Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Little Girl

"What do you think of Shayla then?" Frank asked Penina on the car ride home. They lived about an hour away from Ray and Raven's so it took them a long time to get back.

"What do you mean?" Penina replied "I haven't even met her yet."

"I know but... Something just doesn't seem right. Why wouldn't she come downstairs? And she did kind of over re-act when Mia went into her bedroom. She didn't mean to scare her, she was just being friendly."

"You know that, I know that, Mia and Izzy know that but Shayla doesn't know that." Penina sighed "Her parents were murdered Frank. Of course she's terrified of strangers."

"Who said that a stranger killed her parents? It could've been anybody." Frank told her "A family member, a friend of the family, anyone. We don't know anything about what happened to her and neither do Ray or Raven which kind of concerns me. And if her parents were murdered why is she already calling Ray and Raven 'Mommy' and 'Daddy'? Doesn't that seem weird to you?"

"She's been stuck in an orphanage for two years with no parents at all. Of course she's gonna want some parents Frank." Penina said "Look, I don't know why we're getting into this..."

"Because I'm worried. This is the perfect set-up for a horror movie, haven't you noticed?"

"Don't be so paranoid Frankie. Ray and Raven can look after themselves."

"Mommy?" A little voice said from the back.

Penina turned around in her seat. She thought both the girls had fallen asleep but Izzy was still awake while Mia was fast asleep "What is it Baby?"

"Ray and Raven are gonna be okay, right?"

Penina sighed heavily "Of course they are. Daddy's just been watching too many scary movies. Don't worry about them Sweetie, just go to sleep."

Izzy nodded then shut her eyes, falling asleep instantly. Penina turned back around and looked at Frank "You can't be scaring the girls like that. You know what they're like."

"I didn't know she was still awake." Frank said defensively "But I'm sorry. I don't wanna argue with you."

Penina sighed again "And I don't wanna argue with you either. But you're really just being too paranoid."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." Frank pulled up outside the house. The two of them got out of the car.

Penina carried Izzy into the house while Frank carried Mia "I can't help worrying though." Frank said as he tucked Mia into her bed as Penina tucked Izzy into hers "You know what I'm like."

"Yeah, I do." Penina said, kissing Izzy's forehead "I'm going to bed. Are you coming?"

"Yeah." Frank looked down at Mia, smiled and kissed her cheek then followed Penina through to their bedroom.

"Who do you think would've knocked at our front door last night and just walked away?" Ray asked over breakfast. Him and Raven always woke up early so Shayla was still fast asleep "It was kinda creepy."

"We were probably just imagining things." Raven replied, eating some toast "I mean, we were both really tired."

"Oh don't tell me we were imagining things. Whoever knocked, knocked really loudly." Ray sighed heavily "Whatever. I'm going to the studio now." He put away his plate, kissed Raven on the cheek and then went to work.

Raven finished her toast and started cleaning up the kitchen. She jumped when Shayla appeared in the doorway "Morning Sweetie." Raven smiled.

"Where's Daddy?" Shayla asked, putting her thumb in her mouth.

"He's had to go to work." Raven told her "Do you want some breakfast?" Shayla nodded and Raven opened the cupboard "Toast? Cornflakes? We have some golden nuggets?"

"Golden nuggets please." Shayla said politely, sitting at the table dead straight. She ate her cereal really carefully, not spilling a thing.

"You can relax Honey." Raven told her "You don't need to look so worried."

"But I got yelled at if I didn't sit like this at the orphanage." Shayla said.

Raven sat down next to her "You're not at the orphanage anymore though. You're with us. You can just relax now, okay?"

Shayla smiled "I love you Mommy."

Raven grinned. She couldn't get enough of Shayla saying that.
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