Categories > Celebrities > Beatles > Help! If It Really Happened

The Alps

by Koolkitty9 0 reviews

They thought they were safe...

Category: Beatles - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: George Harrison,John Lennon,Paul McCartney,Ringo Starr - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-03 - Updated: 2013-01-04 - 1125 words - Complete

Chapter 5: The Alps:

I think I'm gonna be sad
I think it's today, yeah
The girl that's driving me mad
Is going away
[/She's got a ticket to ride

She's got a ticket to ride
She's got a ticket to ride
But she don't care
[/She said that living with me

Is bringing her down, yeah
For she would never be free
When I was around
[/She's got a ticket to ride

She's got a ticket to ride
She's got a ticket to ride
But she don't care
[/I don't know why she's riding so high

She ought to think twice
She ought to do right by me
[/Before she gets to saying goodbye

She ought to think twice
She ought to do right by me
[/I think I'm gonna be sad

I think it's today, yeah
The girl that's driving me mad
Is going away, yeah, oh
[/She's got a ticket to ride

She's got a ticket to ride
She's got a ticket to ride
But she don't care
[/I don't know why she's riding so high

She ought to think twice
She ought to do right by me
[/Before she gets to saying goodbye

She ought to think twice
She ought to do right by me
[/She said that living with me

Was bringing her down, yeah
For she would never be free
When I was around, oh
[/She's got a ticket to ride

She's got a ticket to ride
She's got a ticket to ride
But she don't care
[/My baby don't care

My baby don't care
My baby don't care
My baby don't care
[/My baby don't care

My baby don't care

The Beatles arrived at the Alps and they all decided to go and have a try at skiing. Ringo looked at George “I ‘ad a nightmare last night Georgie.” “Ye did what ‘appened?” “Well…... I was kidnapped again but then yeh rescued me!” Ringo smiled and George chuckled. He kissed Ringo lightly on the cheek and Ringo blushed “Yer cute when ye blush.” “Aw, shut it Geo.” Ringo said burying his slowly burning face in George’s chest. George smiled and he hugged him.

Ringo was trying his best at it but he fell. George helped him up “Ye can do it! Jus’ keep trying!” “Okay, I am Geo!” Ringo replied and George waited for Ringo and the duo continued on skiing. Paul was much better at skiing than the others (he hasn’t even done this before!) and John was smiling. “Paulie! Stop showing off! It’s turning me on!” “Ugh! Johnny shut up!” Paul yelled and John started laughing. He quickly went up to him, kissing his lips. “Johnny! Not in public!” “Oh Paulie, ye know ye enjoy it!”

After they finished skiing the Beatles decided to go sledding. Paul and John where on the bottom, George was on top of them and Ringo was on top of George. Ringo had his arms draped over George’s shoulders and George was holding the handles in front of Paul and John. The Beatles were having the best time but what they didn’t know was that the scientists Foot and Algernon were there as well. They were in a ski loft and they were waiting for the Beatles to come. When they did, they let down a rope. Poor Ringo had his foot up and the rope was around his left ankle. He was lifted up into the air. “Geo! Wait!!” Ringo cried as the others were going away and he was swung around a post “Mind tha’ post!” He cried and the poor drummer was hanging down. Luckily for him the rope started braking and a few seconds later it snapped. He tumbled down the hill and he got up and he started running to his friends. When they got to him, he quickly got back on top of George. They all toppled off the sled and Ringo showed George the rope “Georgie! Look! Those damn scientists are ‘ere!” “What?!” “Yeah! Didn’t ye notice that I wasn’t on top of ye.” “Kind of. Well at least yer okay but that was too close!” “It was!” Ringo declared and George nodded. John and Paul looked at each other; they really needed to watch out.

Now George, Ringo, and John were playing curling.....well not really they were really just messing around. “’ere ye are Ritchie!” George yelled and he threw the curling stone to his lover. “I’ve got it!” Ringo announced as he was sweeping at the stone but he missed “I ‘aven’t got it!” George chuckled and John smiled at Paul who was watching them “Ye can do it Johnny!” George smiled at Ringo and Ringo smiled back.

George was handed another one but what he didn’t notice was it was smoking-wait what? “’ey! It’s a thingy! A fiendish thingy! Run Ritchie!” George screamed and Ringo looked at him. John ran off over to Paul and George ran over grabbing his lover and holding him back away behind a rope. “Just what I thought! Useless!” Someone said “It’s them!” Ringo gasped and George growled. Algernon looked at Foot and he sighed. Then an explosion and the Beatles gasped “That would ‘ave been ‘orrible if Rings was there.” Paul whispered and Ringo nodded. “White Cliffs of Dover?” Asked a swimmer who appeared out of the hole in the ice. John pointed to the other way and the man sighed and he went back under.

“Bhuta here they come!” Klang yelled as the Beatles were skiing by. “In the name of Kali! Stop!” Bhuta yelled as John and Paul were passing. They both grabbed his arms and slammed him into a tree. George was helping Ringo avoid the thugs. They passed Ahme who was dressed in a snow-woman outfit holding a sign that said ‘STOP’. She pointed to the other direction and the Beatles went that way. “This way swami!” She yelled as Klang was skiing that way. He did a record jump and he landed. Two men grabbed him and placed him on a stand that has ‘1,2, and 3’ on it They put flags up and a band started playing. The Beatles were among the crowd and they were playing as well. John had a trumpet, Paul had a clarinet, Ringo had a bass drum and George had cymbals. George was eating on of the cymbals though...why Ringo guessed that his lover was just hungry.

The Beatles were skiing for the last time that night when they passed Klang! He had a flame thrower and it caught the Beatles the top of their ski poles on fire. They quickly skied to a train station and John told the man “London, four.”
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