Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hikikomori


by farfromhere 0 reviews

Time to act normal

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-17 - Updated: 2013-01-18 - 358 words

AN : This is AU remember, I am very much aware MCR was not even a thing when they were in high school but bare with me, I'm sure you do with every other fic like this.
We jammed on the way back to my house, we sang every word to the mixed punk tape she had in. It was fun, I felt actually normal and okay. I just needed to keep this up. When we arrived I just sighed and walked up the steps to the second story. I had just a homey 2 bed room apartment, I loved it though. It was fully decorated yet spacey. She looked over my posters and art work proceeded to compliment me on it all. We talked for hours just about bands and music. She even let me play for her! She loved it too! I was so excited I opened up just a little, she didn't even ask me any questions she just listened to me talk. We both just opened ourselves to each other and I finally knew what it was like to have a friend. I felt relieved, maybe I could survive. I could do this.
"You know, Marina, you're really insightful and you can be funny when you want to be," she said laughing. "You should come to a party with me sometime, I know people would love you." I just shrugged, the idea was glamorous but I would probably just hide in the corner and not know how to handle myself. "No for real, come with me to this gig tonight, alright?" I perked up, my social anxiety prevented me from going to thinks like this. But I felt invincible so I nodded and almost felt the need to run to her car. "You know, I think I'm down. Who's playing?" She just smiled and replied, "its just a local thing but it should be fun, this friend of mine CJ is in a really sick punk band, I think you'll like them. They're called "Lethal." I just nodded and didn't allow anything to get in the way of this night, I was going to have fun.
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