will adequately be named Small Petunia of the Galaxy and the chapter before that one will be called Playing God by Paramore. I put songs as the chapter names because that's usually the song I'm listening to as I type it and it just so happens to fit. But don't you worry you guys, I've got another story in the works, and I hope it sounds pretty original when you guys read it. Peace out girl/boy scouts? I don't know if guys read this or not.
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