Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Under The Cork Tree

We're So Far Away

by moocow 2 reviews

Because of the shortness of this chapter, I decided to add two. And jsut becuase I lsitened to the new Gym Class Heroes song again...and this is dedicated to a special somebody...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2006-07-19 - Updated: 2006-07-19 - 526 words

Chapter 16- We're So Far Away

"Remembering, everything about my world and when you came.
Wondering if the change
you'd bring means nothing else would be the same"

Lizzie was in her own world, listening to the birds chirp above her.
The birds should be leaving soon...winter is in tow.
It was due to snow any day in Wilmette. The skies were bright and it had been lightly raining lately, and bitter cold breezes would cause icicles to hang from the roof. She couldn't get over that fact the most popular selling album on the charts right now, was in fact written for her. Shaking her head, Lizzie stared up at the clouds that lined the clear blue sky.
I wonder just what he's doing right now...

"Did you know what you were doing? Did you know?
Did you know how you would move me?
Well, I don't really think so.
But the night came down and swept us away.
And the stars, they seemed, to paint the most elaborate scene to date..."

Pete sat observing the skies as the stars danced making the constellations stand out brighter than ever. He found himself on the balcony of the penthouse suite of a French hotel. They were touring and it was time to be in Europe. Sighing, but smiling, Pete let his eyes dance along with them.
"Lizzie actually called me and left me a voice mail," Pete turned around to see Patrick standing in the doorway of the balcony door, balancing his side-kick between his hands.
"What did she say?" Pete asked nonchalantly. Patrick sighed, coming over and leaning over the busy streets with Pete.
"She just let me know she's 'ok', but I don't buy it...she sounds real depressed," Patrick muttered and Pete frowned slightly looking down at his folded hands, that hung over the balcony.
"Did she say anything about the album?" he asked slowly and watched as Patrick shook his head.
"Not a word...but, I know she listened to it. It's made a huge impact on her...she said she was proud...but didn't mention you," Pete pursed his lips together and sighed.
"Are you going to call her back?" he asked and Patrick shook his head again.
"No," he breathed out. Pete raised a shocked eyebrow.
"Why? You haven't talked to her in months," Patrick let out a laugh.
"Well, first, she changed her number, and didn't leave it, and second, I'm going to visit her..." Patrick paused and turned, still leaning on the balcony. Pete turned and copied his stance, looking at his friend.
"And your coming with me," Patrick said, poking Pete's shoulder. Pete widened his eyes and gulped.
"Pat...I...I don't think I'm ready," he stated and trembled over his words as he looked down at his hands in disbelief.
"Don't sweat; you've got another two weeks,"

"Did you know how you would move me? Did you know?
Did you know how you would move me?
Well, I don't even think so.
But the moment's magic swept us away.
And it's so close but we're so far away.
It's so close but we're so far away"
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