Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frozen

Jacket Run

by WeAreTheFallen 1 review

Gerard forces Rain to do some thinking on their jacket run.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-01-25 - Updated: 2013-01-25 - 1335 words

About a week later

Gerard wakes me up. He smiles, offering me a glass of water. I take it from him, sipping slowly as the boy sits down on the floor. Although I still don’t really trust him, he’s done nothing to make me regret bringing him along.

“I don’t really like her either,” Gerard announces, breaking the silence that was slowly filling the room. “Frank acts weird around her.”

Nodding I set the cup on the table beside my bed, “He can do what he wants. Today we’re going out to the shop. I guess he can stay here and take care of the girl.”

Gerard stands up, “I’ll go get ready to leave. Will we need the packs?”

“Um,” I stand up beginning to pull on my jeans and undershirt, “empty the pack except a few water bottles. We’ll need them to put our new gear in.”

As Gerard heads out, Frank comes into the room. He is holding hands with Evangeline. For a while the two watch me braid my hair, bumping into each other and laughing quietly. Glaring over at them I roll my eyes. I don’t understand why they are in here.

“So we’re going to the store today?” Frank eventually questions.

“Gerard and I are going to the store. You’re on babysitting duty. There is no way we can take her out there,” I answer, pulling a few things out of my backpack. “You’ll have to let me know what you need. Evangeline, what size are you?”

“In what?” she asks innocently, fluttering her eyelashes at me.

“Winter gear,” Frank answers before I have time to answer.

“Oh, um, a small,” Evangeline answers before exiting the room.

“Why can’t we take Evangeline out with us?” Frank questions.

I really can’t believe that he doesn’t know. She’s never been out before, she’d put all of us at risk, “For now it’s better if she just stays here Frank. Gerard and I can get this done faster with jut the two of us.”

“She’s not a bad person Rain,” Frank answers.

“I’m not saying she is Frank, but she’s not at all ready for this,” I say before pushing past the dark haired boy and into the hall.

“Are you ready to go Gerard?”

He nods.

“Alright, we’ll be back later. Please don’t leave the building, either of you. If we’re not back by the time the sun is right over head Frank, you can come out and look for us,” I explain as Gerard and I head out into the hallway.

We head out of the apartments the same way we came in. Although it would be much faster to take the car Gerard and I decide against it. If the military does come through it will be much easier to hide ourselves without the bright red Camaro.

“Where exactly is this place from here?”

“We’re heading towards North Face. It’s not that far of a walk from here. Maybe a little over a mile, I believe.”

Gerard nods, adjusting the straps of his backpack. He glances around uneasily and I can’t really say I blame him.

There is an eerie silence that hangs over the city. The once bustling streets are bare, not even the birds stuck around. It’s like one of those ghost towns you learn about history. The remains of people’s lives can be seen hanging on walls of building or floating around in a chilly breeze that seems to always sweep through the empty shell that once used to be the bustling Atlanta.

“Those creatures you were talking about; they won’t be around here will they?” Gerard questions, his golden brown eyes shifting around at every new noise he hears.

I laugh, “No, the city took all the sick people and moved them out into a hospital in the country. They figured that as long as the rich city folk were fine it didn’t matter about us country folk.”

My partner frowns, “Why do you hate the rich people so much? What did they do to you?”

For a few minutes I have to think. In truth I just kind of grew up hearing my parents bitch about how much they disliked the rich people of the city who didn’t have to work for a thing. Now that I think about it, most of the ones I’ve met work just as hard as my parents did and they’re not rude like my mom used to describe.

“Because of people like Evangeline,” I answer. “She bats her eyelashes and chewed on her glossed lip and Frank fell head over heels for her. The rich people are used to getting what they want without having to work for it.”

“That’s stupid.”

I shrug, not feeling like going into further detail. If I could, I’d go back in time and find another parking garage. It’s a little too late now I guess. The blonde has stolen my best friend; there’s no going back.

“Here we are,” I announce a little while later.

As Gerard goes to walk through the front door I shake my head, motioning for him to follow me. Together we head around back and into the door Frank and I busted open the first time through here. I’m not glad we didn’t bust in the glass. With the military coming around they would have known that people go into the store and probably left people to wait for us.

“I’m going to go around and get stuff for Evangeline and myself; if you could get the winter gear for you and Frank. He’s a medium,” I instruct before heading over towards the girls section of the store.

As certain as I am that Evangeline would have probably chosen a colorful jacket for herself, I stick with blacks and whites. They are much easier to hide in. The snow boots are also black, coming up to mid-calf. After looking through the shoes in Evangeline’s apartment I discovered she’s an eight; the same size as me.

The pants are harder; they have number sizes instead of the usual letters. As I flip through them, trying to make a decision, I hear the sound of a car outside. Glancing at Gerard I motion for him to hide behind the rack. The last thing we want is to get caught.

Long after the car has moved on I give the okay to come out of hiding. Now feeling the need to hurry I grab a size 2, hoping that will fit her. Along with the snow pants I grab a few new pairs of yoga pants and some thermal shirts. They’re much warmer than just wearing the water proof pants. Also it’s nice when we actually get to settle in a building for a while to not have to walk around in the outside gear.

Once all the main gear is in our bags, Gerard and I grab some various extras such as hats, gloves, new sock and a few pairs of sun glasses.

“Are we ready?” Gerard questions, standing with the back door open.

Sweeping my eyes over the store one last time I nod. We best be getting back to the apartment building. Frank will probably be worried.

Taking the same path back as we took here, Gerard and I walk silently through the empty streets of the city. We don’t meet or hear a single car the whole way there.

Author: A little bit more interaction between Rain and Gerard. I hope you all enjoy. Remember to R&R. Also if somewhere in the chapter it says something about New York City it should be Atlanta. I live in New York so it probably just slipped in. I edited but you never know.
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