Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Small Petunia of the Galaxy

Playing God

by FightStriker 1 review

Next time you point a finger I might have to bend it back or break it, break it off. Next time you point a finger I'll point you to the mirror.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-12-23 - Updated: 2012-12-23 - 562 words - Complete

Two more chapters left after this one guys.


Chapter 19

Playing God

Those stupid breathing exercise's were the death of me goddammit.


I was back in limbo... Again. This time no one was waiting for me and all I could do was just sit and wait. I don't know how long I had been waiting. I just know that the waiting was becoming more agonizing by the second. However, I tried to keep my cool, so I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Suddenly, I felt tugging on my heart, the tugs were evenly spaced out, and it wasn't uncomfortable. Then it started to pull, my chest convulsed in front of me, yanking me forward. I closed my eyes as it was starting to hurt. When I re-opened them, I was above myself, cliche, yes I know, but that's what was happening. I was floating above my body and realized why I was being pulled, they were trying to bring me back to life. I could feel myself fading in an out, from looking up, and then looking down, seeing myself die over and over again. There was a small window, I knew it was coming, I don't know how I knew, but I did. If I didn't take that window, I wasn't going to come back. I moved closer to myself, reaching my hand out to my heart, inches away. It was coming, but then something in my mind made me think twice. I had cancer,and tuberculosis, if I came back, there was another very high chance that I would die again, I didn't want to put Frank and Mikey through that. I was dead. I should just stay dead. I'm sure I could give Frank and Mikey one last goodbye somehow. So I pulled away from myself, and watched me die.

I was pulled back into limbo, well at least, I think it was limbo. Now, my mother and father stood in front of me. Dad's arm affectionately wrapped around Mom's waist. Mom looked up at him and he nodded, taking a step forward, I noticed with surprise that he and I were the same height.

"I saw what you did down there, son." He said. I looked him in the eye, wondering if that was a voice of disapproval. I couldn't be dead and somehow still disappoint him.

"That was something only a real man could do. Knowing that his revival would possibly bring more sorrow than his death. I'm proud of you, Gerard. So very proud of you and the man that you have become." He pulled me into a hug and all I could do was cry, cry like I did when they died.

I was filled with happiness, and I was filled with dread. Happiness, I had finally gotten my parents back, however in a way that no family should be reunited. Dread, I left behind my Frankie, but I also left behind Mikey.

Would my death cause him to try and commit suicide?

I know I'm a terrible person. And this was absolutely the worse chapter to have ever graced the servers of Ficwad. Here's a short rundown, got sick, grades dropped, phone taken, got a job, got sick again, possibly failed midterms, waiting for Christmas. Yeah, and I finally got my phone back... My life, Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
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