Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Heart can Only Break so Much

Hidden Miracle

by tmbfucks 22 reviews

If you leave with her, don't you ever think about coming back.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-28 - Updated: 2012-11-28 - 1493 words

LynZ called my mum and told her everything. She was on her way. The rest of the band had finished, and were currently signing a few things. They’re going to come straight back here after though. I briefly got to know Kitty and Jimmy because Steve was doing things with the encore. I saw it on the TV, and it was awesome. He played Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen with a couple of the audience members.

‘What time is it?’ I asked.

‘About 10?’ LynZ guessed.

‘Crap. I need to take my medicine.’ I said.

‘What medicine?’ She asked.

‘Melatonin and Fluoxetine.’ I answered.

‘What are they for?’ She asked.

‘Melatonin’s for sleep right?’ Zeke asked. I nodded my head.

‘And the Fluoxetine is for depression. I hate taking it though.’ I answered. All of a sudden, the door burst open.

‘What the hell were you thinking? Why would you be so irresponsible?’ My mum asked angrily. I gasped. I hated it when she got like this. She scared me. I wouldn’t let it show though.

‘Oi! Leave her alone.’ Zeke argued.

‘Shut it you stupid boy. This is my daughter, and you just decided to put her in danger? I hate you.’ She spat.

‘Leave him alone. You didn’t let me go, so I went anyway. I wanted my mother.’ I said.

‘I am your mother.’ She screeched.

‘Talia, just calm down.’ LynZ said to her.

‘I fucking hate you. You let this happen. I can’t believe this!’ She shouted at her. She seemed more venomous to LynZ than anyone else.

‘Leave my mum alone!’ I screamed. Mum walked up to me and did something I would never have expected. She slapped me hard around the face. She hurt me a few times, but not as severe. My cheek burned, and I think I felt blood dripping down.

‘You’re coming home with me right now.’ She said firmly.

‘No she’s not.’ I turned to the door and saw Steve standing there looking protective.

‘This doesn’t concern you.’ She shouted.

‘Yes it does. She’s a Killjoy you know? Do you have any idea who I am?’ He asked. LynZ put her arm around me when my mum walked off to talk to him.

‘Yes. An ugly, fat, bastard who needs to stay out of this.’ She said. He laughed.

‘Oh lady, you have no idea. Do you? I am Dr D.’ He said. ‘109 in the sky but the pigs won’t quit. You’re here with me, Dr Death Defying.’ He said in his Dr D voice. I smiled, but my cheek hurt.

‘That’s pathetic. Penina’s coming with me, and there is nothing you can do about it, so fuck off.’ She said angrily.

‘Penina, what do you want?’ Steve asked. I looked between LynZ and my mum. I couldn’t chose. I want to be with LynZ, but mum would hate me for that.

‘If you leave with her, don’t you ever think about coming back.’ Mum said.

‘I’ve never regretted putting my daughter into care more than I do now.’ LynZ said.

‘I want to stay with my mum.’ I said.

‘Which mum?’ Zeke asked. As supportive as he was, I swear he was getting a kick out of this. If he could, he would be munching on popcorn right now.

‘LynZ. I want to stay with LynZ.’ I answered slowly. My mum just strode off. She didn’t even look back. I think I may not ever see her again, and that thought scares me.

‘Jesus. You’re bleeding. Steve, can you get a towel with water on it or something? Maybe some band aids?’ LynZ asked.

‘Sure.’ He said. He looks exactly like he did when he was Dr D. I’m assuming he kept the facial hair and long locks since. He was even wearing a bandana. I started giggling too.

‘What’s so funny?’ LynZ asked.

‘Band aids. I call them plasters.’ I answered. She smiled at me.

‘Penina, does this mean you’re moving to the states?’ Zeke asked worriedly.

‘I don’t know.’ I answered truthfully.

‘We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, but for now you’re coming to stay with us for at least a week.’

‘Then I’m coming for that time too.’ Zeke said. ‘I’m not letting her get away that easily.’

‘Zeke, when I accidently kicked that guy in the face, I saw a tear in your eye. And then when we went to get pizza and I accidently punched your face. I can get away from you as easily as anything.’ I said. He put his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor in embarrassment.

‘I don’t think the pizza thing was an accident, but still.’ He said.

‘It was in the heat of the moment. The heat was even more hot than the pizza.’ I said. He giggled.

‘Whatever, I’m coming with you, and you can’t convince me otherwise.’ He said. I looked at LynZ. She sighed in defeat and nodded her head.

‘Fine, but you have to sleep on the sofa. We don’t have any other rooms and you’re not sharing with her.’ She said.

‘Not that I would try anything with her, but even if I did, she would probably stop me from ever having kids. She throws hard punches. But fine.’ He said. Although, it wasn’t entirely true. If he tried that I’d be more than happy for him to do so. Not that I would ever admit that.

‘Well, you’re going to have to pack soon. We’re leaving tonight. I’m going to tell the others that I’m leaving the tour early this year.’ She said leaving the room. Zeke called his mum to ask for not only permission, but his passport and some clothes. She’d meet him at the airport. I couldn’t go home because I don’t really have one anymore. I decided I should call someone too.

’Hello?’ Callie asked picking up her phone.

‘Hi Callie. It’s Penina. I’m assuming you know what’s happened?’ I asked.

‘Not in full detail, but I know you’re not coming back. Penina, I can’t take you not being here. What the hell will happen to you? I told you not to do this.’ She said.

‘Yeah, you did, but I made my own choice. I needed to do it. You always do this. You always interfere. I’m making my own choice today.’ I said hanging up.

‘Someone’s got a tampon shoved up their ass.’ Zeke said.

‘I bet you’re imagining that.’ I said giggling.

‘Yeah, I kinda am. Anal sex is just so sexy.’ He said. LynZ came in the room on that last part, as did the rest of the band.

‘I know man.’ Jimmy said. ‘Damn. I really miss Chantal.’ He said solemnly.

‘We’re going to go as soon as possible. I’m getting one of the guards to get her passport and anything else she needs. We’re going to the airport now.’ LynZ explained.

‘Do you want me to check when the next available flight to LA is?’ Kitty offered.

‘Yeah, but don’t worry if you can’t find anything. We’re going to Heathrow.’ She answered. I can’t believe how nice everyone here is. In my house, no one talks to each other. We just go our separate ways all the time. Or at least I do. I just always felt excluded and I adapted to that feeling by wanting to be alone. This is going to be a big change, but not necessarily bad. I can only hope it’ll be okay.

Haha. I hope this is okay. FRANK'S MINE BITCHEZ!!! Sorry, I'm referring to Hozzie's auditions right now. We apologize for clogging your reviews. I got a new hairstyle today. Here it is with my face that doesn't look to appetizing at the moment, but ah well. It was meant to be flipped to the other side, but fuck you computers!!! Anyway, here it is: I apologize for your burning eyes. UGH!!! My back hurts. Also, yesterday, I did accidentally kick one of the guys in my school in the face. He was sitting down on the floor in PE, although, and don't tell anyone, I hated him and it was slightly on purpose. I actually punched "Zeke" in the face in pizza express. I was just over excited and I punched him... Woops. I want chocolate, but there's no chocolate to have, and it's late again... fuck my fuck... and I forgot to take my meds, so I'll love you and leave you. Haha. Rate and review! XD xx
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