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The Attempts

by Koolkitty9 0 reviews

In the weeks that followed five more attempts were made to steal the ring!

Category: Beatles - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: George Harrison,John Lennon,Paul McCartney,Ringo Starr - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-03 - Updated: 2013-01-04 - 1111 words - Complete

Chapter 2: The Attempts:
In the weeks that followed five more attempts were made to steal the ring!

1st Attempt:

John and Ringo where in an elevator and Ringo turned to John “What first attracted ye to me?” Ringo asked John and he answered “Well yer very polite aren’t ye.” All of a sudden there was a humming noise and John’s items that were metal flew out of his pocket and Ringo’s rings made him stuck to the celling. “What the fuck?!” John exclaimed and then all of a sudden it stopped. Ringo said “That was weird.” John nodded and the elevator doors opened.

2nd Attempt:

John and Ringo where walking to mail a package to Ringo’s mother that had George and Ringo’s wedding invitations, and also a gift for her birthday. John was reciting some poetry and Ringo put the package in a red mailbox. When he tried to pull his hand out he couldn’t and Ringo bit down on his lip. He tried again and John asked “What the bloody ‘ell are ye doing?” “Posting a letter to me mum!” Ringo said and he finally got his hand out. They left from there to go back to their flat.

3rd Attempt:

Ringo was munching on an apple and he was walking towards a fortune machine, just begging him to get his fortune told. “This couldn’t do anything to ‘urt me!” He thought and he put a few coins in. The small piece of paper that had his fortune on it appeared and when Ringo when to get it a blade appeared. Ringo quickly removed his hand quickly so it didn’t cut him and he quickly walked off.

4th Attempt:

Paul and Ringo where getting ready in the restroom and Paul was warming up his voice and Ringo echoed him. Paul looked at him and Ringo went over to go dry his hands. When he pressed the pedal with his foot to make it go, his left hand was sucked in. “Paul! Help!” Ringo cried and Paul hurried up over to him but Ringo’s jacket sleeve was ripped almost off. He got his hand out of the dryer and Paul’s jacket sleeve was torn off. He went slowly went over to the sinks and he held onto one. But sadly the sink fell down and water was spraying at the bassist. Ringo tried to hold on to the paper towels dispenser, and George and John walked in. George’s shirt was torn off, he blushed and Ringo did too. George grabbed Ringo’s jacket and so did John.

The dryer stopped all of a sudden and Paul sighed “Ugh! Me suit’s ruined and I’m soaked right to the skin!” “There’s more ‘ere that meets the eye!” Ringo complained and John and George started laughing.
“Ho, ho!”

"Ho ho!"


"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"



"Ho Ho!”

Paul frowned and Ringo said “Geo!” “Sorry, Ritchie, but this is funny!”

5th Attempt:

It was a couple days after the restroom incident and the Beatles were in the recording studio. “Okay, You’re Going To Lose That Girl.” Brian said and John nodded “Okay! 1….2”

You're gonna lose that girl.
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl.
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
[/If you don't take her out tonight,

She's gonna change her mind,
(She's gonna change her mind)
And I will take her out tonight,
And I will treat her kind.
(I'm gonna treat her kind)
[/You're gonna lose that girl.

(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl.
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
[/If you don't treat her right, my friend,

You're gonna find her gone,
(You're gonna find her gone)
'cause I will treat her right, and then
You'll be the lonely one.
(You're not the only one)
[/You're gonna lose that girl.

(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl.
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl.
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
[/I'll make a point

Of taking her away from you, yeah,
(watch what you do)
The way you treat her what else can I do?
[/You're gonna lose that girl,

(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl.
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl.
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
[/I'll make a point

Of taking her away from you, yeah,
(watch what you do)
The way you treat her what else can I do?
[/If you don't take her out tonight,

She's going to change her mind,
(She's gonna change her mind)
And I will take her out tonight,
And I will treat her kind.
(I'm gonna treat her kind)
[/You're gonna lose that girl.

(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl.
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)
You're gonna lose that girl
(Yes, Yes, You're gonna lose that girl)

They finished recording and Brian noticed something really weird “Boys are ye buzzing?” “No thanks, I’ve got the car!” George replied and Brian replied “No, no, no! Listen...I'll have to play it back. You'll have to do the song all over again." Brian rewound the track and began to play the chorus. Ringo began to clap and the others danced a bit as the sound of buzzing blended with the Beatles harmonies. But none of them seemed to notice the saw that was circling him buzzing away. “Were ye buzzing Paulie?” John asked and Paul shook his head no. “Well! Don’t look at me!” George said and all of a sudden there was a creaking noise. Ringo and his drums fell with a crash and two thugs grabbed on to him. One covering his mouth with his hand and holding his arms and the other holding down his legs. Klang was walking closer to him with a chainsaw. “Ritchie! ‘old on baby! I’ll save ye!” George yelled and John said “No! Look Geo!” Ahme looked at Klang and she grabbed a sliver disk. She threw it at him and the chainsaw cut on of the thug’s legs. Ringo quickly got up and Ahme ran opened the door.
“Kaili!” A thug yelled and Ringo quickly ran out the door and he locked it. “Flee!” Ahme yelled and Ringo raised an eyebrow “Who are ye?” “Flee!” She repeated and Ringo asked “Will you explain yourself when the opportunity arises?” “Please flee!” “Okay.” Ringo said and he ran off.
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