Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sex,Spice and Burlesque

Chapter 25

by The-Corpse 4 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2013-02-08 - Updated: 2013-02-09 - 1379 words

Again so sorry that I have kept you guys waiting for so long, hope you guys like it...:(

Chapter 25:
Jennifer's P.O.V. 
 /I felt myself going breathless as he said those four magical words.
       "Will you marry me?"/

I still remember that moment like it had happened yesterday, but what I knew really was two months ago. The days passed by uneventful to say the least, just a lot of wedding plans to do. 
You know the whole fiasco, the invitations, what food we were having, what were we going to wear and yet the best thing ever was that my mother was there my side along with Hozzie. 

Right now we were getting fitted for our dresses, I had asked Hozzie to be my maid of honor knowing that Bob was going to ask Gerard to be his best man. 
I've been super happy since Hozzie told me what had happened that night, when Bob had proposed to me, ever since she has been in dreamland and always sighing at awkward moments and giggling every time his name comes up. She just has this glow around her that would make everyone around her smile, I guess she just found her soulmate.
Charlie came into the room while I was lost in my own thoughts, "I like that one" Charlie said pointing to the white wedding dress I had on at the moment, we were still deciding my dress and the colors of the wedding. 
"I don't know I think I look fat in this one, last one I tried on I couldn't even breath in it" I say with a huff, this had to be number 14 and I still haven't found my ideal dress. 

I step off if the platform  I was standing on and walked over to the dresses. 
"how 'bout this, since Charlie knows how to sow then why doesn't she make your dress?" Hozzie said as she looked at my face which was filled with desperation, when she said this the sales woman gave Hozzie the evil glare, they did make money out of this and this place was pretty empty at the moment.

"Yeah, you know I could always do you the favor. I don't have anything I have to do for the next few days so I could finish it early" Charlie said when she noticed the way the sales woman did. "Perfect" I simply said as I walked back into the dressing room and changing into my normal clothing.

Bob and I didn't want a big wedding nor a small wedding just the people most important in our lives, 'I really did love that guy'
I thought as huge smile came across my face.

Hozzie's P.O.V.

After leaving the store we headed to get something to eat at Wendy's since we were practically starving, at least I was anyway. Have been lot lately actually. With a shrug of the shoulder I forgot all those thoughts in my head as I looked over at the menu, I decided on on a huge Baconator, and even that didn't seem enough for me. After each one of us had order something to eat, we sat down at the far table hidden from everyone. Mostly because ever since the wedding came out the media and fans have been going crazy. Literally.

After having lunch with the girls, I went back to school. I was supposed to be giving a class for the new freshman. It was somewhat a part of the deal for me being here. Part of my scholarship, I guess you should say.
I went into the dressing room, change into tights an old AC/DC t-shirt and a tight purple skirt that came on mid-thigh and black ballet slippers I grabbed a small hand-towel and walked out of the room and down the hall, where I could clearly hear the voices of excitement. Made me remember my first day here. I enter the room with a loud "Good    Morning!" and getting a bunch of 'hey's' and 'good morning's' back.

Two hours later, my feet weren't killing me. But I knew that they were worn down by the tired look on their faces. I only wanted to know which stood out the most and I think at least one girl did. Lizzie Wentz. 

"Okay class, that should be all for tonight, I would like it if Miss Wentz stayed behind" I say as I turn my back to the class as I wrote down the names of the people that needed more practice and the ones who had enough experience to move to the next level in a couple of weeks. 
"Miss, you wanted to see me?" I turn back around when I heard her timid voice. "Yeah and call me Hozzie" I said and Lizzie nodded
"uh, am I in some kind of trouble?" she asked. I loved when I knew what people were feeling and right now she was nervous, very nervous. 

"no Hun I just wanted to ask if you had any classes before?" I said as I sat on the small wooden bench and sitting indian style, facing Lizzie. "Not Really, I just let music speak to me why?" she said with this glow around her and sometimes just by that you could tell that dancing was her whole world, I loved people like that. 
It was silent for a moment, before a thought came across my mind "How would you like to perform tonight?" I said as I saw a huge smile break across her face.


One New Message

Flashed in the screen of my new purple sidekick slide phone. Gerard had bought it for me, when mine broke. The message was from him and it read:

'/Are you busy tonight?' 
Taking a deep breath I put the phone down on the table in front of me. I was backstage at the club with Lizzie. She may be amazing at school but here she was a nervous wreck. Don't worry about it you are going to be fine" I said with as much reassurance as I could possibly give to her. 
I had convinced Tess to let her perform tonight, she owed me a favor anyway. I had Lizzie dressed in a black strapless corset and a black skirt covered in white stars. She was supposed to be singing Diamonds by Rihanna. Now if she got this show perfect than she would possibly become a regular. And this could be her big break. 

I smile at her once again before I went backstage to change into my costume as I was supposed to be singing Lights by Ellie Goulding. 
I don't really know why I felt nervous it wasn't exactly my first time so why did it feel like this was the most important night if my life and that something could go wrong at any second.


Jennifer's P.O.V. 

Tess had given me off for the night, seeing as Hozzie had brought a student with her and I was just as glad to help he out.
Right now I was with the boys at the recording studio.
In the past month they had gotten signed and ready to go on tour in just a week's time. And after they are back, Bob and I would get married. 

I stared across the room at Gerard, just like Hozzie he had this glow around him, but something seemed to be troubling him. He was crazy-glued to that phone, trying to contact Hozzie before just giving up and leaving the room. 

When the others were not paying any attention I stepped out of the room to find Gerard resting on the wall with his eyes closed at the end of the hallway. 
"hey something wrong?" I asked, we didn't really get along but I still worried, I would wish he could just get over the fact that not every dancer was the same and maybe Then Hozzie could tell him the truth.
"I'm fine just worried about Hozzie that's all" he said before staring back into space.

Sorry if this chapter is crappy, kinda been out of my element for a while. I'll try to pick things up in the next chapter
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