Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sex,Spice and Burlesque

Chapter 23

by The-Corpse 1 review

Why does shit always happen to me?.....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2012-11-18 - Updated: 2012-11-19 - 1392 words

Sorry guys if its a little late. But there will be updates this week I owe you that, so here is chapter 23!

Chapter 23:
Hozzie's P.O.V.

I was really not expecting to see this...

"Gerard what are you doing here?!" I said as I ran towards him, enveloping him in a tight hug. He hugged back without saying a word. We pulled away, I look into his eyes. I swear that I saw sadness and confusion but it just simply vanished when a smile came across his lips. I could swear that it was fake, but I quickly dismissed that thought as he spoke. "Well there was a storm and we had to cancel our concerts." I smile at his comment. Then I remember Viola was still standing at the living room door. I turn back to her. She got the message and left. "I really did miss you." I said as I gave him a quick kiss.
We both sat down on the nearest couch. "Hozzie we need to talk.." Gerard said once we were seated. I was nervous about what he wanted to talk about. Not that I knew what it was about but because of the tone his voice held. "Okay, then talk." I said, urging him on. He takes a deep breath and...

"Hey Hozzie!" Frank says while he walks into the room with a half eaten sandwich in his hand. "Hey Frank" I say a little annoyed that he interrupted before Gerard could say anything. "Uh..Frank?" Gerard says. "Yeah?" Frank says with the sandwich still in his mouth, he sits down on the other sofa turning the tv on. I don't know if I should either be disgusted or find the look on his face funny. "Do you mind?" Gerard says while pointing between himsefl and I. "No , you can talk" Frank says returning his attention to the screen.
I hear Gerard sigh. And I turn to my left to look at him. He seems to be kind of angry. I really wonder why.
I was about to ask him when the rest of the guys came into the room.
Whatever Gerard wanted to tell was gonna have to wait.

After the girls had return from wherever they went. The guys had decided to stay and have a movie night.
At the moment Allison and I were in our bedroom. I went into the bathroom to change into my sweats and an old tee. The temperature seemed to be dropping more. Not to mention November was slowly ending and Christmas was just around the corner.

I walk out of the room while pushing my hair up in a bun, which was kind of difficult to do since I had short hair. I saw Allison giving me some odd looks, but instead I decided to ignore it. I walk out of the room to instanly hear the boys talking. I knew that eveasedropping was a really bad idea but I couldn't help it. I heard Frank whisper to Gerard. "Have you told her yet?". "No I haven't" Gerard said, venom flowing through his words. "Look sooner or later she will find out!" That was the last thing I heard them say before Logan walked into the room.
Now I was just confused, what did he have to tell me? And Why was it so important that he did?, those were the questions running through my head. Somehow I knew ahit was about to happen.

I gather all my thoughts before heading downstairs. The guys were sitting on the floor. They too had changed into comfier clothing. Since they stayed at our place most of the time, Bob thought of the idea to leave some clothes here so they could spend the night.
I sat next to Charlie which was sitting next to Frank on the floor. I had this feeling that if I had sat next to Gerard I would jave exploded with questions, so thinking , I thought it would be better if he and I kept a distance. That and Allison had already taken my seat next to him.

The movie was quiet. Nobody spoke a word about anything. Usually I'd be up for zombies and whatnot, but tonight I was not in the mood. I had excused myself before walking out and into the kitchen. I started to breath heavy, I had absolutetly no idead why my heartbeat was going a mile a minute. This has only ever happened once and that was like ten years ago, in elemamtary school. I open the fridge taking out a bottle of water. I took a huge gulp. It clearly didn't help as my breathing was still fast. I try claming it down, but I thought I was in a sauna. I couldn't breath. My vision had become blurry and I was seeing black spots. I tried crossing the room to sit down but before I could even reach, everything became darkness.


I awoke to the sound of beeping. I didn't need to open my eyes. I couldn't. Thought the beeping was still there. Beep....Beep....Beep... After a few moments it became a lullaby. Making me fall asleep once again.

This time when I was woken up, it was not the beeping. But the touch of someone's hand in mind. I slowly open my eyes to just see white, looking around I now know that I was in a hospital room. But why?
My eyes landed on a mess of black hair. Gerard. I wrapped my hand tighter around his causing him to look up at me. " Where am I?" I asked thought the real question was what am I doing here?. "Your at the hospital." I hear Gerard say in a broken voice. I sat up a bit to get a better view of my surroundings. There were a few flowers here and there. And by looking out the window I could tell that it was nightfall. "What time is it?" I say, my throat feeling a little groggy. I wonder how long I have been asleep. Gerard was standing up now looking out the door, that I guess led to the hallway. "It is only 10 past 7" he said as he walk back inside with a nurse behind him. He didn't say anything else as the nurse began to check on me.
After she was done she left. I really wanted to talk to Gerard. But before I even got a word out the doctor came in. "Okay Miss Bareham, you had a very severe heart attack. I have never seen a case like yours."he said while checking the heart monitor. If I had heart problems then I think I would have known by now.
"Your okay now, but your condition can start acting up again if your under too much stress.". He says whe writting something down on his clipboard.
"You may go home as soon as were done finnishing a few tests"

He continues to explain to me what had happened and what my condition was all about. Telling me what I can and can't do in the next few days. I should have been listening but my attetion was someplace else. I think I'll let you figure that one out...


"Here you are Miss" The nurse said handing me my pills. I had inly spent two days here. And Thanksgiving was just two days away. I was thinking I should spend it with my parents, but the doctor had said I could do no flying for the few days, well at least to places across thr ocean. That would just make my condition worsen. I need to stay near ground.
Yeah, I didn't get that either.

Gerard still hadn't left my side. I actually had to order him to get something to eat or he would've starve himself. And we both don't need to be in the hospital.
The guys had come around to visit me. Turns out they were pretty much worried about me. Jennifer had bought me this huge teddy bear, which I found totally cute. I loved it here. I actually had friends and people who actually cared about me. Well including my parents back home.

Everything just feels right at the moment.

There ya have it I hoped you like it. Rate & Review!
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