Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're just brothers

I Would Even Wait All Night...

by DigitalGhost 3 reviews

Waycest fanfiction. Where the hell is Mikey?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2013-01-29 - Updated: 2013-01-29 - 669 words

(Gerard's POV)

I paced up and down.
It felt like my heart was in my throat.
I pondered, "Where the fuck is he? What am I going to do..?"
I stopped and brushed the hair from my face. I had to calm down, it wasn't going help anyone if I panicked. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, I opened up a new message, to Mikey. I began typing.
"Where the fuck are you?"
I pressed send.
"I miss you, are you okay? Do you need help...?"
The tears ran down my cheeks and onto the glass of my phone's screen. I pressed the send button again. I felt hopeless, I just wanted to lie down and cry, cry and cry.
I moved into the kitchen, lazily dragging my feet. I collected an upturned cup from the sink and turned on the coffee pot. Blinking back tears, I stared out of the window, gazing at the darkness falling across the streets, the light settling of mist.

The coffee pot clicked, I snapped out of my trance and turned to pour myself a cup full. I exited the kitchen and headed the small set of stairs leading to my bedroom. I stepped down them slowly, I shuffled across the carpet and pushed open my door.
I placed the hot cup of coffee on the side-board and staggered to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth and then stood in front of the mirror... I looked a right fucking state. Tufts of my crimson, red hair stuck out from my head, my eyes had large dark circles under them, no-wonder I was tired.
I pulled of my clothes and grabbed some boxers and a clean t-shirt from the cupboard, throwing them on carelessly.
I switched off the light, collected my coffee, lay back on the bed and pulled the quilt over me. I stayed up all night last night, waiting, hoping Mikey would come home but he didn't.
Was he even going to come back?
I began sobbing in between small sips at my coffee, wishing for him to return.
The front door flew open.
I opened my eyes suddenly and leaped out of bed... I was dazed and tired but managed to slip on some jeans before opening the bedroom door. It was pitch-black upstairs, I switched on the light, un-fazed even from the thought of it being an intruder, I somehow knew it was my brother.
I hurried up the stairs into the main room, Mikey was stumbling across the carpet, he stank of alcohol. He smirked when he noticed me, he staggered over to me, pulling me into a tight hug. Mikey ran his fingers through my hair and gazed into my eyes, he kissed along my jaw, his lips, intoxicated with god knows what...
He held my arms and hugged me again. I felt myself start to tear up, "Thank you... Mikey.... thank you so much for coming back..."

Wow, okay guys, I have quite a bit to say this week.
Firstly, sorry It's late. I hate to be one of those people who don't keep promises but at the moment I have some important priorities. I have two portfolios to present and a media evaluation to hand in to be graded as part of my GCSEs (secondary education exams you have to take in the UK...) and I'm trying to work on those at the moment...
Secondly, with all the shit about Mikey that has been going on lately, I've been trying to avoid parts of the internet more. I'm not going to go into any detail about my views on his 'actions' I just want to say that I really didn't feel like writing this after seeing how horrid people were being to Mikey.
That's all for now, sorry this got long! I'm not going to make any promises about when the next chapter will be up but I'll try and get it up when I can...!
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