Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Heart can Only Break so Much

A Letter can Change the World

by tmbfucks 8 reviews

I want to know why you didn't want me. I just need some closure.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-25 - Updated: 2012-11-25 - 1281 words

As soon as I got home, I was obviously bombarded with questions by my mum.

‘Penina, are you okay?’ She asked.

‘Don’t talk to me. I never want to see you again.’ I said. I stormed to my room, and instantly got out some lined paper, and a pen. There was a knock on the door. ‘Go away mum.’ I said. The door opened anyway. It wasn’t mum though. It was Callie, Mia, and Shayla. My sisters.

‘I’m not old enough for that.’ Mia said.

‘What do you guys want?’ I asked. I couldn’t really be angry with them. They didn’t exactly do anything wrong. They are my sisters. They didn’t know.

‘Well, first of all, I want you to get some sort of reality check. Mum didn’t do anything wrong to you. If anything, she did you a huge favour. She made you apart of the family with people who love you.’ Callie said. I scoffed.

‘She’s not my mum.’ I grumbled. ‘To be quite honest, I don’t want you guys in my room. I just want to be on my own.’ I said.

‘Penina, I love you.’ Mia said.

‘Me too. Can I go on the sims?’ Shayla asked.

‘Take the laptop bag with you.’ I answered. They all turned around to leave.

‘Thank you.’ Shayla said before closing the door. I love them all so much, but it’s as if everything I knew about them was taken away in a few seconds. My mum had to tell me. My mum and dad thought I was having a blood problem, so when the nurse asked them if it could’ve been biological, they answered that they weren’t sure. They had no clue if it was to do with my mum or dad. No one knew. I sighed knowing that I got distracted. I began writing my letter for LynZ.

Dear LynZ, or in this case, dear mum,

First of all, I want to say that it really is me. It’s Penina. I don’t know if that makes you happy or not, but it’s the truth. I want to know you. I just want to talk to you. Even if it’s for five minutes. I need to know some things. I need to know my mum. Yes, I was adopted, but it wasn’t a happy ending. Sure, I’m not dead yet, but just because you’re alive doesn’t mean that you should be happy. I want to know why it was a closed adoption. I want to know why you didn’t want me. I just need some closure.

I’m sure this is a massive shock for you. I only found out a day ago, and that’s just right now when I’m writing the letter. That was months after I got tickets for this concert. That isn’t a few days from now. I’m with a couple of friends. Only one of them knows that you’re my mum. I had to tell him. He’s my best friend. You would understand if you knew about me. Anyway, please just let me know that you want to know me too. I need to know.

Love Penina, your 15 year old daughter who loves you so much. Xx

I sighed. I know that was probably a terrible letter to send to your mum, but it was the only thing I knew I could send. I couldn’t just shove information down her throat in one letter. This was probably too much to handle anyway. It was too much for me to handle. At some point, I managed to sneak into the attic, and I took my birth and adoption certificate. I hid them in the one place in my room no one would bother looking at. The underneath of my chair. I don’t even use that chair, so it’s a perfect hiding place.

As predicted, mum didn’t want me going to the concert, so Zeke came to my house and knocked on my door. He was pretending that he was taking me out to get my mind off it. I took the tickets too. Everything was now in my handbag. He drove us to the train station and we made our way to HMV Apollo.

‘Are you alright?’ He asked. I shrugged.

‘I honestly have no clue.’ That answer was true for more reasons than one. The fact that I was about to tell my mum she was my mum is one of the biggest reasons, but there were plenty more. Firstly, I haven’t seen my friend in ages. Her name is Audrey Ceteller. We went to the same primary school. We haven’t seen each other in 4 years or so. I haven’t even met her boyfriend. I knew his name though. His name is Jessie Waterbow. I don’t know much else. Other than the fact that they’re attached at the lips. It’s their 1 year anniversary soon. How do I know that? Well, the fact that she put it all over her Facebook page was a massive hint. As much as I love that girl, I have no doubt that I’ll feel like a third wheel. Even if Zeke was there, he’d manage to make other friends soon enough and no one would bother talking to me.

Another reason would be that it would be my first proper concert. I went to a pop idol concert when I was about 5, but I hated it, and I had to go home because my shoes were too tight and they made my feet bleed. The fact that I’m about to go in my very first mosh pit made me put on the most comfortable shoes I could find.

‘You know I’m here for you. No matter what happens. Right?’ He asked. I nodded my head.

‘Of course I do. But that doesn’t make me feel any better right now. I’m just absolutely scared shitless. She may be my mum, but what if she doesn’t want to be. That may be a reason as to why she gave me up. Oh god. This was a bad idea. We should go.’ I said.

‘Penina, I know you. You’d regret it if you didn’t, so you’re going to go into that mosh pit, and let your mum know who you are.’ I breathed deeply and nodded my head. He was right. My mum is going to know about me, and she might just be excited. I hope she will anyway.

Hello guys! This was at first going to be the first time you see LynZ in the flesh, but I was too tired to write it that long, and I've got school in the morning. I will update after though. I love this story like I love Drama on the Front Page! Do you guys remember that? I loved writing it so much. It's like my baby! Haha. Anyway, Mia and I have discovered that we are indeed the same person. It's just creepy. We are literally two minds rolled into one. Mia, if I ever meet you, I shall take you to the science lab with me and we shall be examined. It is too freaky. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! I'm off to sleep now. RATE and review. You guys review superbly, seriously! The last chapter has almost 60 reviews!!! :O Guys, you have been reviewing literally all day! That is amazing! Seriously!!! Oh my god!!! Haha. So, yeah. Rate and review. XD xx
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