Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Danger Days.

Bulletproof Destroya

by OliviaSyren 0 reviews

Party Poison announces Via's new name.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-01-01 - Updated: 2013-01-01 - 579 words

Party Poison’s P.O.V.
I stepped on the gas as soon as my butt touched the seat of the car. I knew Korse would be on our tail soon enough. I told the girl I was taking her with us; I looked into the rear-view mirror to find her looking right back at me. I smiled and continued to drive aimlessly, avoiding Danger Zones. Danger Zones were places that reeked with radiation and crawling with Draculoids. They’d come out of the Zones if you were noticed and try to kill you. This is unless you’re not near a Danger Zone. The car was silent. But it wasn’t awkward. Nonetheless, I pressed the power button on the car’s radio and put it to Dr. Deathdefying’s station. He was rambling on about what had just happened. He hacked into BL/ind’s security cameras and watched the streets. But he wasn’t able to disable them. BL/ind is too powerful. Even for us. We’re only rebels. Nothing more and nothing less. This kid is gonna be so disappointed in finding out what we actually do all day.
“We’re low on gas.” I say, not looking away from the road after glancing at the gas meter.
“Are we close to a station?” Fun Ghoul asked.
“Where are we gonna find a gas station out here?” The girl asked.
“Oh we’ll find one. There are plenty left over from the Helium Wars.” I said. “What’s your name, Kid?” I look at her in the rear-view mirror; she looked right into my eyes.
“Via Allen.” She said.
“Not anymore. You go only by Bulletproof Valentine.” She looked shocked when I said this.
“So…You’re just re-naming me and I don’t get a say in my new name?” She said, looking slightly pissed off. I don’t blame her.
I sighed loudly. “You’ve got two choices. I just thought I’d choose one for you...”
“What are the choices?” She asked.
“Either Bulletproof Valentine or…Wicked Destroya.” I say.
“How do you come up with these?” She said. I just smiled.
Via’s P.O.V.
‘Bulletproof Valentine was too…ew. And Wicked Destroya was just…no. Ugh.’ I thought. Then I came up with an idea.
“How about Bulletproof Destroya?” I say. There was a silence for at least three minutes. Party Poison’s grip on the steering wheel tightened.
“Fine. Bulletproof Destroya it is.” Party Poison said. Fun Ghoul let out a small gasp. I looked at him.
“You okay?” I asked feebly. He looked back at me.
“He usually makes you stick with his answer. He never takes no for an answer.” He looked back at Party Poison who was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.
About ten minutes later, the silent car spluttered to a grinding halt. Everyone knew. We were out of gas. Party Poison sighed out of what seemed to be pure annoyance and whacked the dashboard with his fist. He cursed under his breath.
“There’s a diner-station over there.” Kobra Kid blurted out, a hint of shyness in his remark. Everyone looked over to where he was pointing. They still had diners around this place? I remember Party Poison telling me that some had survived the Helium Wars.


I know the chapters are short. Terribly sorry. But I'm writing a Frerard! Chapter 1 of that is nearly done. :D
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