Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > You Are The Reason I Can't Control Myself.

Breaking and Entering

by Echelonkid30 5 reviews

Gerard gets what he wants, even if he has to do something drastic to get it.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-01-16 - Updated: 2013-01-16 - 703 words

Gerard let out a frustrated grunt as he slammed both of his fists into the door of Jared’s hotel room, trying to find a way to open it. He was getting annoyed, his plan had gone perfectly so far, and now he had a massive barrier stopping him. Why was the door locked? Did Jared know that they were there? His hazel eyes focused on the door, taking in all of the details of the wood, the glossy white paint, his mind going through every possible idea.

“If it’s locked, we should just go home and leave this.” Mikey suggested quietly, not wanting to get his head ripped off.

“I’m not fucking leaving without him!” Gerard spat, trying to formulate another plan.

The older brother looked around for something he could barge into the room with, if only it were as easy as the movies, opening a locked door with a credit card, or a hair pin. Maybe even lasers. He couldn’t let his mind wander though; he had to get this door open. Looking down the hall, he saw something that he could use, something that would usually save a life, but end Jared’s.

"Mikey, do you see that fire extinguisher? Take it off of the wall and give it to me." Gerard ordered, pointing at the shiny, red canister attached to the wall, an excited grin on his face.

Mikey did as he was told, sneering at his brother. Snatching the fire extinguisher from Mikey's grasp, Gerard began to pound it against the solid white wood of the door over and over again. Once he had made a big enough hole in the door, Gerard entered the room, stepping in as slowly and quietly as he could whilst avoiding the fallen debris. This place really was a shithole, without a doubt the worst hotel he had ever been to. Silently, he started to watch over Jared, completely unaware that he was awake. Mikey soon followed, keeping his eyes on both Gerard and Jared, watching them warily. Jared had woken up whilst they had been busy smashing the door; he knew inside his gut that they had done something dreadful to Shannon. His eyes were wide, staring, as he lie there completely paralysed by the fear which had overcome him. Gerard approached the bed, pulling on his leather gloves before he clamped his hand over Jared's mouth.

Despite the fact that Jared, conscious as he was, was expecting it, he struck out in shock. He quickly clenched his fist, which made impact with Gerard's solid jaw. Angrily, Gerard leaped onto the bed, straddling him. He tried to hold down Jared's flailing limbs, but Jared could feel adrenaline pulsing through his body, the complete opposite to the paralysis which had taken over him just a few moments ago. With one huge push, he knocked Gerard to the floor where he landed with a crash, taking a vase from the bedside table with him. It smashed into a million tiny shards beside Gerard, scattering the floor.

"You fucking bitch! Mikey, grab his arms and don't let him go!" Gerard cried in rage, trying to avoid the broken pieces as he staggered to his feet.

Mikey did as he was told, like he always did with Gerard. He felt sorry for Jared, who must have been totally petrified. Quickly making his way up to the bed, and with trembling hands, he took Jared's wrists, holding them as tight as he could. Jared didn’t seem to be very strong; he could usually fend for himself in a fight, but not then. Once Jared couldn’t fight back any more, Gerard grabbed a cushion from the little arm chair in the corner and walked over to his soon-to-be captive, shoving it onto his face, holding it there securely, smothering him. Jared struggled again, screaming and shouting from behind the cushion. He was scared, more scared than anything. What would Gerard do to him? He could feel the air leaving his lungs quickly, and he had to do something before that air ran out completely. Shannon didn't know about this, he couldn't save him. Oh God - he was going to die!
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