Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hikikomori

Venue II

by farfromhere 0 reviews

Time to keep your cool

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-01-17 - Updated: 2013-01-18 - 1036 words

Gerard's band was interesting, it wasn't what I was used to taste wise. They did well though, I liked it. The image they were portraying was dark and well... cool. Stage presence was all there as well, Gerard is no Henry Rollins, but still! I needed to stop thinking about him though, my pathetic school girl crush was dumb. Some other bands were about to play, but as the next one set up, I felt this sudden rush of confidence. I saw "My chemical romance packing their things away and I looked over at Frank as he was almost done carrying his head and guitar back into their van. I stopped him on his way to the van, telling Alice to hold on a moment, and thought it might be fun to mess with him, "Hey, you were good, maybe you could give me some pointers." I said as I brought my finger up to his cheek and wiped his smeared eyeliner, "sorry, it was a bit smudged." I said giggling. I could see his desire to tell me to fuck off, but he just shook his head. " You know I almost felt bad about what I said today in class, almost." I didn't let it hurt me, it couldn't. "So you're saying you won't give me some lessons?" I said pouting. "Frank! Come on! Just show her a few chords or something!" Mikey interrupted him, obviously oblivious to what was actually going on and just stepping in the conversation. I was mocking Frank but he knew deep down he deserved it and really couldn't explain himself to Mikey, he sighed. "Okay, whatever, fine." He let me grab his guitar, and positioned my hands. Wow oh wow, C chord, I'm impressed "This is C, but I'm sure you knew that already." I giggled, "Oh my god, this is so crazy!"
My sarcasm was so sharp, but Mikey couldn't even catch it. I could tell Frank was about to have enough, "You know, this isn't funny." "C'mon show me more about this "C"chord" I chimed. He huffed, "I know you know how to play, if you're going to try to belittle me, play, show me you're talented, stop fucking around." I hummed and asked if I could plug in his guitar to his amp head, he nodded. I positioned myself better and got to picking and strumming. I wrote a Mars Volta inspired riff and played it out for the first time in front of someone, I made sure to not miss a note. I always felt carried away when I played but its all I did in my spare time. I looked over when I was done to see more than a few eyes on me. The next band on stage was waiting for me to stop. I just voiced a sorry and looked over to see Frank wide eyed. "Well I didn't expect that." I looked past him to see Gerard looking at me smiling. At this point my adrenaline has worn off and I just wanted to slap myself for being such a jerk. I gave Frank his guitar back and apologized while the next band did their intro, "Look I'm sorry about being an asshole, I just like to think I'm funny" I said with a smile.Mikey caught on eventually and laughed. Frank looked at me and just shrugged, "I deserved it, its fine." "So we're okay?" I extended my hand. "Yeah."
We shook hands and he tussled my hair, "You know I really didn't expect that kind of attitude from you, it's kinda funny to see how you handle yourself. Maybe you're more like you're brother than I thought." I tried to hide my discontent with his last comment and just laughed, "Oh god, I hope not. But thanks, I guess." Mikey caught me before I was able to turn back to Alice, "Hey, you and your friend should stop over at Ray's place after the show, we're going to party a bit." Wow, a party on a school night, I'm already rolling with the big dogs "I'll check with Alice, but if you give me your number I can let you know later?" I said, knowing I didn't even have a cell phone. I'm sure Alice does though. He grabbed a marker and wrote his number down on my hand. I saluted them and got back to Alice. She looked over confused and I explained I just wanted to get a little fun in and messed with Frank and included we could "party" after the show if she wanted. She nodded fast. I feel like she feeds off of things like this, being social was fun though, I think I'm starting to understand.

We watched the rest of the bands, including her friends, and it was all just amazing. There was lots of talent in these small punk and not so punk bands. When it was over, it was only 10, but it was still pretty late for a school night. I figured if we did go, I could just chug coffee in the morning. This might be worth it, maybe even Gerard might notice me.
We walked to her car and I caught Mikey on the way there, "Hey I think we might want to come, uh, party!" Alice nodded. Mikey blushed slightly looking at Alice and spoke, "Well here, uhm, does anyone have a GPS on their phone?" Alice brought hers out and gave it to him, he put in the address and told us to meet him there. We waved good bye and watched him drive off. Alice looked at me, "You know as much as I dislike Frank for what he said to you, this could be fun." I nodded and as we got in her car, she looked over, "Have you ever even drank before?" I shrugged only having sips of wine at events. "Not really." Alice asked if I was going to. "I think so, keep a close eye on me though, make sure I don't get too drunk or whatever." I said casually, I wanted to experience new things, I was on some sort of normal buzz. I didn't want to crash yet.
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