Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Doll of Darkness

Bad Feeling Won't Go Away

by Sam41 3 reviews

Frank has a bad feeling, it doesn't quit bugging him.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-12-01 - Updated: 2012-12-02 - 927 words

"Gerard, no." Frank growled sternly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Frank, I have to go!" Gerard challenged, trying to step around the shorter boy who was standing in the doorway.

"Then I'll go with you."

"You seriously did not just say that!" Gerard groaned, dreading even going to the stupid dollshop with Frank.


"I NEED TO GO." Gerard yelled, face centimeters from Frank's

"You're not going without me." Frank whispered, looking straight into Gerard's eyes.
Instead of yelling back, Gerard pulled Frank into a passonite kiss, spinning the two so Gerard was currently in the doorframe while Frank stood in Gerard's previous spot.

"Bye, love ya." Gerard called, running out the front door.

"NO!" Frank yelled, feeling 2 pairs of arms holding him back.

"Frank you're acting like an over-attached girlfriend." Bon remarked at Frank's recent behaviour.

"Really now? How would you react if you knew Jennifer was going to die?!" Frank snapped, flopping onto the couch.

"Frank, it's not going to happen. The chick isn't a psychic." Ray tried to explain.

"Well we should ask if you and a certain friend of ours are going to hook up then." Bob joked, knowing two of his friend's had feelings for each other.

"Fuck you." Ray growled at his blond haired friend. "You're just a dumb blond." Bob showed a face of mock-hurt.

"B-but Toro, I'm smarter than you." Bob fought, causing them both to begin screaming at each other.

"What are they fighting about now?" Elli asked as Frank walked into the kitchen.

"Who's smarter, the dumb blond or princess fro-fro." Shrugging he sat down, grabbing a piece of buttered toast off his sister's plate.

"IDIOT THAT'S MY TOAST!" Elli screamed, slapping his hand and arm.

"Do you really want it back after this?"

"After wha- FRANK THAT'S GROSS!" Elli remarked, on her brother licking every part of the toasted bread.

"Yeah dude, that isn't right." Bob sided, sitting across from his friend.

"What's this with the "princess fro-fro"?" Ray mocked, giving his friend a look.

"Um well.." Frank droned

"Ray is a princess and Bob is a dumbass!" Shayla walked through the screen door, walking up to the table.

"Where's Ana and Jen?" Frank asked remarking on the loss of 2 friends.

"Ana is sleeping and I am not going to risk waking her up; Jen well she's in shit with Jake." Jake being Jennifer's older, over protective brother.

"Why doesn't he like me?" Bob whispered, deep in thought.

" Cause you're Bob, not even you're cats like you." Elli joked, as she waited for her new piece of toast to pop.

"Ooooooh." Ray and Shayla both joked

"You two really have no right to talk, it's obvious you want to bang each other or something." Elli shrugged once more, pulling her newly popped toast out of the toaster.

"And you're like, 9?" Bob asked, receiving a death glare from the young girl.

"10 and a day, thank you very much!" She snapped, walking out to watch cartoons in the livingroom while enjoying her toast.

"So what are we doing today?" Shayla broke the silence, looking around at the faces of her friends.

"The mall or something?" Bob offered, pulling out his phone.

"Jen text you?" Frank asked in a small voice

"Yeah, she's on her way." Bob whispered, deep in text.

"He's-he's like a zombie." Shayla whispered staring at Bob's face, which portrayed a blank stare.

"Creepy." Frank droned in agreement.

"HEY BITCHES MISS ME?!" Jennifer walked in grinning.


"No, that's Gerard." Bob joked, receiving weird looks from the girl's.

"Well should we go to the mall?" Jennifer offered, leading the group to Ray's car.

"Frank, chill. He's fine!" Ana insisted, joining the group halfway through their mall trip.

"What if he isn't?! He.Could.Be.DEAD!" Frank having am overreaction to this whole situation didn't notice 2 gorls from school.

"Iero, why the fuck are you having a spazz attack?" Dana asked, crossing her arms as her friend silently began checking the boy out.

"Shit happens Smith." Frank grinned, eyes wandering to her pale friend.

"Oh her? She's-"

"I'm Dolly." The girl introduced herself, holding a hand out to Frank while playing with her lip ring nervously.

"I'm Frank, nice to meet you." Frank offered with a friendly smile.

"Well we're going to be late for work, so see ya' around Iero." Dana offered, dragging a protesting Dolly behind her.

"Woah." Frank mumbled under his breath, pulling out his phone and dialing a familiar number.

Ring again

"Hey Gerard here, couldn't get to the phone right now. Have a coffee and call back later." Rolling his eyes at the odd voicemail, Frank tried another number.


"Hello?" His mother answered

"Hi, um Mrs.Way is Gerard there?"

"Tsk tsk Frank how many times have I told you, it's Donna and no he's at the hospital." This made Frank's stomach churn, heart drop and tears threatened to prickle his eyes.

"Wh-why is he there?" Frank's voice came out as a squeak

"He has to pick Mikey up from a doctor's appointment." DAMN WOMAN

"Oh, well tell him to call when he gets back."

"Oh yes of course, goodbye hun."

"Bye." Frank clicked the end button as his friends's walked up.

"You okay Frank?" Jennifer asked, referring to his pale face.

"I, I don't feel good. Can someone drive me home?" Frank asked, a bad feeling washing over him.

Why won't this go away?
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