Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > You Are The Reason I Can't Control Myself.

You Belong To Me

by Echelonkid30 3 reviews

A taste of what's yet to come.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-04-08 - 852 words

Soon enough, Gerard took the pillow away from Jared’s face slowly and scooped the man up into his arms like a baby, bridal style. He watched over his limp body, his eyes lidded, with no promise of opening any time soon. Rose gave both Gerard and Mikey her signature smile, flashing pearly white teeth between her beautiful, red lips as they made their way into the lobby, pushing her hair out of her eyes as she talked to customers, checking them in and typing details into the computer at the front desk. How could something so beautiful be so cunning and deceiving? Nobody seemed to notice, nobody seemed to care when they strolled into the parking lot, hurling him into the back seat of the car with no regard for his body whatsoever. Once the car had gotten started, they sped off, the hotel being left far behind, getting smaller as they drove away.

“What are you going to do to him?” Mikey asked nervously, playing with his hands, repeatedly looking into the back seat at their captive.

“Whatever I please. No one can stop me, after all.” He replied with a smug grin on his face.

Gerard’s house wasn’t particularly far away, still in the city, and close enough to the hotel. It was raining heavily outside, the rain beating down heavily on the windscreen, the little droplets racing each other across the windows. A storm was coming. About twenty minutes later, the car came to a stop with a jolt as it pulled into Gerard’s driveway, the wheels crunching on hard, rocky gravel. It was only three o’clock in the afternoon, and the sky was almost black, enveloped in a dark cloud, ready to unleash hell on L.A. It was like a freaky disaster movie, like The Day After Tomorrow. Mikey opened the door to the back passenger seats, while Gerard hauled Jared’s body out again, one hand fisted in his hair. The rain pummelled all three of them, soaking their clothes, the vivid red dye seeping from Gerard’s hair and onto his pale, vampiric skin. Jared had finally come to, and he saw that it was raining; someone was carrying him… what was going on?

“Where are we? What’s happening?”

Both brothers stayed completely silent, and carried on hauling Jared inside. He was tiny, taking all of the drugs hadn’t been helpful, he was easy to overpower now as his reactions would have been slowed. Taking him through the front yard, where Bandit’s swing set stood, he started to put up a little bit of resistance in his paranoia, kicking and flailing his legs around.

Once they were all inside in the warm and dry, Mikey sat Jared down on the couch and wrapped a blanket around him as he was shivering profusely, which was soon taken away from him by Gerard, who stood tall and proud in his line of sight. The black skinny jeans that clung to Gerard’s legs and ass were soaked and even tighter than before, praise the lord for rain. He pulled them up as they started to fall down, and then got closer to Jared, a slight bulge in the skin-tight fabric, ripping his saturated, baggy white t-shirt off and tossing into a soggy lump on the floor. Jared soon noticed that his captors were brothers, ones he knew very well.

“G-Gerard, what is going on?”

The self-righteous smile returned to Gerard’s face and he looked down at his inferior, he was thinking of all of the things he could do to him. There were so many ideas and quite a lot of time to inflict as much pain on him as possible. He wanted to scar and bruise his perfect body, leave lacerations over the milky white skin, watching blood dribble and drip from wounds. There was something about the older man that made him want to draw blood, he was the pretty typed that you just want to beat the shit out of so they’re not pretty any more.

“You belong to me now.”

“I will never, ever belong to you. I would rather die.” Jared sounded distressed as he said this; he had every right to be distressed, his captor was a sadistic maniac.

“That can be arranged.”

Gerard’s fists clenched into tight balls as he got a little angrier and a twisted smile spread across his lips, his eyes narrowing a bit. Jared was looking up at him in fear, and that’s when the solid knuckles hit him in the face. Again and again until he felt something dripping down his upper lip and into his mouth, and then there was complete darkness consuming him, the whole room going blank and closing in like a tunnel. Mikey also watched in dread, grimacing as he heard the sickening crunch coming from a nose, or maybe a cheek. He would be the one to help take the unconscious body away from the living room and clean up the blood before Lyn-Z and Bandit got home.
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