Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're just brothers

Well, 'Yippee-Ki-Yay'

by DigitalGhost 2 reviews

Waycest fanfiction. The day seems normal... until...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-02-13 - Updated: 2013-02-14 - 807 words

-Gerard's POV-
I washed the last of the shampoo from my hair and turned off the water. I wiped the water from my eyes and pulled back the shower curtain, reaching for a towel as I exited. I wrapped the towel around my waist and unlocked the bathroom door. I heard the deep echo of Mikey's bass and smiled to myself. I opened a draw in my cabinet, grabbed some boxers and a pair of jeans. I loosened the towel from around my waist and dried my lower half, I slipped on the boxers and proceeded to tug on my jeans (tight fitting of course...), I looped my belt and fastened it around my hips. I sat down on my bed to dry my hair, it had started to curl slightly at the ends when I began running a comb through it. I briefly checked my parting in the mirror, brushing over the misplaced strands of red. I grabbed my deodorant and smeared some into my armpits, then opened another draw, reached for a t-shirt and closed it again. I pulled on the top and sat back down on the bed.
I moved up to lean against the headboard, I just sat there, watching the wall, thinking. I thought about Mikey, I thought long and hard. I have a wife and child, Lyn-Z and Bandit... but... Mikey.... I shook it off, my mind is just confused.
After some time, I finally snapped out of my trance. I stood and walked to the door, picking up a jacket on the way. I turned the handle and climbed the steps in front of the doorway. I turned into the kitchen and found a plate in the cupboard, dropped some bread into the toaster, found a mug and switched on the coffee pot.
I stared at the mountain of dirty plates, bowls, glasses and cups that adorned the sink. I shook my head, shit, I should have washed all that yesterday.... The toast finished and I turned to remove it from the toaster, quickly dropping it onto the plate because of the heat. I opened the fridge and found the butter, spread it onto my toast and waited for the coffee to finish.
When at last the coffee was ready I poured myself a large mug full. I carried my breakfast through to the lounge and sat on the sofa. I nibbled at my toast, but still remained still, just pondering about random crap. Mikey was still strumming away upstairs, he'd obviously remembered his bass after a month or so of not playing. I took a sip of my coffee, a bite of my toast, another sip, another bite.

(Still Gerard's POV)
I was faffing around in the kitchen when I heard Mikey's playing stop, trying to search for some type of food holding device that wasn't 'contaminated'. I wasn't having much luck.
I heard Mikey scuttle down the stairs, it sounded like he was heading to the back of the house, I shrugged and sighed at the mound of washing to be done. I ran the tap, filling the washing up bowl warm water, a dash of soap too. Why couldn't Mikey have a dishwasher?
I scrubbed at what looked like dry pasta, stuck to the inside of a pan. Grrr. I heard Mikey pace back through to the lounge, he switched on the TV.
I started washing quicker so I could join him, wiping down plate after plate.

I worked away until there were just a couple of mugs left. The water swilled around inside them.
I left the draining rack full, (so Mikey could put everything away mwahuahaha...) dried my soapy hands and sauntered into the main room to join Mikey. He was sat watching Die Hard, climbing over the sofa arm, I almost crushed him. He shuffled up, allowing me room, smiling softly. We sat in the now dark room, somewhat mesmerized by John McClane's heroic stunts. I turned my view from the TV screen to Mikey, his eyes flicked over to me momentarily. I looked back to the film, trying not to seem awkward. I was thinking about Mikey again. I came to a conclusion.
Fuck it, I love him.
I looked back to Mikey, he didn't notice, my eyes were switching between views. I turned my head to face my brother, I leaned forwards and pressed a kiss onto Mikey's cheek. He stared at me, I moved closer to him, then onto his lap, my hips pressed up against his. I kissed him again, but harder, on the lips. His mouth opened slightly, I slipped in my tongue, exploring his mouth. Our tongues twirled around each others, he tangled his hand in my hair. I stroked his chest, he breathed heavily into my ear, I pulled back, "I fucking love you..." I whispered.
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