Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunests Over Monroeville

Stay Awake

by xxFrerardxx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-12 - Updated: 2013-01-13 - 522 words

If I turned around any faster, I swear I would've got whiplash. Mikey's pale face stared at me in the darkness, I stared back. I couldn't get any words out for awhile, I guess I was in shock.
"um, uh hi." I finally decided to say something, and it was utterly stupid.I blinked a few times. He was actully there, standing right infront me. Don't be stupid Frank, you're the one trespassing on his property. Then it suddenly hit me, trespassing... his property.
"I'm sorry! I told them not to come here! I--" I started to explain myself, to be honest he was scaring me quite a bit. His green eyes stared back at me, my whole body got shivers.
"It's fine." He cut me off quickly.I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding in. "My mum just said she heard something so I thought I might check it out." He said calmly.
"Yeah, uh sorry." My friends cleared their throat uncomfortably. I turned around and they all were sitting arround the creek on various logs. They stared at me expected me to say something.
"So, um, these are my friends." I introduced Mikey to: Ray, Bob, Ryan, Brendon, and Jake. To my surprise, they all just carried on conversation like Mikey was a new one of 'us'.

We sat out by the creek in the darkness for a long time, even though it didn't feel like it. Nothing was awkward like I imagined it would be between my friends and Mikey. I didn't pay much attention to them, it was on something else. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole time just at the thought that maybe, possibly, Gerard would come outside. It never did happen though.
"Does anyone know the time." Mikey asked. The sky looked like it was getting lighter. There was no way it was just about sunrise, it didn't feel like we were out for that long.
"It's 5:30." Jake replied, staring down at his phone.
"Ah, I have to go." Mikey got up off the boulder he was sitting on. "But you guys can stay till whenever." He smiled at me.
"Why?" I asked, more sharply then attended. I just wanted him to stay longer.
"Me and Gerard have plans." I didn't dare ask him what they were doing, even though I wanted to terribly. But the mention of his name made me feel like I was about to vomit. Gerard.

We all left around the same time as Mikey. As soon as I got to my house, I found it hard to fall asleep. My mind kept thinking of everything that happened that night. Most of all, I couldn't stop picturing Gerard's face. It's really superficial of me,I know, but I didn't care. I made it my mission to have a conversation with him by the end of this weekend. I have full intentions to try to run into him any chance I get. Even if that possibly might mean stalking his house. No, stop Frank that's creepy. But the encounter came sooner than later.

Bad Chapter, sorry!
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