Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hikikomori


by farfromhere 0 reviews

Time to be confident.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-17 - Updated: 2013-01-18 - 470 words

I made sure to slap on some eyeliner on the top of my lid, put on some more mascara, and put a deep shade of purple on my lips. I felt really edgy. I made sure to put on some ripped tights under my black dress. I combed my honey, curly hair and I honestly felt good about myself. Confident almost. Everything was so foreign and going so fast. I hopped in and we jammed even harder the way there, singing every word to all the songs we loved.
When we arrived she covered my fee and she introduced me to her friend and his band. They were all really nice and charming really. They asked me my name and I even told them about my interest in guitar. The guitarist, Dean, I believe handed me his guitar and allowed me to show off. I just sat down at one of the bar chairs and decided to jokingly play and sing along to Stealing people's Mail by Dead Kennedys. They laughed and as soon as I was done, I added in a solo I was working on. I loved punk but progressive also challenged me guitar wise and Io tried to learn intricate almost jazzy guitar solos on my own. Dean chuckled when I was done, "Girl, you got some skill, I can tell." I looked up and thanked him. I realized just more than a few people looking over. I saw Frank immediately, he looked down right when I made eye contact. He's probably in some sort of band. I'm not even going to let it bother me. I laughed lightly and handed Dean's guitar back over. "You know I mean it, you should jam with us sometime, try some rhythm guitar, though I feel that might be beneath you." He joked. I nodded in approval, "Yeah that might be fun!" I looked over seeing Alice smiling at me. I think she might just be as happy as me.
Soon the gig started, my heart skipped a beat when I saw a few kids from our school on stage. Gerard still looked stunning under the bar's shitty lighting. His brother was on bass and Frank had a guitar in hand. I made eye contact with Gerard during his intro, I kept cool though, nothing could be ruined for me. He announced his band then the song, but as soon as he said "This song is about suicide, don't do it." I stopped feeling so confident. I knew it couldn't be about me, but the fact that he had to introduce it so casually like he didn't already know about my attempt... fuck... Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. I couldn't even concentrate on the music, my heart was beating so fast. Just breath "think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts..."
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