Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sin City.

A sucker for punishment.

by darkviolet 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-12-31 - Updated: 2012-12-31 - 971 words

"Tabitha Lane Margaret Walsh!," her mom practically screeched into her ear, making Tilly cringe. It physically hurt her to hear her full name, she heard her parents use it maybe once before in her entire life, making her believe they were fully aware how ridiculous it really was, "What kinda bullshit did you get yourself into now?"

"Mother," Tilly grinned despite herself, her mother was all mighty and proper but every once and a while she let her Jersey attitude slip. Not that you'd ever think Mrs. Walsh didn't have royal blood with her proper English and proper made up and dressed self, "You said bullshit."

"I sure hope for your sake my language is the worst of your worries, Tabitha!"

"Don't call me that"

"Dont...", her mother took a deep breathe and by the sounds of it counted to about 50 before she came back on the line, "Can you even begin to explain how this happened. You know what," she cut Tilly's feeble attempt at speaking, "Dont. I dont even want to know. You upset me a great deal."
Tilly rolled her eyes and went to pour another cup of coffee, wishing it wasnt too early for Bailey's, "Your father sends you to celebrate your sister's birthday, all expenses paid and you do something outrageous. AGAIN!"

"It's been a while since I've done something this outrageous," Tilly nestled into her big cardigan, wrapping her hands around the coffee cup.

"Tabitha!," Mrs. Walsh's breathing technique failed her again, "Will you ever grow up? Out of all the stupid things you've done, this is by far the most...Most....Ugh...,"

A knock on her door saved Tilly an hour long recap of all past mistakes, "I gotta go, mom. Someone's at the door"

"You father will be hearing about this!,"

"I'm surprised he hasn't already,"

"Only because of the time differences. He's in Japan for business"

"Shocking. Love ya," and with that Tilly hung up on her outraged mother.

Swinging the door open, she found Gerard standing looking very out of place in the shabby hallway. He offered her one of the coffee cups he was holding, "I wasn't sure how you like your coffee"
Suddenly she became aware that she had no make up on, her hair looked like a rats nest and she was wearing her hearts pink PJ's buttoms and a hole-y ugly cardigan. She shuffled her feet, gawping at him.
"Can I come in?," he looked past her, at the small living room/kitchen.

"Um," she also remembered the pile of dishes and the clothes spread around the tiny apartment and the peeling paint on the walls, "I guess," she bit her lip, stepping back.

Gerard came in, looking around, "It's a nice place...Cozy,"

She accepted the coffee cup from him, blushing crimson red, "It's a shit hole"

He shrugged while Tilly rushed to make a spot for him to sit on her ugly blue couch, "What brings you here?"

"I was in the neighbourhood," he chose a spot by the kitchen table and moved some cups and dishes out of the way.

Tilly rolled her eyes, "I highly doubt it."

"Wanna go out with me?," he blurted without looking at her, Making her stop her desperate attempt to clean things up. Or shove them under the couch while he wasn't looking.

"What do you mean?,"

"Like go on a date with me," he took a sip of his coffee and grimaced. It was scalding hot still.

"No," Tilly gave up on cleaning and sat opposite him on the kitchen counter, crossing her legs.

He looked taken back. He got turned down before, but for some strange reason he didnt anticipate this one, "Why not?"

"Because," she rubbed her eyes with the balls of her hands, suddently very tired, "I don't date"

"You just marry guys,"

She sighed at his edgy tone and the look he was giving her. First, her mother. Now this. Can this day get any better?, "My life is a series of misfortunes. That's why I don't date. I just got off the phone with my raging mother. I don't date. I don't marry. I just don't do normal in general,"

"That sounds like an excuse, " he raised one eyebrow, "Bad relationship experience?"

"You know what," Tilly hopped down off the counter, the sudden anger she was feeling towards him flashing in her eyes, turning them into a steel grey, "I really don't have to take this crap from you,"

"Calm down," Gerard stood up too, "I just thought about what your sister said..."

"My sister is a raging lunatic," her voice dropped to a dangerous low whisper, "so is the rest of my family. And somehow they all think they're normal. So no, I'm not interested in taking their advice!"

"Tilly," he edged closer, "I'm just asking for one date, that's all. I dont ask girls out very often. I just figured I'd give it a shot."

"I dunno"

"What are you doing tonight?"

"I'm going to see my Nan," she flopped on the counter again.

"Can I come?," he edged a bit closer.

she shook her head.

Gerard gently placed his hand on her arm ,"Please, I wont ask again if its a complete failure"

"Why is it so important?"

"Come on," he gave her his best puppy eyes.

"Oh my god, you gotta be shitting me," she giggled despite herself at his little pout.

"Just this once,"

"Gerard," she sighed, rubbing her temples, "You seem like a nice guy. Why do you wanna get involved with someone who will most likely hurt you?"

"I'm a sucker for punishment," he looked into her eyes, the thunder storm clearing up a bit.

"We'll go for lunch at my Nan's. Just this once, and you gotta promise not to ask again."

"I swear."
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