Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Little Girl

At break time, the entire class was let out for recess. Shayla walked nervously past Andrew, her heart thumping. He didn't say anything, just smirked at her. She ran down the corridor and into the playground "Shayla, what's wrong?" Mia asked, running after her.

Shayla turned around "I need to go home." She whispered.

"What are you talking about? We go home at three o clock, you know that. We walk back together. Why do you need to go home?" Mia was really confused.

Shayla thought about it. Should she just tell the truth or lie about it? On one hand what if Andrew had seen Mia the night they'd saved her? If she ran off he might try and hurt Mia. But on the other hand she didn't want to scare her. In the end, she decided not to tell Mia the truth. If she told her Mom then she could come down to the school and tell them. Nothing bad would happen to Mia.

"I know." Shayla said eventually as Izzy came over to join them "It's just that... I forgot something at home. And I don't wanna get in trouble. I'll be back before break's over I mean my house is only around the corner."

"How are you gonna get out?" Mia asked. Shayla sighed and shrugged her shoulders but Izzy smiled.

"Shayla, you're small and skinny." She took her hand and started leading her towards the corner of the field. They weren't supposed to go there but in the circumstances they decided to break the rules "You'll be able to fit under this gap in the fence. My friend Alice found it a while go. We've just never had the guts to use it."

"I think I can fit." Shayla said when she saw it. She flopped down onto her tummy and started pulling her way through "Uh oh I think I'm stuck..."

"Hey!" A loud voice yelled from the playground.

"Shayla, you'd better come back in, they've caught you, it's too late." Mia sighed.

"No, I need to go!" Shayla yelled, pulling herself harder.

"Your shirts caught, here let me get it." Izzy unhooked her shirt and Shayla managed to pull herself completely through the gap "Now go! Quick before the teachers catch you!"

"Thank you so much." Shayla smiled quickly before running down the road towards her house.

Raven was pouring Penina another cup of coffee. Mazy was fast asleep in the living room so they were in there talking quietly "So do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" Raven asked "Are you hoping for one or the other?"

"On one hand I think it'd be nice to have another girl because then like we'd have three little girls and I think that'd be awesome but on the other, I have my little girls already, it'd be nice to have a boy." Penina shrugged her shoulders and smiled "Either way I'll be happy."

"That's really sweet." Raven paused "Me and Ray have been talking. And don't go round blurting this to anyone okay 'cos we're not entirely sure yet. But we've been thinking about adopting again."

"Aww that's really sweet." Penina smiled.

"We wanted to adopt another girl, one younger than Shayla. But we're worried it'll upset her. Like you we're worried that she'll think we're focusing all our attention on the new girl and not her." Raven sighed "And plus with all this Andrew stuff well we've been worried about it. So we're gonna wait a while, see if all this stuff goes away and if it does then we'll talk to Shayla about it. I'd feel a lot better if he was arrested but the cops seem to have given up."

"Well at least he hasn't-" Penina was cut off by a loud knocking at the door.

Raven got up and went to answer it. She was pretty shocked to see Shayla standing there "MOMMYDON'TLETHIMHURTME!" Shayla screamed, throwing her arms around Raven's waist.

"Hey, what's going on? Why aren't you in school?" Raven asked her. Shayla was sobbing at this point so Raven bent down and lifted her up. She shut the door and carried her into the living room. Mazy was awake now so Penina picked her up to comfort her "Shayla, calm down Sweetie. Tell me what's wrong. Come on... Come on..."

Shayla wrapped her arms tightly around Raven's neck "H-He's our teacher." Shayla whispered "How did he become our teacher?"

"Oh My God, is your teacher a pedo?" Penina cried "What did he do to you? Did he teach Mia?"

"He's not a pedo." Shayla said "I-It's Andrew."

"Oh My God." Raven kissed the top of Shayla's head "Shush, it's gonna be okay... Penina, phone the police and stay here with Mazy. Me and Shayla will go down to the school."


"Just call the police Penina!" Raven yelled.

"Okay, fine, sorry." Penina got up and took the phone.

"I'll call Ray on the way to the school." Raven said, pulling her mobile out of her pocket "Come on Shayla, we can't let him hurt anybody." She took Shayla's hand and they started walking to the school together "I bet it was the orphanage, I fucking told them to hide your records away but did they listen? No." Shayla was scared. Not only were her friends in danger at school but now her Mom was really mad "Ray? I need you to come to the school. Look, I'll explain when you get there but it's serious. I know you're busy, I can't help it. Come on, please? Thanks. I'll see you in a second."

"Mommy, are you mad at me?" Shayla asked nervously.

"Of course I'm not. I'm mad at Andrew. I'm mad at the school. I'm mad at the orphanage. But I'm definitely not mad at you." Raven sighed "Okay, you need to be brave now, okay? The school will need to know everything. You can tell them everything, right?" Shayla nodded "Good. You're a brave girl."
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