Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Doll of Darkness

Dark pasts, blurred futures

by Sam41 3 reviews

Gerard finds out why Frank got so angry about the shopkeepers prediction

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-11-23 - Updated: 2012-11-24 - 907 words

Frank was nervous, curious and pissed off on the ride home.

"Frank what's wrong?" Gerard asked, resting his flat palm on his boyfriend's thigh, which was currently bouncing up and down as Frank's impatience got the best of him.

"That fucking bitch, having the balls to tell you that "you've sinned once to much." Frank mimicked

"Do you think I really care? She's just a creepy old bat who has nothing better to do with her life." Gerard shrugged, receiving a giggle from the youngest Iero.

"Gee she was like 25 or something." 

"So, she told me I was going to die from all my sins...that now makes her an old bat." Gerard joked, wrapping an arm around an obviously annoyed Frank. 

"Naw, so cute I could get diabetes from it." Elli grinned at the couple, receiving a dirty look from her brother.

"It's 'oh thats so SWEET' not cute dumbass." 

"Frank.." His mother warned from the front seat, not even turning her head and still scaring her son.

"Oooh told." Gerard kidded, hugging the shorter boy closer to his body.

"ARE WE THERE YET?!" Frank asked for the 20th time.

"Yes, YES YES YES FRANK WE ARE HERE!" Elli yelled, annoyed with the fact her brother was acting like a 2 year old for the past 5 minutes.

"What's wrong?" Gerard asked as soon as the boys had found their way into Frank's messy bedroom.

"I, I don't know why it's bothering me so much. I'm just scared I'm going to lose you, be alone again, get hurt like last time." Frank whispered, leaning his head sorrowfully back against the headboard.

"What do you mean last time? I thought you didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend before this?" Gerard pushed, giving Frank a stare.

"I didn't, he was my best friend.." Frank started, unwilling to finish

"Who you fancied more than a friend?" Gerard offered, receiving a nod from his boyfriend.
"Want to tell me?" Gerard asked, taking Frank's hand in his.

"Okay fine, we grew up knowing each other. Back before we moved to Jersey..."


"FRANKIE WHAT'S UP?!" A familiar voice called, walking up the Iero's driveway.

"Hey B." Frank called, looking back down to the guitar settled in his lap.

"You actually play it?!" Billie remarked, an obvious tone of surprise in his voice.

"Yeah, I wanna' be in a band one day." Frank explained, resuming the song he had been trying to master.

"Well fine, don't hang out with me! Hang out with your little..guitar." Trying to sound angry and sassy, Billie burst out laughing, falling on his ass in the process.

"That is how you literally fall on your ass laughing." Frank chuckled, offering his friend a hand up.

"Did you name it?" His friend asked, causing Frank to turn in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked, laying the guitar on the deck railing.

"Your guitar, did you name it?" Billie explained, stare need leaving Frank's face.

"No..I have no idea what to name it even." The shorter shrugged.

"Name it pansy." Billie offered, crossing his arms and leaning back against the railing.


"Cause your a pansy Iero. It's written all over your face!" 

"Shut the fuck up Armstrong, I'm straighter than you'll ever wish to be." This remark causing the black haired boy to stand up straighter.

"That is low. Fucking low..maybe now I'll say fuck it and see if Tré or Mike wanna chill." Billie began walking off the deck, causing Frank to feel his heart drop.

"No wait! I wanna hang out." Frank insisted, following Billie down the steps like a lost puppy.

"Then hurry you're short ass up! I'm leavin' now." Billie called over his shoulder, ignoring the obvious fact that Frank was right beside him.

"Wait, this isn't right." Frank mumbled as Billie opened the door to his step-father's brand new Mustang.

"I don't give a fuck, what isn't right is my mom finding something in this douche." Billie growled hopping in, and turning the igniton.

"Why? They're going to find out and be pissed." Frank tried talking his friend out of it.

"They were pissed when me and Tré came home with Blue hair...they're going to be fucking furious." Billie laughed, thinking of the way his family would react.

"You can't drive yet! You're only 15!" Frank yelled, in last attempts to talk his friend out of this.

"Trust me." Billie waved it off as he drove onto the freeway.

"Billie, do you even know how to drive?!" Frank asked, becoming more nervous by the second.

"I should be fine, I've played Grand Theft Auto enough." Grinning at Frank's reaction, Billie pulled over.

"Fuckfuckfuck! We're going to fucking dieeee." Frank squeaked, looking at his bright haired friend.

"No, I wouldn't let anything happen to you." Frank's heartrate went through the roof as he noticed his friend leaning in closer with every word.

Leaning in Frank grinned.
Lips so close, breath warming faces, a near kiss until..


A car t-boned them, sending the boys into a roll.

End flashback

"Did he die?" Gerard whispered, holding the now sobbing boy as close as he could.

"I don't know; some say he did, others say they moved, some even say he was sent to jail." Frank explained, gasping for air.

"It's going to be okay? I promise you I'm not leaving yet. Life is too damn good." Frank smiled, unknowing what was to come.
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