Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ready Set Go

A Dance?

by nicolagirl 0 reviews

Frankie lashes out at Carolyn in a drunken state and the boys tease poor Bill ;)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-12-04 - Updated: 2012-12-04 - 1061 words

The next few days were a nightmare. The boys were constantly practicing new moves over and over again and Bill had noticed Mr. Smith whisper something to Mikey causing him to perform some awesome trick on ramps and railings. Everyone else around him seemed oblivious to these actions. They all saw Mikey perform these awesome stunts and crowd around him while shouting things like “DRINKS ON MIKEY TONIGHT!!!” Oh yes, the past few nights they had been going to the bar and, as usual, Mr. Smith was creeping around the place as if he was baby sitting his ‘Michael’. To top Bill’s ‘amazing’ night off, Frank would get smashed out of his brain and either get up on a table and begin singing to his new playmate –what was her name? Dirvla? Dorvla? Well it was something Irish anyway- or he would pick a fight with someone. The next morning would hit him in the head with a brick, not literally. His head was killing him due to his drinking session the night before and then he would just head off to practice with Tom, Gustav and Georg. The next few days were a nightmare.

“Ahhh, my head...” Georg grumbled as he slammed his head down on the table. Luckily it just missed his breakfast plate.

“Georg Listing, stop moanin’ this instant!” Carolyn scolded him, “I mean what do you expect? You go out to the pub every night. You should know by now that you’ll be going through hell the next mornin’.”

“Shut the fuck up, Carolyn,” Frank cursed as he let his head fall to his folded arms which rested on the table.

Carolyn let her jaw drop as she looked at him astonished. She stared at him for a while before speaking to him, “excuse me?”

“Just leave me alone,” Frank got up from the table and left the room. Carolyn only watched him with her jaw still dropped. Before the door closed after him, she heard him audibly say, “Bitch.”

Bill glanced at Carolyn to see if she would react. She simply sighed heavily before turning back to her breakfast. Even though she hasn’t said anything, she looked really unhappy.

“Don’t listen to him, Carolyn,” Bill finally spoke up, “he’s just in pain. A lot of pain.”

She simply nodded before chewing angrily on her bacon.

Before anything else was said, Gerard, Gustav and Ray burst into the room carrying bags of subway grass?

“Guys! Look! It exists! Grass exists!” Gerard shouted waving it in front of Tom’s weary face.

“Its artificial, isn’t it,” Bill questioned him while smiling like a smartass.

“Damn you, Bill,” Gerard’s smile dropped, “Why do you have to get so smart on me?”

“On the bright side,” Gustav sounded with a cheer in his tone, “We got subway! All turkey-breast and ham with melted cheese, lettuce and mayo. So eat up.”

“I actually made breakfast before you went out,” Carolyn stated gesturing to the bacon, sausages and eggs on the plates around the table.

“Damn, we just wasted $24,” Gerard cursed.

"Well, look at all the fucks I give," Carolyn smirked.


“What the actual hell? You have got to be kidding me,” Tom cursed as he looked at the flyer that some man had given him and the others.

“Phoami’s annual dance,” Bill read, “Why do they still run this goddamn thing. Only old people go to it.”

“Well I think it would be fun,” Gustav admitted as he pushed his glasses further up his nose, “I will go and search for the prettiest girl in this town and ask her to go with me.”

“I don’t think she’ll go with you,” Tom admitted as he threw the flyer away, “that bitch’ll take one look at me and fall head over heals in love.”

“What about you Bill?” Georg nudged his friend as they walked, “you gonna ask someone lucky girl?”

“Guys, who said we were even going. Like I said it’s for old people,” Bill stated.

The boys remained silent for a while as they continued to walk.

“But if we did go, who would you ask to go with?” Tom questioned.

“Well we’re not going, so no one.” He replied.

“But if we did go.”

“No one.”

“But if we did go.”

“No one.”

“But if we did go.”

“No one.”

“But if we did go.”

“No one.”

“But if we did go.”

“No one!”

“But if we did go.”
“No one!”

“But if we did go.”

“No one!!”

“But if we did go.”

“No one!!!”

“But if we did go, who would you ask to go with?” Tom continued to question him.

“We are not going…so no one.” He repeated.

“But if we did go.”

“No one!!!”

“But if we did go.”

“No one!!!”

“But if we did go.”

“No one!!!”

“But if we did go.”

“No one!!!”

“But if we did go.”

“Well...” Bill started.

“AHHHHH, HE’S GOT A CRUSH!!!” Georg squealed in delight.

“Yeah, Bill’s having dirty thoughts about a certain chick,” Tom laughed, “come on, brother. How far did you get?”

“I think you’re in love Bill!!!” Gustav swooned.

“Shut up,” he rolled his eyes.

“Well, come on, tell us who the lucky girl is, brother,” Tom insisted.

“Well, he only knows two ladies and it obviously is not Carolyn,” Georg observed.

“You mean- -” Gustav started.

“Don’t even continue that sentence,” Bill pointed threateningly at him.

“I think he was about to say Toni,” Georg teased.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed you talk to her a lot, Billa,” Tom teased further.

“Now we know where you go on Sundays. We’re not allowed to come with you because you are obviously getting down and dirty with her,” Tom laughed.

“That is bullshit,” Bill cursed as he pointed his other finger to his twin and friend, “I would never do that to her and besides, Mikey stalks her life I don’t think she wants another stalker.”

“Technically, you just admitted that you liked her,” Tom smiled while nodding.

Bill remained silent for a while before saying, “so?”

With this, his three friends busted out laughing.

“If you all stop laughing, I will get you all starbucks,” Bill promised. With this, the other three boys shut up.
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